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Posts posted by relidiousenut

  1. She was the "President" of a family company, a position created for her and dispensed with when she left. Do you understand nepotism? How about sycophancy (I'm sure you do)? Ill-gotten gains perhaps?

    In England we call it Chairman, in America they call it President..

    Presedent now that's a big word

    Why does a thai company need both? BTW I have never heard of a US company having a President; could we have an example?

    Just as an example, Ford:

    "Having settled in as head of the second-largest U.S.-based auto manufacturer, Alan Mullaly appears to be asserting his leadership more directly into Ford's (F_) global operations and product development. The company said Thursday that Lewis Booth, head of Ford of Europe and the Premier Automotive Group, and John Parker, head of Ford of Asia Pacific and Africa and Mazda, will now report directly to the new CEO. Previously, they reported to Mark Shulz, the executive vice president and president of international operations, who recently announced that he will retire next year."

    Some moreGary W Cummings President FleetNetAmerica

    Christman President NC(2)

    Mathew Dent President Buffalo Rock Company

    Pepsi Cola also has a president

  2. I am sure certain factions of the invisible hand party are now trying to negotiate that he can return provided his party do not investigate them.

    So quite a good idea of Thaksin to now back off wanting to come back and let those who are guilty of murder and corruption and crimes against a civilian population sweat about what is going to happen next - and not give them the easy negotiation of "you can come back now provided we are left alone".

    Remember, how many military leaders are presently living with an AMNESTY already in place for their past crimes.

    All coup leaders gave themselves AMNESTY.

    They know they cannot argue against the principle of amnesty as they are living today with it.

    It is only the invisible hand that represents division in Thailand, and why only Thaksin and his party that represent the Thai majority.

    Its why the invisible hand can never win an election by their puppets and why they resort to other means to get control. And why Thaksin's party can easily win elections.

    Taksin said no revenge, and I believe him, following in the words of Nelson Mandella

  3. It seems that all of his statements about coming back was to woo those who want him back, whereas his statements about no plan about coming back is to satisfy those who don't want him back. He is saying different things to different groups of people, trying to satisfy each. I think that has been one of Pheu Thai's strategies to get votes - just tell each group what they want to hear.

    Clever Guy, all his strategies seemed to have worked, so he is smart and all those that condemn him are the real idiots, not the Issan, because they won and the moaners lost

  4. Reconciliation can never come as long as Thaksin is pulling the strings and that is the bottom line. Allowing Thaksin to run another puppet government does nothing but move Thailand backwards. I could care less if an actual Thaksin clone won the election but at some point all Thais have to realize that having Thaksin in anyway running the show is bad for all Thais in the long run. If Thaksin cared even one ounce about the Thai people he would have handled his life as fugitive very differently.

    See you can not leave it alone because you are full of prejudice, Hatred begets hatred, They are trying to move forward, but some would rather see the world annihilated if it was not to their own preference, They should stop trying to be God and become a PART of the Human race

    I have read what you have said though many seem to have chosen to ignore it, You are absolutely right, If it does not go their way they want to take their ball and go home so nobody can play, or as you put it would rather see the world annihilated.

    Sad human beings, self self self Everyone else is stupid but not them

  5. Borne in Newcastle. Educated at Eaton and Oxford, no wonder the poor mans confused, No one at Eaton or Oxford would have understood a word he spoke

    You know, I don't like the British either, but no need to cast aspersions just because a man happens to be literate.

    I think the joke is that because he was a Geordie (born in Newcastle) that the accent from that part of the UK would be difficult to understand for others who are not from that area (such as Eton, Oxford etc). This joke would kill in Sunderland (maybe). :-)

    It certainly amuses me that suddenly not being adept at knowing how to plant rice or smile on cue, and being well suited to talking to other heads of state or indeed having one of the best educations in the world is now a negative, and instead we are better off with poorly educated, loud mouth upcountry style MPs (Chalerm, Chavalit type mould) or community leaders (Jatuporn, Natthawut, et al) who almost boast of their lack of quality education and understanding of things like economics or legal frameworks. Or the billionaire who is actually suppsedly one of poor (actually the claiming to be one of the poor bit can be also attributed to Chavalit, but you can't rely too much on what he says, given that his brain and mouth aren't always in the same gear).

