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Posts posted by armstrongthai

  1. Let's hear from a monitor (lizard) whether it's April's Fool joke/

    The idea has merits. Nearly all Thailand's bordering countries have right hand. Every vehicle in Burma's Tachilek, except the 'tin cans in a barrel' trucks from China, has the steering on the wrong side - as they get their cars (2nd hand) from Japan and Thailand, but they drive on the right. They've adjusted rather well there.


  2. It is truly unbelievably how far you'll stoop to dig out a grain of negativity - you asked for an example of something he did not solely to benefit himself and you got it. An educational institute. Yes it bears his name in the same way as Bill Gate's charity, Bill Clinton's library and thousands of other examples. There's definitely a stink of jealousy around this thread - can't see success with out finding reason to knock it.

    He spend billions of baht on it. What you think how much he got back?

    His got his ego stroked, personages such as himself love to see their name in lights, very typical character traits of control freeks and self respecting meglomaniacs...:rolleyes:

  3. It kind of goes back to much of what I was saying about whether or not Thailand would have been better off if Thaksin hadn't been ousted - I'm sure many of his plans to bring economic advancement to Thailand have suffered a 5 year set-back. Of course he was on it in 2006 and the fact that nothing has been done while he was curtailed tells you all you need to know about the effectiveness of the previous administration. How many other opportunities have they missed? There's a few I heard of which may be controversial including casinos for Phuket and land ownership for foreigners in restricted areas, both of which would have brought huge sums to Thailand but what else Thaksin had planned we'll never know - opportunities have passed and Thailand is undoubtedly worse off.

    A lot of posters can't get their heads around the fact that while Thaksin as a businessman most certainly increased his wealth (some have mentioned the US in comparison to Thailand on today's thread - check out how much both father and son Bush made privately while holding office and talk about a conflict of interest) he also brought unparalleled prosperity to ALL Thai people, which is why he is still so popular with most and yet reviled and feared by the selfish elitists who care not for equality. What they fail to see is that everyone has lost during the past 5 years with Thailand's reputation tatters abroad. Germany, Japan (Hong Kong, Dubai) and even Interpol have clearly shown what they think of the politically motivated charges brought against Thaksin. Drop the old bias endless criticising, give the guy a bit of room to maneuver and watch as the country is rewarded richly.

    Fair enough and agreed that it's off topic but it got that way starting off with a series of (childish?) Thaksin bashing comments. The oil deal is purely to line Thaksin's pockets and of no benefit to Thailand...really? Who's talking cr*p??

    Another source quoted a few pages ago which is not from Thailand seems to suggest the same thing and also suggests the deal was struck in 2006....so if you would care to draw your fixation away from Thaksin and his merry little band of red shirts for a few seconds and read that, you might get another perspective.

    A lot of posters are suggesting Thaksin would get into a deal like this to line his pockets, so instead of going into a red shirt/yellow, Thaksin diatribe all the time, please put forward some constructive suggestions of why you think this preception of old square heads intentions is wrong, obviously commenting on the possible conflict of interest in a deal like this, seeing as his sister (or clone whichever you prefer) is the prime minister of Thailand...:whistling:

  4. Thanks for this - interesting and informative!

    Just a few clarifying facts.

    PTT Plc is a publicly traded company in which the Finance Ministry holds 51% of the shares. The PTT IPO is a an area of some controversy as it sold out in some 4 minutes and only insiders got any shares.

    The Thai-Cambodia overlapping area is thought to have significant gas reserves based on preliminary exploration though as another said, the geology is very fractured and so far Chevron has not committed to a production schedule to develop the area they have a concession for (outside in the overlapping area). The area is largely unexplored and is just waiting for settlement of the border disputes. At this point, Thailand needs the gas much more then Cambodia who needs the money more then Thailand.

    Here is a small map showing the GOF and overlapping area.


    The Third Transmission Pipeline has a tee (hot tap) installed in anticipation of connection to the overlapping area.

    The setup of any company formed to exploit the gas would likely follow the setup of the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Authority which would then award contracts for exploration and operation of the oil and gas fields.


    If the same model is followed an jointly owned company between PTT and CNPA would build and operate a pipeline to take gas out of the overlapping area to the Third Transmission Pipeline or to Cambodia.

