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Posts posted by Dan141

  1. I went to Vientiane in the end and a single entry non-o was all they would give me - they where not issuing multi entry visa's on the day i went (just my luck) i was travelling with an American who had all the paperwork for a non-b and she was only issued a single entry non b visa :(

    So it will be a Xmas trip back to Laos for me :(

    The only good thing to come out of the trip was the finding of BeerLaos Dark - best beer i have drank in a good while. :)

    may try Savannakhet on my next trip but it looks a bit of a pain to get to from Lamphun i will have to look into the logistics.



  2. Thanks for the quick replies all,

    No i dont earn 40k per month ( i live out in the sticks and the schools out here can't afford that kind of money) I do not qualify for the non "B" visa as i don't have a degree (i only have a TEFL which was fine for the school and the work permit.)

    I did try and get an answer out of the nearist immigration office (Chiang Mai) last time i went in to town and was told that i can't have the extention of stay visa that they issue for the same reason i can't get a "B" visa - No degree.

    If these options are closed to me, i think i will just try my luck in Loas and hope that they can issue me with the required visa. i will take all the documentation i do have, work permit, school contract, marrage cert , copy of thai wife id card etc and hope for the best. :/

    I really dont want to have to fly back to the UK but i know if the worst comes to the worst i can always go back to Hull and get another 1yr issued over there with only a marrage cert and the GBP100. fee. ( just a shame it will cost me an airfare back to Europe.)

  3. Hi All,

    I am a british passport holder (34 yrs old) and i am married to a Thai lady.

    i came to live in Thailand just a little over 1 year ago and it is fast approching the visa run time for me and i am a little confused as to what my options are.

    i came to Thailand on a multi entry NON "O" marrage cert visa issued in Hull uk and since i have been here in Thailand i have picked up a job teaching English at a local govenment school. the school has helped me to obtain a work permit and that has been issued and a stamp as been placed in my passport saying i have a work permit.

    i would like to go to Loas to get a new multi entry 1 year NON "O" visa but i keep getting reports from poeple that i will not be issued one because i can't work on a non "o" visa (the work permit was issued on a non "O" visa)

    I also keep getting told that i will need to show 100k in the bank (i don't have 100K in the bank) and lastly that i need to have little yellow address book for where i live (i have no such document as the wife's familly own the land my house is built on)

    does anyone have any idea what my options may be ?



  4. I am getting a little out of my depth here. I am not an expert on the visa/work permit issue, especially the intricacies.

    I would suggest that you might want to post your question in the Thai visa and work permit section:

    If you have trouble, just send a PM. As a mod, I can't move your post to that forum without moving the entire thread.

    i posted there first but they recommended i post on the teaching pages as there may be some one who has had a similar experience, they could not give an answer too.

    i am going to go with the job and the director at the school has said the work permit will only take a week or so to sort out. so i will just try my luck at the embassy in Loas, I will take the permit the marrage cert and everything and just let them decide what to do with me, if i get a visa for a year stay i will be happy , if not then there is always the cambodian embassy to try :)

    Thanks again for your advise.



  5. Evidence of educational qualification such as diplomas or teaching certificates.

    Above is the wording on MFA web site for issue of non immigrant B visa to teach and believe there are exceptions made, at least for a period, to degree requirements. But you might want to ask questions in the teaching forum for specific advise.

    A work permit should be available on a non immigrant O visa issued for marriage so it would likely work. Take marriage certificate, copy of wife ID card and home register (both signed/dated by her) to help prove your marriage is current. Once a work permit and paperwork in order one year extensions of stay from Immigration may be available.

    Others with teaching experience should be able to help you more.

    Thanks lopburi3, i will try and find an answer on the teaching forums :D regards Dan

  6. It is my understanding, and hopefully, it will be corrected if I am wrong, that you can get a work permit with a non-O visa. Once you have the non-O, then the school can pursue a Work Permit. Some schools have been able to get Work Permits for teachers without a degree.

    The things you might want to look at are:

    Your location. If you are in a rural area, there is a greater chance of getting the Work Permit.

    The relationship between the school and immigration. If the school has an existing relationship with immigration, then it might be possible. Have they had other foreign teachers? Have they gone through the process previously?

    Best of luck and keep us posted.

    Thanks for the reply, I do live in a rural location about 1 hour from Lamphun. The school as never had a foreign teacher before but they say that the work permit will not be a problem for them to get (the school director has a family member that issues them :D ). My problem seams to be with the immigration regarding the best visa to apply for. when i spoke to them as i said they told me that i needed a NON B to work here.

    So assuming the work permit is issued and the school give me a 1 year contract to teach, would i show these documents at the Thai embassy is Laos for the 1 year multi entry NON O visa? or should i just use the marrage cert and not mention the job at the embassy? what's your thoughts?

    thanks again :) from a little less confused Dan :)

  7. Hi All,

    Please can you offer some advise on my situation. I am Married to a Thai lady and i am here in the land of smiles on a multi 1yr NON O visa but it is due to finish in about 60 days and i am looking for the best way to stay here. Unfortunately i am not a rich man and can not afford the NON O - 400k Bath in the bank visa. I have been offered a job teaching at the local school in my village and this is something i would love to do but i don't have a University degree so i am not eligible for the NON B visa. The school's director has said he will provide me with a work permit and i can work on the NON O visa. This advise seems to be against everything else i have seen. I spoke to Immigration and they advised me to just get a NON O visa from Laos (with marriage cert) or get a degree. lol. as i have said i am not rich and can't afford to just throw money at this. Can anyone advise what you think the best course of action is for my situation as there seems to be very little out there for people with out a degree who would like to teach and stay in Thailand.

    Thanks in advance from a confused Dan.

  8. Hi All.

    Please can you offer some advise on my situation. I am Married to a Thai lady and i am here in the land of smiles on a multi 1yr NON O visa but it is due to finish in about 60 days and i am looking for the best way to stay here. Unfortunatly i am not a rich man and can not aford the NON O - 400k Bath in the bank visa. I have been offered a job teaching at the local school in my village and this is something i would love to do but i don't have a University degree so i am not eligable for the NON B visa. The school's director has said he will provide me with a work permit and i can work on the NON O visa. This advise seems to be against everything else i have seen. I spoke to Immigration and they advised me to just get a NON O visa from Loas (with marrage cert) or get a degree. lol. as i have said i am not rich and cant afford to just throw money at this. Can anyone advise what you think the best course of action is for my situation as there seams to be very little out there for people with out a degree who would like to teach and stay in thailand.

    Thanks in advance from a confused Dan.

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