    Just because someone has been poor or can pretend some relationship with poor doesn't mean they understand much about how to make the poor less poor or better off long term. Sadly, however, that's what this and every election since 2000 seems to grind down to.

    If being well educated (Aphisit) an intellectual ((Korn) too honest (Purachai) or not having made a fortune out of politics (Chuan) are insults in Thailand, then one needs to look at who slings the insults a little closer before joining the band wagon.

    Sadly for this weekend, it seems like its simply too little, too late for the Dems and the smaller parties, who have been rolled into submission by a very well executed PR and marketing campaign that in 4 weeks has gone from zero to hero, albeit without too much substance, explanations or details along the way, those haven't even been needed! had they played things differently (admittedly the major campaign to destroy and vandalise signage seems focused on number 10) they should have been playing for an overall win in numbers...not a chance to salvage should the BJT decision prove costly for PT.....

    I think the joke is that because he was a Geordie (born in Newcastle) that the accent from that part of the UK would be difficult to understand for others who are not from that area (such as Eton, Oxford etc). This joke would kill in Sunderland (maybe). :-)

    Well at least one person got it But maybe you have to be British to do that.

    But also Newcastle (Geordie land) is in the North East and historically classified as a poor area of the UK, Whilst Eton & Oxford could be classified as Elitist.

    Just a joke But they are not so poor there anymore (well maybe a little) Why?

  6. we all know Thais dont drink alcohol ......... they are never drunk ...behave perfectly in the society and never cause troubles ..... oh are we talking about farang here ? Oooops ...... that is the most stupid things I have seen today so far .... :lol:

    I really thought farang was not part of those elections ....

    We are! As some of us decided to live here - and so we have to follow the Thai laws! And that's good.

    If Thais are following the laws or not - we don't have to care about it because it's not our business!

    I am living and working here in Thailand since a year now.

    What I really can't stand aren't any Thai laws or police checkpoints. No. I am really getting bored of foreign guests (that what we are here) complaining about nearly everything!

    Nobody forced you to come to Thailand, it was your own, free decision! If you don't like Thailand anymore - go back home! It would make life here much better.

    Shut up or go home... heheee, you been in Thailand SINCE a year now, and you just love everyhing, and all the Thai people treat you as they do other Thais, right??


    Not so sure shut up and go home, after all he has been here 1 year already.

    After you have been here 7 years and after you have been cheated, after you can see through those sparkling eyes, after you have been fined 50 time for driving correcetly, after you call out the police because someone done something against you and the police smile and tell you to give them 10.000 bhat, Then you can say we are guest

    Guest are treated with a little respect my friend, wait and see

  7. Quote: “For many of these men, 36 hours without a drink and the company of a rented Asian female represents something unacceptable, terrifying even,” said Noppawan Rangkulan, sociology professor at Thammasat University. “Sobering up means becoming momentarily aware of their graying bodies and emotionally hollow lives. What we think of as an alcohol-free night represents an existential crisis for them.

    Its not only some Farang that are rude and opinionated, it spreads throughout humanity, As you see others so thats how they see you

  8. You miss the point so many times, People (yes they are people) believe that the Taksin camp will actually do something for them, it does not matter to them, if he is corrupt and takes their money through mobile phones, without him they would not have the mobile phone (that is the way they) (the poor) see it.

    Might not have any money on the mobile phone but do at least have a mobile phone.

    Belief is what is going to get Taksin's camp through, people have belief in them, not necessarily believe them but they BELIEVE they care about them.

