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Posts posted by NilsBlaneVogt

  1. Hi

    I may be terribly mistaken, and/or maybe this only applies in Bangok (?), but I have a Non-O, and for the 90 days registration I have succesfully used the "send in the one-page form" from the Immigration web site (with appropriate copies of passport and TM47 etc.) for at least the last year, and a number of times before that (means you do not have to exit/enter-exit/enter). Fill in the form, make the appropriate passport page copies , sign as they do on each page, include the previous 'slip' if you did the letter version last time (make your own copy so you have in case ;-) and remember to use registered or EMS to them, include a letter with the THB 6 stamp [correct postage that is] and your address in the package, send this 10 (ten) days before expiry and you'll usually get it pretty effectively returned within time. Only once did I get worried 'cause I hadn't received the slip back and I'd sent it from out-of-BKK, and went in and they'd just sent it the day before - but "no Hassle" I got a copy there and then.

    I'd like to use the opportunity to commend Immigration Bangkok. Ever since they moved there's been a different atmosphere and "professionality" to the Service they provide - from individuals attitude, thru time and to assistance in finding whats appropriately correct. Keep it up ;-) !! Providing a Visa is not an obligation and being a Visa-holder is not a right one has, but it sure makes it much less an ordeal when folks are civilised and try their best to realise it isn't always simple to understand procedures and changes (...).


  2. RIP - A Tragedy that should not be allowed to happen. It burns my heart.

    Unfortunately it seems to me, as a driver in Thailand, that Thai Police are simply as in-effective as one can be re. reducing road accidents. There seems to be little or no attempt to stop "crazy driving" - only the 'obligatory' "catch a motorbike" stoppings and occasional "check for seat belt lunch money attempts". But then, when you watch a Thai Police Officer drive against the traffic in the dark on a motorbike wihout lights,or have been 'shaken for lunch money' by a dilligent Thai Cop pointing to a smudge on the License Plate, one realizes that unfortunately - they are only representatives of the "average" citizen. With more and more tourists, also driving themselves, Thai Police need to seriously upgrade their efforts to stopping "crazy driving" (incl. Farangs Drunk & Crazy Driving on Motorbike !) and simply fine, take driver licences (not bribes), confiscate vehicles, and jail drivers that exhibit unacceptable behaviour: And 'Yes" - I know I'm a silly dreamer (or stupid), but somehow, somewhere, someone has to remove the 10+% suicidal drivers [and maybe educate the 25% who simply don't know how to drive....]. Only by improving Thai Traffic Culture will it be possible to reduce the absolutely unneccesary killings that happen all too frequently !

  3. It is embarrasing to be Scandinavian (...): and Thai bashing for whatever reason related to a criminal in Scandinavia caught here demonstrates truly bad taste, and a need/desire to be superior (whatever). Just accept (assuming this and the on-going Phuket affair are correctly reported) that some people with rather inferior motives, also from Scandinavia, are using Thailand as an escape ... - too bad as this rubs off on us all !<br>N<br>

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