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Posts posted by aussieinthailand

  1. On 4/12/2017 at 1:08 PM, HooHaa said:

    but it never occured to him to address her directly politely and explain to her the error of her ways?


    it would have taken me exactly words to solve the issue.

    "move your feet"

    No'p your wrong, he did address here and she did move her stinking feet for a moment and then put them back up on the head rest like the ignorant fool she is. this guy is entirely in the right, but if it was me I would have talked to the driver and asked for her to be warned to keep her filthy feet on the floor or be put off the bus, simple as that...

  2. 20 hours ago, inzman said:

    Just proof how corrupt the U.K. Is allowing him in! Try to bring your Thai spouse, hell no!

    Same go's for Australia, several thousand dollars and if/when we say no chance sunshine and no refunds, what a pack of thieving Ba****ds, but if you and your daddy's got plenty of cash well suspected murderers are just fine...

    Only one way to make that change, do some thing about it instead of pissing and moaning about it.

  3. Young man standing up for himself and others, military says you know who I am? you don't want to pay me? young man now dead. Not the first murder by military and won't be the last.

    And some here still think the military junta running a country is just fine. Will the soldier be protected or will he be offered up as a sacrificial lamb by the military in a desperate claim of legitimacy?

  4. 15 hours ago, bangrak said:

    Thank you for your wishes, and for the reaction you felt more qualified to write.

    Let me contradict you by grabbing a chance to tell you that the 'national heathcare' was conceived by the ...'Dems' lead by Chuan Leepkai, who was by the way the mentor of Thaksin, a firy  'Dem' at the time, like his father and one of his uncles who were 'Dem' MPs. The plan, not an easy one to elaborate you will admit, came to fruition during Chuan's second tenure as PM, and was ready to be implemented, by the 'Dems', by 2001, but it is a new political party created by the Shins with Thaksin as N°1 on the list, which 'won' the election, and he was, indeed, the one who made a reality from the ready-for-use national healthcare program he had 'elegantly'(?) 'recuperated'. The truth is nor white nor black, but in shades of grey...?

    You write about so many farmers who were all 'paid'(!?) in your family, your village, other villages, other regions. I wrote about a rice scam said to have been created to help the small, poor farmers, while it did not, could not, as their production was deemed too small for them to be granted access to the pledging scheme. No doubt the rice they might have had in excess of their own consumption found its way to the millers, but not in their name, via middlemen and such vultures, taking away a thick slice of the cake and all the cream. Did all those poor(?) farmers you know about get the official pledged price, or were they 'paid' a much lower price, by the middlemen? And had all the costs(!) not risen to a point very little, when any, profit was left for them to survive on?


    Let me retort.   The National Health care was in fact implemented by yu'p that's right THAKSIN, it well may have been the brain child of another person but hey until it is policy put in place then sorry mate it is nothing...

    So yet again, name one policy that the Dem's/Mark/junta have put in place that has had the same far reaching positive affect on the majority of the people than that one single policy? Again good luck with that....!

    And in answer to your question regarding the "poor rice farmers" I know get paid at the pledged rice price? YU'P they did...!

    Question regarding the OP, do you think it good for a junta craving legitimacy yet completely void of it block a book launch in the ridicules guise of we don't want people to get confused clap-trap?  

  5. 3 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Khun Prayuth is doing a good job.  :jap:

    I prefer the Junta in power than any of those other clowns.

    Yu'p he's doing a bang up job huh,  Oh but let's not talk about cutting health or cutting education, or that pesky human rights abuses thingy ok, oh I almost forgot the budget is knackered, low rice prices rubber price, palm oil price, taxes up again this year, freedom of speech, military courts for civilians, him and his family are untouchable and can not be independently investigated, the list goes on.

    The happiness index numbers have gone down, try reading post #5  instead of blindly following the junta because you don't like the other choices/clowns.


  6. 3 hours ago, jonclark said:

    I think what the NCPO is doing here is actually very sympathetic to the plight of a large section of society.


    Given that reading a book is a very foreign or wholly uncommon practise here. The NCPO is preventing any confusion about what to do with a book. By simply banning em. Thus the public will not be confused by the continual appearence of new ones.


    Thanks be to our great and wise masters. Who know better than we do what is best for us all.



    "Given that reading a book is a very foreign or wholly uncommon practice here."   Sorry mate but even my poor rice farming sister in-law reads books.  If your inaccurate belief were in fact true then why so many book stores???

  7. 9 hours ago, bangrak said:

    What a waste of trees to print over 434 (four-hunderd-thirty-four!) pages such a North Korean glorifying fable about 'the great leader''s (via his puppet/clone-sister's) fabuloulsly successfull(y ruinous) rice scam (Nr.2)!

    'The writers said the book is about the benefits the farmers gained from the Yingluck Shinawatra government's rice subsidy scheme': when it would be 'news', this would be the perfect example of fake news!

