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Posts posted by jaffajeffries

  1. Thanks for those replies and some usueful information there

    A little more about the plan for pigs 'n whiskey ... my girlfriends brother in law actually drives miles away (l dont know where) and returns with one or 2 pigs strapped in the back of his pick up. They are duly caged, washed and fed until the small hours when he and his assosiate whack them with a stick and start the whole butchering process in readiness for the sale of fresh pork to the local area the next morning, the whole process is repeated daily, apart from Buddha days.

    I was simply thinking if we raised the pigs he wouldn't have to drive to get them and my gf would make some cash so l only planned to have enough pigs for 1 a day to be sold on. The smell seems to be the disadvantage at the moment as the proposed land is that not far from the house. From the information here l can see that an additive to the water would decrease the smell but l might try it on the pa-in-law first. The second drawback is the way they slaughter the pigs, whack with a stick the slit it throat while unconcious (maybe) Is that the way they all do it or is there a more humane method?

    I'm not going into this totally blind as l had experience of pigs when l was younger but not of actually paying the bills to raise them but l know money can be made, its just a question whether it can in Thailand but from the replies it seems if entered into the right way then it should be ok.

    I will try the whiskey side of it just for my own curiousity and l'm sure the locals wouldn't turn it down - if there is a by product the pigs can eat then thats a bonus for them as they can live happy.

    Any other ideas (proven) to occupy the days and not lose money while in Issan will be most appreciated.


  2. Yes l am serious and it was a serious question based on my time in Issan and thinking how to pass the time, make a little money and try to fit in a little with the locals. Based on the fact that they seem to eat all day and drink all night the obvious choice was pigs and whiskey. While l realise whiskey distilling is illegal in Thailand l find that 'illegal' doesn't necessarily mean the same as it does in europe.

    I have read much from the farming section here and will give it a go and yes my gf is a hard grafter and is keen to have some support for the future years (which wont include me) I'm sure she will enjoy cutting the knackers off piglets if she only imagines them to be one of the 'bad' farangs she has had in the past.

    For me, l love issan as it is but l cant do boredom so if anyone needs a pig in 6 months feel free to come and visit me - might also be a free homemade whiskey in it for the journey

  3. I am off to stay in a small town near Burilam soon and plan to be there for 9 months or so. The trouble is l have been there for a short time before and can see it is not the most interesting part of Thailand and l need to fill my waking hours with a purpose. I was wondering if a living can be made from raising pigs? Obviously l wont be there long enough to see it to fruition but l would hope l could leave it to my girlfriend who could carry on to the money stage when the pigs are sold. I can do all the stuff to get it up and running, like building the sty's, water electric etc but wanted to know if anyone has any direct experience re cost/profit ettc.

    Another thought was to make some form of whiskey and sell it to the locals through a third party. I know drinking is a popular pastime up there and just wondered if any of you have had a go or heard a good reason why not to give it a try.

    Neither of these are to make big money but l dont want to waste money either so any input will be appreciated

  4. l left LOS 2 weeks ago after overstaying 300 days and paid the 20,000 baht fine to the laughing, but pleasant immigration guys at the airport and got a stamp saying l'd overstayed and paid the fine.

    The trouble is l want to go back but dont have time to get a new 'clean' passport. Any views or direct experience of returning with an overstay stamp will be appreciated. I'm thinking as long as l have a return ticket and an amount of travellers cheques that they might let me in.

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