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Posts posted by Morse

  1. it would indeed be a cheaper deal however, i have put this issue in my head and honestly am a little frightened if i would be jailed for anything. call my crazy but that's how i feel.

    I would pay an agency i have in my mind 20k. as long as they can guarantee actual data. I have the Thai visa guys who offered me 2500 thb but they cannot show me prove. i would have to take their word for it. that doesn't work for me.

    i was more wondering if there are people with similar issues of bankruptcy and what the effect this can have travelling abroad as a free person.


  2. hi All,

    i have a question i would like to have some opinions on.

    Early 2010, i had to close my company in Belgium. We were in global forwarding and i had lost too many of my clients in a few months time. losses that gave me cash flow issues what was disastrous for my company. i had only outstanding towards the bank and one supplier.

    I had one branch office in Bangkok and one branch office in Hong Kong.

    i had reformed those companies to a corporation but late 2013 i had also no other option than to file for bankruptcy in Hong Kong and voluntary winding up in Thailand. In Hong Kong the outstanding bills were too high to voluntary close it. In Thailand i had no outstanding bills and i had contact an accountant to handle the procedure for me.

    I was lucky to find a job in Singapore where i have been working for 2 years now. The company i am working for is in financial troubles and i have an accrued salary of 4 months.

    I have now a contract at my desk that i can sign and i would be employed in Thailand for indefinite time.

    My problems are that:

    - i did not show up on the hearing of my bankruptcy in Belgium. I simply could no longer afford the lawyer and all communication towards me stopped. The procedures for bankruptcy are closed now since 6 months ago and i have no way of finding out the result unless i pay a lawyer to do so.

    not showing up on a hearing may result in having an arrest or warrant behind my name. It is considered a criminal offence but it is not a rule. The judge can just fine a person for not showing up. Almost certain is that it would be mentioned on my record. Fine or not, the arrest or violation is always mentioned.

    - the bankruptcy in hong kong is still ongoing

    - the voluntary winding up procedure has been handled by an accountant who handled also our other affairs. However, he has never responded to me ever since i paid him the agreed payment of 47500 thb for the closure. so i am not sure if this has been done properly or not.

    with these 3 issues hanging above my head, possible warrant in Belgium for not showing up on a hearing and negative record, ongoing bankruptcy in Hong Kong and maybe issues with the company closure ( not filing of statements and so on), would i be on a watchlist or blacklist ? i had left thailand 2 years ago with no issues.

    Never had any issues with Thai police or government and was mostly on a FIFO base anyway.

    I would like to accept this job as it would allow me to generate savings to start with clearing my affairs in Belgium to start.

    I have not really intentions of going back to Europe as let's face it, it is not much better than Asia. And my family is also with me. It is too expensive for me to pay those flights at this moment.

    I have contacted agencies that can screen my status on watch list and blacklist and police records, but i have still not agreed to any particular agency. Prices vary from 65000 to 2500 thb and that really does not give me confidence of receiving the correct information.

    Should anyone have had similar experience, and with increased security checks and other actions at immigration, what would your advice be. A lawyer is at this stage not a solution as those cost some money for which i do not have the budget. And booking a ticket going from Singapore to Thailand just to find out that i cannot enter is also a waste of money.



  3. ok can any one from sunbelt explain more?its crazy to start a thread and not explain all. we all now dont know?i dont have any dergrees, but run business for 20years and planning to open business here in LOS but i getting more and more fed up with all this crackdown on this and that, what a f x ck going on?

    well I am glad that i am not the only one thinking like this. To me it is just a way to create stress on nonsens. The real message is :" to get your WP you must go to Sunbelt as the Labor Department told us in person how it all has to go from now on, and..... only to us he".

    My advice, is that if you are applying for a job and you are qualified for it, than you can prove it and that doesn't change a thing. Indeed, when there is no qualification needed than there is no need to show. The PDF file that was given by one of the members is indeed most of the time the document to fill up. And with a little talk and a smile, a lot can still be obtained. That is at least my experience in the 15 years i am here.

    Thailand is as good or bad as you make it yourself. We should get ridd of the idea that here in Thailand everything is possible as that is not also possible in your own country. The good people have to pay for the bad. One should attack those bad and bad only

  4. Well to me scaring the people of like this is a nice marketing way. It all depends a lot on the location where you are applying for your WP. I never had any problems and do not expect any problems.

    If you want to know how it works, you must go there and find out by yourself. Just confront them. And yes sometimes you must pay but that is the way things are done here.

    Same like when you want to marry in Thailand. I was advised by a legal firm in Bangkok that this is a huge procedure and very complicated and expensive and very this and very that.

    I have done it myself and you know what ? It took me a 2 hours in Thailand and 30 minutes in my home country. Price of the procedure ? 250 bht. and in my home country 17.5 euro.

    It all depends on where you go to apply for your documents. In Bangkok they are difficult because they just scare of the foreigners to get indeed pocket money. Have it done somewhere else outside Bangkok but go there yourself.

    I am very sure that this new requirements are not even known by half of them. The guy that is doing my papers, always needs a manual beside him.

    And another thing, when i was employing people at the time in Europe, you always had to give a copy of your degree and references and so on. What is the difference here ? Maybe because in the past too many applicants

    have applied for something they were actually not qualified for. Some even had assistance of school principals to make false documents. Do you think that this would work in your home country ?

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