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Posts posted by btsfreak

  1. We have an outbreak of tests, not of the virusl. If the sample taken consists of 5 million influenza viruses and 3 single SARS-Cov2 viruses, you are a Covid-case. 
    Those tests DO NOT say if anyone is infected or transmits the virus. It also doesnt say if the majority of the virus types in the sample is SARS-Cov2.
    Rhino, Influenza, Corona, Noro-viruses are in whole or as DNA particles in most people, esp in the winter season. As long as you dont test anyone, it most probably will go unnoticed. 
    If you would test every single person in Thailand, you will get 1 million +  "cases". 
    The only reason why Thailand was "lucky" is, that no tests were done in large scale on healthy individuals. That is very easily statistical provable since every single country that did not do mass tests on healthy individuals did fare pretty well during this "pandemic" (Japan, Taiwan, Laos, Vietnam, most African countries) and also did not have an out-of-the-norm excess mortality.

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  2. Hi!

    We grow and sell organic lemons (we are an IFOAM, USDA and EU certified organic farm that really means it). Our pricing is definitely competitive to Makro and the like. So our peel can be used for baking and cooking as well without worries.

    Please check Dinnagan Website for more info or call:


    Maybe not worth it if you want a single fruit but if you are interested in a kilo or more... 

  3. I personally would prefer an intelligent approach to the topic. Neither "BAN THEM ALL" nor "ALLOW EVERY FORM OF IT". I would think, limiting the amount of condos to one per person would be a good start, since I feel it is those "I manage 40 units" operators who really make an impact. Because the truth is, managing one single unit for 1000Baht per day doesnt really make sense for the owner. Then make it mandatory to register if you do airbnb, pay tax and insurance, pay some extra fee to the condo, maybe even forbid one night stays on Airbnb. Make rules that favor the single apartment owner and not the rich owner of 20 units. Then see how many will be left. 
    As for me, I am happy to stay in Airbnb places and I agree that competition is healthy. But it should be balanced competition. 

  4. The problem is (and thats what the government knows I assume) is that the daily rental business is the only thing that keeps the real estate party going. If the ban would be enforced, we suddenly would have 30% of the whole condo supply of Thailand up for sale. And those condo owners who are advocating a ban would lose 30% of their investment as well because prices would freefall. I am not saying that things are right as they are, but I would assume the better solution would be a regulated one as we have in other countries (renters cannot administer big amounts of units, they have to be registered and taxed properly, etc.). But well... that would need the absence of corruption...

    • Like 2
  5. Personally, I dont trust Royal project too much. Have seen what they do in their gardens... Plus they put a lot of pricing preasure on small farmers who do not have access to them since they subsidize prices with tax money and dont care if it is profitable or not. That is why their prices are unbeatable.

  6. Hi,

    there is a new organic shop opening in Chiangmai on 12th of March 2016: Organic Box. It is located in the JingJai (JJ) Market compound.

    It is not big but supposedly planning to have a big selection of organic (only!) produce.

    Products include IFOAM organic certified produce. All produce is regularly spot tested for pesticides (lab) and nitrate fertilizers.

    Check it out - Organic Box Chiangmai

  7. Do not use ICO.

    We have waited 4 months for some work promised, nothing happened and the things that were done caused more harm than helped.

    I always felt they do not have a clue what they are doing.

    After 4 months we complained about the sloppy way they do the communications and we got immediatley shoved out of the office with the note that ICO does not want to continue in our case (I guess finally they realised they were not able to).

    Stay away.

  8. I realize that this is not the USA. I'm normally pretty conservative but 300 hundred baht per day is barely a livable wage. The minimum wage in the USA varies from state to state with the lowest being $7.20 per hour and the highest being $12.50 per hour. Note that this is per HOUR and not a day. Some food prices in the USA are cheaper than here and some are more expensive. Many US made products are cheaper than similar Thai made products. Many Thai companies make obscene profits at the expense of poorly paid workers. It is past time for Thailand to raise the standard of living for the workers.