    This is really scandalous, as the 'grassroots', the small, poor farmers got nothing, zilch, nada from the rice schemes(scams), but prices for seeds, fertilizer, pesticides higher than ever before, higher interest rates for loans, etc. (guess who collected most of the extra money generated by it: the 'friends of'...), ...that while the production of their rice culture was deemed too small for them to even participate to the (in)glorious scheme! Yes, red apologists, they probably would still follow the Shins' orders in an election, voting personally (under the watchfull eyes of ...), or 'renting-out' their ID-cards for a few days...

    In fact, it would also be interesting to know who has been financing the printing and distribution of this masterwork of misleading propaganda...

    The 'book' coming out now hasn't of course any link with the court hearings of Yingluck and the associated scammers being, at last, nearing their end, for sure, ...nor aiming to create any pressure on the ones to issue a sentence about the scam, ...and of course could never be associated with the intent to stir up tensions in the 'red territories' in case of a negative outcome for the scammers...

    To conclude: the writers (as the inspirers(!), and sponsors(!)?) of the book cannot be accused of hypocrisy when they say it has been written 'about' the farmers, and not 'for' the farmers, as who could expect poor and, alas, little educated farmers to spend their short nights of rest to attempt(!) reading such a 434 pages logorrhea, even when they would get the book for free!

    Why and for whom was this book written...? 

    So you are qualified to comment on the book as you have read it and fully researched the facts yes?  

    "the small, poor farmers got nothing, zilch, nada from the rice schemes(scams)."  So just how many "poor rice farmers do you know that got nothing zilch nada"? Because my wife's sister and extended family were paid, everyone in this village and the surrounding villages were paid, and also our friends in several other provinces were paid, Seems your little dive into the delusional/deceitful/deceptive red-shirt basing shin hating clap-trap propaganda just didn't quite pay off huh? 

    Then you let go of the predictable "red terrorist" accusation, followed by the "little educated farmers" line.

    Are there poor little educated farmers? Yes, are there educated farmers? Yes, Are there multilingual farmers? Yes, are there very successful and educated farmers? Yes.

    And most of them prefer the Shinz rather than Suthep/Mark/junta each of them born into money and wouldn't know their ass from their elbow in relation to rice farming.

    So the so-called buying votes bull dust get's thrown out there. You know there is a reason why the Shinz get the votes,,, Because they put policies in that benefit the majority of the people not just the few, eg; national health care.

    So if you could (no chance what so ever) Name just one policy that Mark/Dems/junta have put in that has had the same positive impact on the people as the national health care...! Good luck with that...

  8. 14 hours ago, halloween said:

    FYI I served my 2 years in the Australian Army, and there was very little pleasure involved. As far as I know, RTA conscripts swear allegiance to King and country, rather than some "elite". OTOH the only 'private army" I know of swear allegiance to a wealthy criminal, and his money.

    If you are not aware, katoeys are exempted from military conscription - the comment had nothing to do with women.

    BTW I know of some "sons of the elite" who were conscripted, Chalerm's murderous sprogs, who somehow were appointed as officers.

    So in your own words you served 2 years in army and "there was very little pleasure in it"  So then how if you were to be honest do you think these guy's will be treated in a military that they have a history with and have been victims of  violence in the past while they were privet citizens?  Again I give you the name Desmond Doss...!  How was he treated? Yet he proved to be a hero of the highest order...

    These two will be singled out for very special treatment at the whim of people in power with an axe to grind and power trip of domination with a dash of do you know who I am?

    As far as your attempted explanation of your comment regarding wearing a dress and now oh I mean katoeys,   WEAK at best.


  9. 2 hours ago, halloween said:

    5555555. Love it. The poor little fella with the attitude problem doesn't want to be conscripted. Perhaps he should buy a dress.

    No surprises with a comment like that.

    I see no "attitude problem"  but I do see young men standing up to the military for what they believe in. 

    So it seems you a foreigner support a military coup, forced military abductions ( invitations) for re-education (attitude adjustment)

    Military courts for civilians,  Gaoling of protesters of the coup/military, denial of freedom of speech,  Human rights abuses, 

    Junta nepotism (brother/son/nephew/wife can do as they please at the cost to the nation with out independent investigation, etc.

    These people are conscientious objectors knowing full well the treatment they will get if conscripted.  eg; Desmond Doss.

    Yet you the foreigner  do not have to face this treatment and ridicule those that do face it, I know what that is called in another country...!

    Thailand is not at war.

    BTW your derogatory comment "Perhaps he should buy a dress."   Reckon there are a hell of a lot of acting and ex military out there that just happen to wear a dress.   You familiar with the term misogynous?    

    Class act.


  10. Kill nine innocent people in a mini bus but you have a special family name are hi-so and money, you walk free.

    Old hungry and poor and pick mushrooms 15 years gaol.

    son of red bull and kill a cop, walk free until stat of limitations are up.