    For all those poor that had close loved ones die just because they could not afford to see a doctor or go to hospital, Taksin is a saint

    I am not Red so don't accuse me of it, just a bystander.

    Do tell, why should I respect people with blind faith for no factual reasons?

    Religious people are never sane or making rational choices.

    I never posted that you or anybody should respect anyone, try reading it again. Big word Respect and hard to swollow

  9. Army chief General Prayut Chan-ocha has reassured that there will be no military coup after the July 3 election.

    A man you can trust with your wallet......... When statements like this are made before the election, or the result beware. Bob Mugabe said the same in Zimbabwe and we have a rough idea how that went boys and girls. You think the Thai army is not going to interfere? Think again.

    He is correct in saying there will be no coup after this weekends election. He knows there is a constitution in place that is acceptable, so no coup is needed in regard to who ever governs next, and that is what the current time "item" in Thailand is all about...the next few months as a party is elected and commences governance.

    The committement to Pheu Thai to the current constitution then becomes a seperate "item" in time and yes a coup is back on the table as it should be. The only way to keep thieves and murderers in line until they conform is at the point of a gun.

    It's a joke right? your joking yes? (quote) The only way to keep thieves and murderers in line until they conform is at the point of a gun.

    Good idea to have a Military coup in the USA then, the prisons are full of all such vagabonds. Imagine tanks and military walking around New York Vagas, San Francisco, the whole dam_n place

  10. You miss the point so many times, People (yes they are people) believe that the Taksin camp will actually do something for them, it does not matter to them, if he is corrupt and takes their money through mobile phones, without him they would not have the mobile phone (that is the way they) (the poor) see it.

    Might not have any money on the mobile phone but do at least have a mobile phone.

    Belief is what is going to get Taksin’s camp through, people have belief in them, not necessarily believe them but they BELIEVE they care about them.

    For all those poor that had close loved ones die just because they could not afford to see a doctor or go to hospital, Taksin is a saint

    I am not Red so don’t accuse me of it, just a bystander.

  11. The army should be in their barracks unless called out by the government.(maybe they have been?)

    They are clearly trying to brand all red shirts as anti monarchist so they can take action against them.

    It will soon (once the branding is complete) be against the law to support Thaksin or the PTP in any way.


    We live in a third World country where the Military are a separate entity from the populace. In your country and mine, the Military is there to protect the people and to serve the people. You probably wouldn’t have it any other way.

    The Military comes under the War office, the War office is a Government department. The Government was elected by a majority vote by democratic means. It could never be that the Military could or would interfere with voting. The people of your country or mine would not accept it, would you not give the Thai people the same respect?

    War does not determine who is right It determines who is left

  12. No reason to disappear, I like yourself do not care one way or the other, I except the posters explanation, it was just reading to me that all Farang living North are Taksin supporters, not at all, most as I said are neutral

    From where in my comments did you get any connection with the north? I simply wondered whether the poster who was predicting a massive landslide for the PTP might be living in red heartland. Pockets of red heartland dotted all over the place. Concentrated in the North and North East, but not exclusive to these areas. Anyway, the poster in question has yet to reply.

    As have you to my question of what you feel the outcome will be. Do you go along with the landslide idea?

    I do not know what the outcome will be, I try to stay out of politics, I have my own opinions but that is all, I can not predict one way or the other. All I can say is that whoever wins, I wish for a peaceful Thailand with no political mayhem like we have seen for a long time

  13. The army is not trained to deal with civilians troubles but the police are. If the truth ever gets out it will take many years. (Bloody Sunday Northern Ireland is a prime example of highly trained professional soldiers trying to control a crowd)

    There have been a lot of mistakes made on both sides and each pointing the finger but for each finger you point three look back at you. I hope that after the elections Mrs Changers and myself can go about our business in our usual happy way but I have reservations.

    The Thai police aren't trained to deal with violent mobs.

    Look at the mess they made of the yellow shirt protests, and during the red shirt protests they let the red shirts do what ever they wanted.