    Is there anything sinister about Thaksin bringing foreign investors to Cambodia to meet Hue Sen and discuss gas and oil exploration. Considering some of the setups of the Joint ventures that run many of the blocks in both Thailand and Malaysia, the answer is not sinister, but certainly it will be interesting to see how it all falls out.


  5. Fair enough and agreed that it's off topic but it got that way starting off with a series of (childish?) Thaksin bashing comments. The oil deal is purely to line Thaksin's pockets and of no benefit to Thailand...really? Who's talking cr*p??

    After months of reading endless anti-Thaksin drivel started by The Nation and perpetuated by most here, today was the first time I let myself get sucked into the nonsense particularly because I thought the story could only be seen as a positive event for Thailand by any impartial observer. But you're right - it is tedious and boring reading the same tired old whinging by those incapable of seeing anything other than their own narrow-minded, negative view.

    What could you possibly base this opinion on? The coup and subsequent chaos have been enormously damaging to Thailand's economy and reputation. How many opportunities for Thailand have been lost over the past 5 years while it's 'CEO' has had his energy and resources diverted. The notion that all of this has somehow benefited Thailand is utter fantasy.

    What happened on BKK's streets was a tragedy but to many reflected the frustration that's bound to occur when a country is repeatedly denied democracy and the people their voice.

    The enduring image of Thailand as a dangerous and disorderly place is still the yellows hijacking of the airports. That the system caved to their demands must be seen as leading the way for the reds protests, which I seem to remember started off peacefully. That the situation escalated to the point it did also reflects for many the lack of skill of the then PM. How close did he get to having the army take over!?

    Regardless of your opinion of Thaksin if you care one jot about Thailand try to accept that the people want democracy and after 5 long years have got a fairly elected leadership they believe will bring them improved prosperity and equality.

    As much as I hate to stifle debate......Why do we have to turn every thread into Red shirt/yellow shirt <deleted>.....all you are doing in rehashing the past and talking a load of cr*p.....this was an interesting thread dicussing the OP until....you clowns have side tracked it.....this is getting very tedious and boring....


    Why dont you start your own thread on your favourite subject and you can knock yourselves, childishly debating my red shirts are better than your yellow shirts....

  6. What could you possibly base this opinion on? The coup and subsequent chaos have been enormously damaging to Thailand's economy and reputation. How many opportunities for Thailand have been lost over the past 5 years while it's 'CEO' has had his energy and resources diverted. The notion that all of this has somehow benefited Thailand is utter fantasy.

    What happened on BKK's streets was a tragedy but to many reflected the frustration that's bound to occur when a country is repeatedly denied democracy and the people their voice.

    The enduring image of Thailand as a dangerous and disorderly place is still the yellows hijacking of the airports. That the system caved to their demands must be seen as leading the way for the reds protests, which I seem to remember started off peacefully. That the situation escalated to the point it did also reflects for many the lack of skill of the then PM. How close did he get to having the army take over!?

    Regardless of your opinion of Thaksin if you care one jot about Thailand try to accept that the people want democracy and after 5 long years have got a fairly elected leadership they believe will bring them improved prosperity and equality.

    I don't suppose he works for free but any commission he may make will be insignificant to the benefits for Thailand. Thaksin is an astute businessman and of course will build his family's wealth (why not?!) but in this case his skills are serving Thailand's best interests.

    All of you Thaksin bashers need to ask yourself one question and try to answer honestly and objectively:

    From the yellows taking over the airports to the reds in the streets, from the removal of democracy, the damaged reputation of Thailand abroad, tourists staying away and the division throughout Thai society. All because (in my opinion) one sector couldn't handle Thaksin's success and being powerful enough, would go to any length to stop him. Thaksin's govt may have had it's flaws (has any in the world not!?) but what's been done to this country in the name of 'putting it right' is insane.

    Are you suggesting this deal will not benefit Thailand enormously?!

    Are you suggesting that Thaksin won't be taking a cut?

    All of you Thaksin bashers need to ask yourself one question and try to answer honestly and objectively:

    Not better off,

    Much poorer!

  7. Now now... they only learned those tactics by following the yellow shirts example with the airport stand off.

    If only they had the same resources backing them what a different outcome we might have had. Short memories folks!