    Sit on a train to visit Hua Hin and call for transparent investigations of junta park statues, gaol. (red shirt).

    Order use of live rounds on protesters, walk free, Suthep.

    Click like of FB gaol,,,,,   but only if the junta don't like it.

    Remove elected government and break international human rights laws and military courts for civilians, walk free.

    Be the wife of a falang and not pay tea money gaol for a very very long time.

    And some here still will not see corruption that is in front of them...

    Husband needs to be very careful what he say's publicly as he just may find himself in s***t load of trouble in LOS...


  11. 17 hours ago, scorecard said:



    ... limitations was past, making collection impossible.


    Check the facts, that's not exactly / totally what was said, another opportunistic poster?


    So did the revenue department say there was no taxes payable? did the court rule no tax payable? 

    So who is saying taxes are payable? that would be the AG and those that have an agenda. 

  12. 12 hours ago, halloween said:

    One hour before this you wrote " Well if any of them can produce proof irrefutable that a crime has been committed, then cool let justice be done,   "

    Do you have any irrefutable proof of junta crimes committed? How does that compare with your bad case of Shinawatra sycophancy?

    Duh,,,   hello,,,   The coup was a crime under then existing Thai law then they gave themselves amnesty for past present and future, so yeah man "PROOF IRREFUTABLE"....!  How does that compare with your junta sycophancy?

    And then you have the junta sanctioned abductions which after sanitizing they called invitations to "attitude adjustment" or what the Viet cong called re-education camps.   But hey you know all this but still refuse to call a duck a duck

    And that is why the headline, The world scorns Thai lies on rights democracy.......!

  13. 8 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Your skipping a few things.. the protest and killings started before the voting. Innocent protesters and children killed by the redshirts.


    In 2010 there were blackshirts who have now been proven in court to be red shirts.. who are under control by the shins.. have any of the shins gone to jail for the deaths of the protesters ? Same as the generals. 

    You haven't answered a single question I asked regarding Suthep...

    Who gave orders to the military to use live rounds on protesters? Who was PM at the time? That would be Mark.

    Did some of Suthep supporters block poling centers and some bashed people for trying to vote?

    Should any of them have amnesty for any crimes ? Should the current junta have amnesty for any crimes?


  14. 5 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Your saying that Suthep put the people on the street to get tensions.. but those tensions would never be there without the killings... do you understand what i mean. 


    Whatever Suthep has said.. is not per se the truth.. but jail him for being at the center and then jail YL for being from the PTP and controller of the red shirts. 


    FACT...    Did Suthep call on people to protest?  YES.  

    Did he say there will be no election and called for voting polls to be locked and blocked and to stop people from voting?  YES.

    Did Suthep publicly call on people for the taking of YL and her MP's and say they should move their families s it could be dangerous? YES.  So for me NO amnesty for the powerful that gave orders.

    Name one military officer or politician that has been gaoled for the 2010 murder of protesters???


  15. 14 minutes ago, robblok said:

    so funny blame the protesters for getting killed by the redshirts I am not going to talk with anyone who thinks like that.


    For corruption the amnesty should never apply.. so should be revoked. 

    Is it a fact that people from both side used violence??? it was in no way just one sided......! 

    So yes those that used violence should be gaoled simple...

    People on both sides were killed and those that did this should be gaoled and those that gave the orders also gaoled...!!!

    I do think there were people/protesters used by powerful people that blocked voters and bashed them when they tried to get past them to vote, there's many video's and photo's out there of this happening on a large scale and who was the man at the head of the protesters bloking voters and bashing them? Suthep, and who was he working with?

  16. 50 minutes ago, robblok said:

    If your talking about the actual coup.. no punishment there it was a reaction on the PTP and street violence (or at least can be defended it was for that). If you are talking for corruption and other stuff during their reign.. sure why not. 

    Many people have suggested that Suthep, and the general were in it together and whipping up tension/violence on the streets in an attempt to legitimize the coup, and Suthep has admitted that they were working together before the coup.

    As for crimes/corruption still going on should the self gifted amnesty be revoked, yes or no?




  17. 49 minutes ago, robblok said:

    If its an amnesty for the low footsoldiers I am all for it but if it includes the likes of Jattuporn and Thaksin I strongly disagree. 

    OK so no amnesty for the big boy's giving the orders, cool.   Now how about the self gifted amnesty the junta is enjoying for past present and future?  Should that be revoked and crimes committed be punished? 

  18. On 3/8/2017 at 9:26 AM, halloween said:

    The democracy was working? That may be your delusion, it's not mine. Besides your list of trivialities, you might also consider those being prosecuted, and those yet to be, for their abuse of the democratic system.

    Well one day there will be a new power in Thailand and then if they are serious they will reject and revoke the mother of amnesty's the junta gifted themselves and go after them for crimes committed.

    What I have never seen you do is apply the same standards to the junta and his family as you do with the Shinz and all things red, people who do not apply the same standards to all sides are call what???

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