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Everything posted by OttoPollmann

  1. My wife is Northern Khmer from Surin Province and she really hates going to Bangkok. If we stay in a nice hotel, she says, she can feel those views from the people. But then in the same time she bows in front of the local Sino-Thai in the village, which is just a drunkard. That is thai logic, I will never understand.
  2. of course. Still I see a difference between my Labradors and the soi dogs, the Labrador is follow my around all day. The soi dog shows only up for food, the rest of the day they are invisible sleeping somewhere under a tree. Anyways, I'm not denying that those 700 strays should end as fertilizer.
  3. There is only one solution for this situation, euthernize them all and don't stop there. I understand, in rural Thailand, dogs are a necessity. Everybody has dogs, I have a few dogs too. First of all to keep those unwanted critters, snakes and rats, out of your property. Second as an alarm for the 2 legged critters in the night. You can hear which route the drug-head takes at the wee hours thru the village. Anyways, where I stay each dog has an owner as long no accident happens. What I have learned is, that those soi dogs are actually usless. They don't care about anything as long their belly is full. My dogs aren't mutts, they are from the military and wor dog school which got discharge from the training, still good enough and well trained for every home.
  4. most likely his family lives already few generations in Thailand and have no bond to India, but still they get called Thai-Indian. Always remember, Thailand is one of the racist nation. As long you are not Sino-Thai, they will spit on you.
  5. that's another reason not have neighbors close by.
  6. Just what the WEF and Klaus Schwab wants for us peasants.
  7. unfortunately, this isn't Florida were the police welcomes, that you have shot an intruder. They will even offer you shooting lessons, that the next time you need only one bullet. Maybe, that will teach the next one, don't f**k around, if you find out its too late.
  8. Not mentioned by name but by logo on the engine
  9. Doubtful, he has tried to jump from the 45th floor into the pool. That would be a lethal daredevil move just from the impact on the water. RIP young man, too early to go.
  10. Not so much. More like 46-0-0 or if you want to go natural some buffalo pellets.
  11. Some say they are annoying but that's why in rural area everyone has dogs. In the night I can hear from which side of the village somebody enters and by the sound of the dogs you can hear which way he takes and where he stops. The second defence are your own dogs. I have 3 german shepherd and they are no pets they have to perform a task to protect the house.
  12. what was the requirement before the change? What they now got is no difference to a regular tourist visa, like for everyone else.
  13. I would say from Samut Prakan Province if we want to be precise
  14. When will be the next collective Royal Pardon? Last time 200k inmates got released, that was in 2022. It's long overdue for the next round.
  15. This shouldn't be an excuse at all. By this logic, he also don't need to stop if the traffic in front of him comes to a hold and just plough through it? If he is unable to make a hill start, then he is either overloaded or has worn tires. The later is the standard with most of the lorries.
  16. Ah, the old comparison with your home country. What you didn't have compared is the average income from your home country to your host country. If you had done this extra computational effort, you would see that Thailand isn't cheap anymore. Anyway, none of these reports will stick onto Teflon Thailand and when the hordes get released from Xi nobody from TAT will give a rat's a$$ about some bad taxi drivers.
  17. I've always used Bangkok Airport Limousine https://www.limousine.in.th/ with the fast track service which picked me up on the gate and guided my thru the immigration. Before this Covid situation it was quite pleasant to avoid the Chinese Hordes on the immigration counter. I'm not sure they will still offer this option.
  18. He has better watched Hannibal, if he's already a pig farmer.
  19. I am with you, that was my first thought too. The report doesn't specify whether he had a fake stamp-in or no stamp at all and he was only not registered in the computer system. If he didn't had any arrival stamp at all, normally the first hotel would have raised some alarm bells by the immigration thru the TM-30 reporting system. Or is this also a wast of time and resource like so many things in this country. Furthermore, if he had willingly entered Thailand illegally why would he try to leave thru an offical immigration checkpoint. So many questions and like always no real answer.
  20. In the past (and I am talking 30 - 40 years back), farmers would plough their fields, keep microorganism of the soil intact and the air breathable. you are talking here from Thailand? From experience of 25+ years in the sticks, I can tell you that nobody has plowed their fields before all residue was burned off. How you think they would have done the plowing with only a Khway and a single plow or if they were lucky an iron buffalo. Now slowly they get the hint and start to bail the straw because they can sell it but still they'll burn the stubbles. Thereby the air quality has inproved significantly but is still far away from good. Even to get one to plow the fields right after harvest to start the decomposing process is an impossible task and I do provide all neccessary machinery. The problem lies in the lag of agriculture education and I can fully understand it. Who wants to be a farmer in Thailand only the ones with no other options. There is no money to make in this profession and as long this will be the case you will see no improvement.
  21. Even when a doctor would have been at site. Most of those Muban docs are not worthy the paper of their certificate. They'll give you only a paracetamol whatever your symptoms are, the witch doctor of the village has a better success rate.
  22. That's sometimes really questionable how long your terms will be in the Bangkok Hilton! I know a guy in our village who has killed 2 of his drinking bodies with a garden hoe about the next payment of a round Lao Khao. He was faster back in the village as my work contract of 2 years in Saudi was completed.
  23. Maybe that was the plan from beginning. Dependent countries are easier controlled and ask less questions.
  24. Don't worry, this will be the next headline in the news. Taxi driver's return 100 mio baht.
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