    Remember who spun the meme the red shirts would whinge after the election? Turns out the sore losers sitting in the other camp.

    Well at least they are only sitting, not running around shooting and burning, as the reds surely would be doing right now, were positions reversed.

  8. I believe (and apparently so do the majority of the Thai people) that Thaksin cares deeply about the country of Thailand and it's people and will work tirelessly for the economic improvement of both.

    If he build's his wealth (legally) along the way so be it.

    It's got to be better than the stagnation of the past 5 years!

    Does anyone really believe that Thaksin cares at all about the Thai Gov't or finances after what the Thai courts did to him? George Santayana's famous quote "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to fulfill it", should be updated to "Those who cannot remember or simply refuse to believe the past...,

    Get ready to bend over, Thailand!

    He's on his way back.

  9. Only what I read in the article:

    "Thaksin will help negotiate with Cambodia on a plan for joint development of a petroleum venture in the Gulf of Thailand where both countries claim the rights. He wants state-run PTT to have a stake in the oil-and-gas concession or enter a joint venture with Cambodia, the source said."

    I see now that PTT is state-run rather than owned. Apologies!

    As you can see here:http: //www.pttplc.com/en/investor-relations-shareholder-capital-data-shareholder-structure.aspx

    Ministry of Finance has over 50% ownership. As for Thaksin's family who knows where they have buried their investment in the banks listed?

    Tells us if you know more.

  10. Do you really believe Thailand would not be stronger economically if Thaksin had been at the helm for the past 5 years instead of the chaos that the people have had to endure.

    Are you suggesting this deal will not benefit Thailand enormously?!

    Bingo.......exactly as I predicted in a post some months back, and this is the reason and the only reason he wants himself appointed as a "trade ambassador"......this is not to benefit Thailand but to fill the family coffers of Shinawatra Inc, by brokering this deal....

    This was part of the master plan all along

    Joint Development Area on the table and he is postioning himeself to benefit financially in a personal capacity...

    Not suggesting it will not benefit Thailand, but believe the motiviation behind this has nothing to do with doing what is right for Thailand, but more of what he can get out of it.

  11. I don't suppose he works for free but any commission he may make will be insignificant to the benefits for Thailand. Thaksin is an astute businessman and of course will build his family's wealth (why not?!) but in this case his skills are serving Thailand's best interests.

    All of you Thaksin bashers need to ask yourself one question and try to answer honestly and objectively:

    How much better off would Thailand be today if he had not been ousted?

    From the yellows taking over the airports to the reds in the streets, from the removal of democracy, the damaged reputation of Thailand abroad, tourists staying away and the division throughout Thai society. All because (in my opinion) one sector couldn't handle Thaksin's success and being powerful enough, would go to any length to stop him. Thaksin's govt may have had it's flaws (has any in the world not!?) but what's been done to this country in the name of 'putting it right' is insane.

    Are you suggesting this deal will not benefit Thailand enormously?!

    Are you suggesting that Thaksin won't be taking a cut?

  12. PTT is state owned... not by Thaksin's family.

    Bingo.......exactly as I predicted in a post some months back, and this is the reason and the only reason he wants himself appointed as a "trade ambassador"......this is not to benefit Thailand but to fill the family coffers of Shinawatra Inc, by brokering this deal....

    This was part of the master plan all along

    Joint Development Area on the table and he is postioning himeself to benefit financially in a personal capacity...

    Bingo ... one of many here that actually uses the rubbish from the Nation as facts ... widen your horizon .. try to read this then you will learn how News are tailored here in this country : http://asiapacific.a...the-red-shirts/

    So Thaksin is not going to Cambodia? He isn't brokering a deal about oil & gas? The link you posted says nothing about the topic of the OP, if you have information that contradicts the OP. please enlighten us.

  13. Are you suggesting this deal will not benefit Thailand enormously?!

    Bingo.......exactly as I predicted in a post some months back, and this is the reason and the only reason he wants himself appointed as a "trade ambassador"......this is not to benefit Thailand but to fill the family coffers of Shinawatra Inc, by brokering this deal....

    This was part of the master plan all along

    Joint Development Area on the table and he is postioning himeself to benefit financially in a personal capacity...

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