    Maybe the Thai police is untrained but untrained police are better than murderous soldiers. Never mind, we see in Argentina and Chili that the pardons that military people give themselves are eventually repealed and they spend their old days behind bars. Moreover Prayuth and Anupong has ordered to use live ammunition on protestors, that is precisely the reason why their is an international arrest warrant against Khadaffi and soon against the Syrian leadership. The army strongmen are in line for a big surprise. Do not be surprised that when they are on holiday in England, Spain or another country that they will arrested because there is a complaint filed by a citizen.

    How are murderous police better than murderous soldiers?

    He said untrained police not murderous police

    We live in a third World country where the Military are a separate entity from the populace. In your country and mine, the Military is there to protect the people and to serve the people. You probably wouldnt have it any other way.

    The Military comes under the War office, the War office is a Government department. The Government was elected by a majority vote by democratic means. It could never be that the Military could or would interfere with voting. The people of your country or mine would not accept it, would you not give the Thai people the same respect?

    War does not determine who is right It determines who is left

  14. If you have done your own survey in Bangkok, please publish the results, so that it can be compared to the other survey polls

    Living in Northern Thailand does not classify one as being Red,

    But those that live in the North can listen to the voice of the ordinary (not terrorist) people, who seem to support Taksin. You can not class them as terrorist just because they do not think your way

    Most Farang up here are quite neutral, even though they hear the voice of the locals.

    Are all Farang living in Bangkok or Pataya, sex maniacs? I think not

    Only one poll actually counts, and it happens on Sunday. We will know then how close it is or not. But i suspect that if it is closer than you like, you will have disappeared already. lol Me, I don't care either way, I just hope Chuwit wins himself a seat!

    No reason to disappear, I like yourself do not care one way or the other, I except the posters explanation, it was just reading to me that all Farang living North are Taksin supporters, not at all, most as I said are neutral

  15. The article was fair and unbiased, I think so many miss the point, Biased is what decides how people vote, not reasoning. It is bigotry to say they are all wrong we are all right,

    Arrogance and Bigotry, The article points out that all participating parties are far from squeaky clean, those that can not see it are indeed dinosaurs, small brain big action and eventually extinct so that the rest can move on. Sad so Sad

    "....fair and unbiased...." Think you need to do some further research.

    Research is for academics, research is studying reports, taking on board opinion you agree with and dismissing opinion you don't agree with,

    If you want knowledge and not belief, you have to have the experience yourself, so unless you were in many places at the same time and witnessing for yourself, then you only have belief and not knowledge

    Belief is subject to change, knowledge can not be changed.

    The article was unbiased, that means not taking side.

    So, by that reckoning, The Sacking of Rome didn't happen, because you were not there, The Battle of Hastings didn't happen, because you were not there, The Attack on Pearl Harbour didn't happen, because you were not there and anything written about them or other events is pure nonsense because you didn't write it.

    And knowledge can be changed, even more so in this day and age when almost everything that could be newsworthy is recorded and distributed. Now, history is not necessarily written by the winners.

    That article is so biased just for it's very nature of trying to make one man who was trying to control an out of control situation, with another who was directly responsible for ordering the deaths of thousands of people, sound the same.

    (BTW, a man did walk on the moon, despite the fact that you were not there)

    Knowledge belongs to the individual, Not so much what he/she saw/heard but how he/she interoperates it, Two children writing an essay on a day at the zoo will each write a different story, to each of them it is their own experience, to them knowledge but to one reading the essay it can only be belief. Which story do you believe?

    All records written throughout history, have been written by some person much the same as reading a newspaper report today, written by a reporter you agree with or not agree with

    People reading it today can agree or call it rubbish, but in 500 years from now, they will take it as history because it was written of the time.

    Nearly all Sciences throughout history have been subject to change (the World is flat, No it is round) At the time you can not call it knowledge, it was belief and has changed, the belief changes but knowledge can not change. Knowledge belongs to the Individual

  16. I feel this way too. I think some of the poll results have led certain people to rush to hasty conclusions. Let's not forget that even supposing that the polls are accurate, an awful lot of people in them remain undecided.

