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Posts posted by Johnpound46

  1. 7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    I believe she has pneumonia - not so sure about the recovering part. It is one health problem after another with this woman. She is not physically or mentally  up to the job that she is running for.


    I'd much rather have a president that's sometimes physically not well (HRC) than a president that's always mentally out of whack (The Donald) ...

  2. 5 hours ago, stevenl said:

    This is not just SA related, it goes against the worldwide justice system when individuals can sue any country in the US for their own reasons.

    Just a matter of time before the tables are turned. Very stupid, self centred, short term taking.


    Now we wait and see how many countries vote in laws that let their citizens sue the US government for bombing their houses and families to dust. Iraq comes to mind, about 100,000 (conservative estimate) innocent civilians killed by US army.

  3. 3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


    So now I need evidence …. why?….because I mentioned hillary


    Wheres the evidence that trump raped a child?


    All that exists is someone accusing him…someone who could have been a hillary stooge…like the Paki soldiers father.



    You can not let this go, can you? The kid was NOT a Paki, he was an American citizen and soldier who died fighting for his country. Show some f******g respect!!

  4. 7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    The audit excuse is obviously total B.S.

    His lawyers are probably stalling on resolving that until after the election.

    He does have good lawyers.


    They're probably cooking the books and trying to make them look reasonable and presentable. The fact that Trump still did not release his tax returns yet just shows what a trainwreck his finances really are. Probably too hard to hide all the skeletons.

  5. 37 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

    So just because one muzzlim lad died while serving in the us army, mr trump must sweep aside all security concerns about homegrown islamic terror and avoid any serious temporary measures or heightened vigilance?

    Humayun khan is dead....thank you for your service, condolences etc.....but this is about something far bigger...protecting more american citizens from dying  

    shame on his dad for allowing himself to be manipulated into using his sons memory to score political points....

    if i was the trumpster, i would have offered khans parents condolences and told them that it is my intention to continue the fight humayun khan gave his life for  


    Let's not forget that Khan is very probably not the only muslim lad that died while serving the US army. But I do agree with you when you say: "if i was the trumpster, i would have offered khans parents condolences and told them that it is my intention to continue the fight humayun khan gave his life for." And that's really all he should have done.


  6. 15 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Complete Crayola, just like the rest of your post. Democrats started WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Kosovo and Libya. They start just as many wars as Republicans. In fact they have started MORE wars since the country was founded than Republicans. It is delusional to claim otherwise.

    Yeah, I'm the delusional one. I'm pretty sure it was a German guy with a funny moustache that started WWII.

  7. 15 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

    I wish mr trump had left the khan question to one of his reps....future presidents arent supposed to deal with every small issue from disgruntled immigrants.....american parents have lost a lot more children  

    It is clear that khan never wrote that speech....its all just bait dreamed up by devious hillarys staff for trump to react to....and sadly he dignified khan with a response. 

    I dont recall khan ever gettng on a podium and denouncing islamic terror....

    for every immigrant muzzlim in the us army who has died in the line of duty, thousands of american lives have been taken by muzzlim terrorists ....

    if khan feels so strongly about the american constitution, how about doing a nation wde tour explaining it to homegrown muzzlim radicals?



    What a load of BS.

    "and sadly he dignified khan with a response".  That's a funny way of saying he insulted the crap out of Khan.

    "american parents have lost a lot more children".  So the lives of kids born from American parents are more valuable than the lives of American kids born from immigrant parents, is that it? Or are they just more American?

    "I dont recall khan ever gettng on a podium and denouncing islamic terror...." Really? Because I don't recall many Republicans (none, actually) denouncing Bush's state sponsored terror. All they can do is shout that Hillary should be put in jail, but not a peep about the great war criminal from their own party.

    "for every immigrant muzzlim in the us army who has died in the line of duty, thousands of american lives have been taken by muzzlim terrorists .... ". You clearly don't know a lot about recent history. How many thousands of American people do you think died because of Muslim terrorism? And how many innocent Iraqi people do you think died because America bombed them to pieces? If I'd had my family wiped out because of American imperialism, I'd also have a bone to pick with the good old US of A and probably be more than willing to take up arms against it.

    And do you have to call them "muzzlims"? That's really mature ....

  8. 47 minutes ago, Usernames said:

    And just wait until you see the body count Hillary racks up.  She'll bomb anybody that moves and then invite their relatives into the US.

    Question: after WW II, how many wars were started by Republican presidents? And how many by Democrat presidents? Republican presidents win that hands down, by about a gazillion to one. And which president exactly was it who is mostly responsible for the utter mess that the Middle East (and the world in general) is in now? It's not Obama, you know, but that Republican nincompoop that came before him. Who was voted in not once, but twice, which says it all about right-wing America and their wish to self-destruct and take the whole world down with them. And now millions and millions of those same Americans can't wait to vote in an even worse candidate than Dubya, "The Donald", who will most likely start three wars the day he gets sworn in just because a few people piss him off. The mind boggles .......

  9. 17 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

    Well Hillary DID vote for the War and that meant she knowingly was sending brave men & women to their death.

    Trump does have that correct.

    Is Trump's mouth his greatest liability? Yes.

    Should he pay this mother an apology? Yes.

    But I am voting for the GOP--I am not voting for Trump.