    The farmers have been cheated for many years by the wealthy middlemen. You may or may not know that the middlemen rarely or never pay the support price for farm products. They usually use the excuse that their quota is filled and that they don't need any more product unless the farmers accept a lower price.

    The gap between the haves and have nots definitely needs to be narrowed. This is a first step to narrowing the HUGE gap.

    History will show you that the way you narrow the gap is by bringing the wealthy down to the level of the poor. Too often people think this works the other way.

    That is not to say I don't agree we should do it. There are many social benefits, including a much more stable society, less envy and animosity between the citizens, etc. The way I would recommend to fix the wealth gap is by abandoning capitalism and embracing distributism. Heavily tax every industry above the minimum size necessary to function. All department stores, grocery stores, 7-11 etc. will go away. The country can get by on mom and pop shops and local community supported establishments. We don't need the labor efficiencies of large corporations. We need full employment more egalitarian options.

    The purpose of this is not to make everyone rich and wealthy. Human nature doesn't allow for that, especially not now with soaring energy prices. But a nation built on distributist philosophies would allow resiliency in the face of the coming energy decline and industrial collapse. It would reduce the discontent in the population and be more peaceful in general. And by outlawing corporations and multinationals associated with terminal stages of capitalism, there would be little concentration of wealth in the hands of extremely rich merchants.

    No, its not ideal, but it is possible. The existing proposals that I see, the ones with an idea of forcing structures that are designed to concentrate wealth to distribute wealth instead, are doomed to failure. Any effect will be transient if it can be seen at all.

    It would work, if first priority of the people would not be consumer goods, but strive for happiness not through consuming. Do you see that anywhere in Thailand? Do you see that anwhere in the world? Well, that is why it is not happening.

  9. Large high tech cooperations producing for export might not suffer immediate death from the hikes but prices for local produced goods of companies will go up for sure. And those tile makers, cement factories, chemical companies will add it to the prices, so you can expect that your cement sack, color tin and floor tile will go up in price at least 50%.

    It is always like that in any country, look at VIetnam, the inflation is choking them to death.

    So at the end, the workers will practically have the same buyin power as before (well, not really, since rice prices will be subsidized, at least until the gov runs out of money).

    What can you do? Buy gold (real, not certificates), get a stable income (good job or pension).

    I would not advise to buy stocks (and if, only big corporations of basic necessities (food), as Nestle or Coke).

    Do not herd foreign cash, you migh tbe suprised what will happen on the global finance market within the next two years. Being from Europe, I know whats brewin...

  10. I read an interview in the Bangkok Post with the ecomonic advisor from Pueh Thai a couple of days before the election. The tablet PC was his idea and he spoke of costs of 2000Baht per piece. Now basically, a "Tablet PC" for 2000Baht will more or less be a gaming device without any real functionality. But this is what the kids want. Gaming obsession is an immense and absolutely untackled problem in Thai society (similar in European ones, I admit).

    The result will just be that you will see half of the Thai children in the streets gazing and diddling on tablet PCs in busses, malls and the streets. A device for that price cannot have enough functionality AND quality for an educational instrument.

    Everyone gets what he asks for...

  11. There are many facts people dont know. For examply that around 2 months before Thaksin got kicked out of Thailand, the Thai Treasury Bank told Thaksin that with his policy of distributing money to the poor the country would be bankrupt in less than 6 months. There were other issues and this was one of the real reason why this guy had to be kicked out. The country was shortly before collapsing.

    I do agree that people should get what they want. And this has to be like that, people have to suffer in order to learn, this is a law of nature. So they will have to experience and reap the results, hopefully, in many years they will know better (sittin at home with a 2000Baht tablet PC fabricated from a joint vernture of Thaksins family). Money does have to come from somewhere and the economy will collaps again (esp. with the global finance collaps ahead). The only thing is that there will be one guy who will get much richer for sure.

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