    The one and only thing i think we can be certain of, it will be close. These people predicting landslides i think have let their emotions carry them away.

    Utter nonsense PheuThai are going to win with a huge majority as everyone knows. Speak to me on Monday if I am wrong.

    As i said, some people seem to have got carried away with their emotions. My guess is these are the people living in certain heartlands, where all they hear day after day is of a united love for one person or one party. Perhaps living in a bubble such as this it is hard to comprehend the feeling of the nation as a whole. Whilst based in Bangkok, i travel round quite a bit, and generally find a fairly even three-way split between the Dem supporters, the PTP supporters and the undecided slash bored with all this crap group, and that is how i think the election will play out.

    Landofthefree, do you live in red heartland?

    If you have done your own survey in Bangkok, please publish the results, so that it can be compared to the other survey polls

    Living in Northern Thailand does not classify one as being Red,

    But those that live in the North can listen to the voice of the ordinary (not terrorist) people, who seem to support Taksin. You can not class them as terrorist just because they do not think your way

    Most Farang up here are quite neutral, even though they hear the voice of the locals.

    Are all Farang living in Bangkok or Pataya, sex maniacs? I think not

  17. Shame that the reporter did not mention how the PAD brought THE COUNTRY to a standstill with it's occupation of the airport. Thailand tourism is still suffering today due to this.

    Shame on this poser who doesn't know what they are talking about. In fact visitors numbers are steady and climbing for a little while longer. Its the mass rioting and violence that will affect the tourism sector. Which sadly is going to happen in just a matter of days. One thing for sure even in the USA where protesting is more less a citizen's right if the people of america behaved like Taskins red's and Pad (to be fair) one, the police would shut it down and Thaskin would be in the gray bar hotel for inciting violence.


    30,000 people turn up at an airport dressed in Yellow shirts, take over the airport no flights in or out. You are a tourist at the airport with your wife and family, for sure everyone is going to be terrified. The airport incident was the devistation of Thai tourism, and no don't kid yourself or anyone else. it has not picked up again, Terror at the Airport for Tourist

  18. Well if it's what the people want, let them have it. It's their country, so they know best. And when they cry we shan't listen.

    Why should you listen? Days of western superiority and imperialism are gone. It's none of our business.

    Isolationist claptrap.

    It's not about imperialism, but about basic humanity.

    Basic humanity = total equality

  19. "......... his son was arrested and detained for alleged trespassing and disturbance in front of Udon Thani provincial hall, which was allegedly burnt down by red shirts."

    Hmmm. As it was burnt down, I assume the second allegedly refers to whether it was done by the red shirts. Are there any other candidates? Silly me, probably the army in plain clothes, to make the red shirts look bad.

    "........ the Army visitors were to "meet with people and study their socio-psychological state"." Psy-war and brainwashing are legitimate fields of interest for the RTA. It interests me that those who are members of an organisation that has committed criminal acts believe that this stigma should not be attached to themselves or the organisation. Also, that punishment should not be incurred for committing those acts. I wonder if anyone in the village is brave enough to ask him "If your son burnt down the town hall, why shouldn't he be in gaol?"

    " She says red shirts merely want to make sure the palace and politics are kept apart." She seems a little confused on the role of the head of state in a constitutional monarchy. Then again, all the red shirts views on democracy are Thaksinistic, and far from those living in "real" democracy.

    "............... Kamsaen says with a laugh, "it means that people in this country are stupid."" Actually, just one part of the country. (Yes, I admit, taken out of context, but it was just too accurate to resist!)

    Can you imagine being on the receiving end? I think not.

    To live in a country where the army over run everything, Not the Police but the Army, you support that?

    Where do you come from? China? Argentina? Columbia? Old Soviet Union?


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