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Posts posted by enricobkk

  1. The Belgians have two police forces, one are akin to the keystone cops, they are organized by commune and are a law unto themselves, see the thread on Molenbeek for an example. Then there is the nationally organized Gendarmerie, who are the 'real' police and have the feel of a paramilitary force about them.

    Let's hope Belgium has enough of the latter as I wouldn't back the commune level police to protect anything.

    About the 2 police forces:

    Let me guess.

    You read that in a newspaper 20 years ago?

    Do try to keep up with the news, if you are going to comment.

    I was about to write the same , in a country the size of Bangkok they are far more effective to any kind of treat , we don't need sheriffs and deputies and FBI and CIA and Army ,National Guards and reservists

  2. my wife went trough her whole period of pregnancy to the same hospital and also give birth there,

    I told her many times something was wrong there, other patients paid like 750 thb for consultation, we paid arround 4000 thb

    the delivery inthe hospital without a plan is 32.000 thb ,when our son was born, l got a bill of almost 90.000 thb, ...l asked them what and why

    this bill is so high and different from what agreed before, they answered me ..;" you are farang, you can afford it ! "

  3. Normally it is free , if your visa is issued in Bangkok...

    l have a retirement visa issued in Chonburi because l went there for personal reasons

    did my "90 reporting" in the time prevented for that and had to pay also 2000B because my visa came

    from a different province ,on top of that ( and l live here already more then 3 years ) I had to pay an extra fine

    because l did not report within 3 days of my return from Chonburi to Bkk..l asked them to show me where that law was written

    and since when a visa received in Chonburi is not valid in the "rest" of Thailand , guess what , no one could show me , not even the highest

    supervisor, and because i stay calm and cool and kept asking to show me proof , they got angry , start shouting at me and tried to get me out

    of balance , i just stayed calm , took their names and walked out of there, didn't do any 90 day report since aug 2012, we'll see what happens this august !!

  4. Do people honestly think that all alcohol will be purchased on the day of consumption? What is to stop people taking the drink with them? That is what I would do anyway.

    To me, the problem has nothing to do with the selling of alcohol, but the people that are drinking it, ie. the drivers. This is the area they should be concentrating on and not destroying the party atmosphere that Songkran has now developed into.

    Would love to know where they found the 1,200 people for the poll and what choices they were given. I notice also that "72 percent of the respondents believe that restaurants and shops will be a little cooperative with the Public Health Ministry in the prohibition of liquor sales during certain periods"

    If the restaurant has a valid licence and are allowed to be open, then they can sell to customers? The ban/time restriction on the sale of alcohol was for retail outlets and not licenced premises.

    they probably found them on the way to Laos to visit Thaksin...555

  5. lm a Belgian citizen

    l cannot get a Belgian passport because l have no adress in Belgium anymore and the Philippine Embasy also cannot provide a passport

    I assume you mean you can't get a passport for your son? That sounds very strange, are you an ethnic Belgian or an immigrant. I find it hard to believe such rules fall within UN human rights agreements and treaties, usually Europe honors those more than other countries.

    Of course each country has the right to define its own citizenship rules, but I've never heard of a legitimately proven child of a citizen being denied citizenship just because she was born overseas and the family continues to live overseas.

    lm a Belgian citizen, my gf is philipino and we both are here in bkk for many years, our son is born 5 months ago , september 10,2011 and we got the thai birthcertificate.....and then it ends.....l cannot get a Belgian passport because l have no adress in Belgium anymore and the Philippine Embasy also cannot provide a passport ......so now l have to go back to my country , rent a room there ,wait till l got registrated their again , wich can take 2 months and in the mean time lm seperated from my family here , cost me alot of money (planes ...deposit for rent , rent , no work there so must take my money from here ) so we are looking for a solution to get my son a passport .......

    Please read this:



    and contact the embassy with any questions.

    thanks for the reply and links to the embasy websites, even in Dutch lol,

    but it also comfirmed what l said , l have no proof of residence from my country because l dont have an adress there,

    you can only have a registeration if you rent or own a house and the police or gov and stay there for at least 1-2 months

    so if for any reason l have to return to Belgium l or we cannot take my son with me /us ......

  6. lm a Belgian citizen, my gf is philipino and we both are here in bkk for many years, our son is born 5 months ago , september 10,2011 and we got the thai birthcertificate.....and then it ends.....l cannot get a Belgian passport because l have no adress in Belgium anymore and the Philippine Embasy also cannot provide a passport ......so now l have to go back to my country , rent a room there ,wait till l got registrated their again , wich can take 2 months and in the mean time lm seperated from my family here , cost me alot of money (planes ...deposit for rent , rent , no work there so must take my money from here ) so we are looking for a solution to get my son a passport .......

  7. Like previous said, they not only know their way arround Bkk, many drive only in sectors because they come here from Isaan to work for a few months and then go back

    also , how many taxidrivers driving arround , refuse to stop for farang or dont want to bring you where you need to go because their shift is "finished" ?

    go to work and come back by taxi in a 5 day week , only to get in @ 50 Thb = 5 x 2 x 50 = 500 Thb......whats gonna be next ? BTS and busfares ?

  8. I do speak from personal experience,

    the advantage they have is because the are asian race, it seems important , dont ask me why....

    personaly l know alot of pinay (+50) here in bkk area who are "living" here for more then 10 years

    and do visa runs in order to stay in regulation according to thai immigration law

    some do runs every 2 weeks and they pay 700thb....others ( caucasian race) pay 1200 for the visarun and 15 day visa

    other pinay do double entry ...5100 visarun +stay overnight in hotel..thats 60 days +30 days any border ( 700thb ) then 3or 4 times 15day visa at 700thb then double entry again

    the agent is a thai,doing this legal business for many years ,he is up to date about almost all laws here ,

    not only for filipino's , but for everybody who needs a visa, even l do the runs with him, very easy ,you just drive to the border and cross

    in a comfortable minivan, ur room is booked ,the agent goes tothe thai embasy and the next day day you get ur passport back.....

    what more can l do ? lm so surprised so many people pay 2000 thb for just 15 days !!!

    they are asian and get the benifits of that here in thailand compared to other non asian aliens

    out of first hand information, a 15 day visa is only 700 thb, if you have a good agent he counts thetimes you go to 1 border and change if necesary

    a double entry (60 days +30 days a bkk immigration +60 days ) is only 5100 thb for pinoy

    what benefit a Filipina has in Thailand?

    I would like to see that good agent who counts and tell the Royal Thai Embassies to give them double entry, and I would like to know how you calculate THB 5,100for filipinas.

  9. l still dont know why people think pinay are different then other farang, off course they are asian and get the benifits of that here in thailand compared to other non asian aliens

    out of first hand information, a 15 day visa is only 700 thb, if you have a good agent he counts thetimes you go to 1 border and change if necesary

    a double entry (60 days +30 days a bkk immigration +60 days ) is only 5100 thb for pinoy

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