    No, you're voting for Trump, simple as that. You can not vote for the GOP, because the end result is that your vote goes to Trump. And if he wins the president of the USA will be a petty, big-mouthed, ignorant, boorish and immature bully of a man who has a hissy fit every time anyone looks at him funny. Do you want that on your head?

  10. How small-minded is this flea? Like a young immature child, he can't let go of anything he perceives to have crossed him. What gravitas! So Presidential!

    And you Trumkins are thinking of giving this bloke the freakin' launch keys... what's going to happen if someone 'annoys' him once he's Prez?

    Don't you reckon it would be a good idea to have an adult as the leader of the free world, hmmm?

    My thoughts exactly when I read this: he's like an 8-year-old bully on steroids.

  11. Hang on, the Senate Republican leader says it's just a "rookie mistake"? Oh, Ok! That's great. The potential next president of the USA makes rookie mistakes. What other ones with potentially grave consequences will he make?

    It's like someone on this forum mentioned a while ago: a president with training wheels, that's exactly what the country (and the world) will get with Trump.

  12. It's about time - before someone got killed....

    With the songtou's taking 2 lanes & the buses cutting the lanes + the cyclists crisscrossing on their fun ride down coupled with the motor scooters chugging uphill trying to keep away from the diesel fumes, at times the drive up/down isn't worth the trouble.....

    Recipe for disaster.....

    But sometimes smooth as silk....

    The songthaews chugging up the mountain with the enormous diesel clouds behind them are by far my biggest complaint. Just go early in the morning, around 8.00-8.30 AM and there's hardly any traffic and it's still relatively cool. Going down the mountain is not for the fainthearted, but so much fun on a good mountainbike, you go so fast and the look on the faces of car drivers when I overtake them on my bike is priceless.

  13. Every time this clown opens his mouth, the most outrageous nonsense comes out. The man is a total boob and keeps proving it time and time again, and yet millions of Americans are cheering for this idiot and think he is the perfect candidate to be their next president. What a great country! May god have mercy on America - and the rest of the world - if it ever comes to that.

  14. It is becoming increasingly obvious that the establishment is not prepared to accept the result of the EU referendum and are playing for time (with a connivance of Merkel and Co) in order to soften us all up for a second vote to reverse the outcome.


    Utter nonsense.

    Quite so. Nigel Farage said in May already that he would demand a second referendum if they lost by a very small margin (like 52-48). And now that they have won by that margin it's suddenly as if they've won by a landslide and "the people" have spoken. It will be interesting to see if all those pro-Brexit voters are still laughing next year, when England will be in a recession and everybody's income will have taken quite a hit.

    Instead of getting behind the country and making things work, you "Remain" crowd seem to be hoping the country goes to the dogs just to prove yourselves right. You'd be happy to keep the country in limbo by having referendum after referendum until the remain side won.

    This was won on a democratic vote, respect it. Pity the tower isn't big enough to hold you lefty whingers.

    I think you missed my point: Nigel Farage cum suis would be whinging just as hard had the Remain saide won by 52-48, and just as happy to keep the country in limbo by having referendum after referendum until the Brexit side won. And talking about keeping a country in limbo: no one on the Brexit side seems to be in any hurry to actualize said Brexit any time soon, which is causing all kinds of uncertainty and damage to the GB economy. And I'm really not hoping the country goes to the dogs, if that's what you think, I just pity everyone who will feel it in their wallet soon. Hope Scotland, Wales and Northern Island have the common sense to secede soon from this sinking ship.

  15. It is becoming increasingly obvious that the establishment is not prepared to accept the result of the EU referendum and are playing for time (with a connivance of Merkel and Co) in order to soften us all up for a second vote to reverse the outcome.


    Utter nonsense.

    Quite so. Nigel Farage said in May already that he would demand a second referendum if they lost by a very small margin (like 52-48). And now that they have won by that margin it's suddenly as if they've won by a landslide and "the people" have spoken. It will be interesting to see if all those pro-Brexit voters are still laughing next year, when England will be in a recession and everybody's income will have taken quite a hit.

  16. It becomes more and more clear, for those that did not realise it yet, that Trump in no way represents the Republican political party.

    Donald doesn't represent either party, He represents the people. Guess they'll realize this right after the election as they line up on their knees begging President Trump to keep their jobs. whistling.gif

    Donald represents the people? You must be delusional. The Donald is a spoiled rich brat who fell ass backwards in money the minute he was born. He is a power and money hungry billionaire who doesn't know his ass from his elbow when it comes to running a country, and he's never shown any sign that he cares about "the people", quite the contrary.

  17. Wish foreigners would butt out of our business, whether in the UK or rioting in San Diego or Albuquerque.

    Yeah, like Yanks never feel the need to butt in everywhere else in the world. Maybe the couple hundred thousand innocent civilians that the US bombed to smithereens in Afghanistan and Iraq shared your view: wish foreigners (i.e. Yanks) would butt out of our business.

  18. Everybody that is posting on this forum using their real name, hold up your hands.


    But we're all nobodies chuckd... sharing our collective pearls of wisdom on a forum for Thai expats.

    This clown wants to be a somebody. The next President of the US, to be precise. The defacto leader of the free world.

    That kinda changes the equation a wee bit, don't you think?

    Pssst, NumbNut, just between you and me: maybe it's better to stay on Chuck's good side. For all you know he's of the republican persuasion, and doesn't appreciate being talked back to. Just a hunch, mind you.

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