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Posts posted by OlRedEyes

  1. However as far as investing here in Thailand, there are ways where the farang and the thai can invest here with legal title and the protection of international law of ownership where any coup (withi reason) or change of government or monarchy cannot affect.
    Why invest in a country where you have to look for such ways to protect yourself? The rule of law in LOS hangs on a tiny thread, while there are many places where your investments are safeguarded by solid democracy. Sure, you have Enrons etc, but no investment is without risk.

    The growth potential of any investment in LOS does not justify the high risk of doing business here., where farang are merely tolerated, not welcome.

    Thai women use english men and then dump you when you have no money .

    I really am sorry that you had such an experience where you lost everything. It is a far too common story. But in the end you have only yourself to blame. To state that 'Thai women.... ' is grossly unfair if you pick up a bar girl and suddenly expect her to not look out for herself and her family first. You could not possibly have built a close enough relationship with such a girl of such a different culture in a short time, that she would think of you first. You should have realized this.

    Many Thai women will stick with their foreign husband/boyfriend against all odds and without money, for love alone. Just like anywhere else.

  2. This is pure nonsense... :o

    It is a well known fact that the north has a mild climate, clean air, good food, friendly crafty people, and great treks.

    Isaan women are beautiful, submissive, and love farang tourists.

    On the flip side, the south is hot, humid, infested with bird flu and such, the beaches are dirty, prices are high, and everything stinks of backpackers and fish sauce.

    BTW, heard of Tsunamis?

    Wiped out all the Marmite stocks :D

  3. I've got an idea!!!  Let's all get together and fill out the survey but lets collude on one answer and let's all give a really outrageous answer to see if we can influence the results in an obvious way....like let's all say we are blind in the left eye....then see if one of the characteristics of expats in Thailand is reported to be blind in the left eye.  What do you think....has anyone looked at the survey who can suggest some answer we can all try to influence?  This way we could actually demonstrate how inaccurate internet polls can really be....I think this could be classified as a great service to humanity!!!

    Final question:

    39. Do you have any additional comments about any topics related to the questions above?

    I'm blind in my left eye

    Done. :D

    Dang, it's my right eye, and I dont wanna lie...



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    Intercepted with ip could yield some useful info.... :o

  4. Thailand is an extremely dangerous place when it comes to guns.  Look at list of the number of murders by firearm, by country.

    1. South Africa 31,918 (2000)

    2. Colombia 21,898 (2000)

    3. Thailand 20,032 (2000)

    4. United States 8,259 (1999)

    5. Mexico 3,589 (2000)

    6. Zimbabwe 598 (2000)

    7. Germany 384 (2000)

    8. Belarus 331 (2000)

    9. Czech Republic 213 (2000)

    10. Ukraine 173 (2000)

    Coming from South Africa, yes, it really is violent sometimes. But one thing is surely very different. The law is applied equally to all, even foreigners. That is the core of the problem in Thailand. As someone said, in a civilized society the law is enforced without bias. All countries have loose cannons, but here it's institutionalised.

    One hear a constant stream of excuses as to why the Thai is 'special'. That in itself is an admission that you are dealing with an uncivilised society. We all have our cultures, hangups etc. No different really. How we react to 'insults' to those beliefs and cultural hangups is what we should be judged on.

    Gotta go Colombia :D Missed one :o

  5. its money/ gold that is asked from you by the parents for their daughter ,

    sometimes they keep it, sometimes they give some /all of it back to you after the wedding

    the amount varys, depending on how well off the family are-- if you marry a "hi-so" lady i will cost you, on the other hand if you marry a worn out bar girl ,you shouldnt expect to pay much at all

    if your woman has been marryied before, you dont pay anything as a dowry will already have been payed

    the whole thing is a joke as far as i can see  but thats just imho! either way you get screwed ,good luck if you are getting married ,you will need it !

    Don't you just hate it when there is no price displayed on the merchandise.

    I suppose it's because of the dual-pricing system in LOS?


  6. My wife (when ever I get around to getting one) will be a woman who is independent and strong enough that she deosn't "need" a husband or a man in her life. The reason she has chosen me as her mate in life, will be bacause she loves me and want to spend the rest of her life with me. We will not have a perfect relationship..

    ......That set aside, if she is what I want her to be, she's a good wife.


    Great sentiments... unlikely your gonna classify her as good wife. She's gonna be who SHE is, aint it??? :D

    Let it be known that this is one subject that should be non-negotiable. Especially if one feels guilty about it afterwards. People who cheat don't deserve to share our world, they don't deserve our sympathy coz they are the scum of the human race, they're weak, and they should do us all a favor and go ######ing die in a fire!

    WOW... there's been some psychologist types hanging around these boards I noticed a while back... maybe they could be of help.. That's horrible anger you have there :D

  7. What is a 'good wife'? I have the best wife I could possibly dream of, in societies' terms. Yet I find myself, like HarryH says, about to push the self-destruct button. Why?

    Because, although I am not so young anymore, I cannot imagine ever just slowly fading away, spending the last few decades of my life in a boring, sweet, uneventful 'life'.

    It's not about 'playing around'. It's about having a partner that also wants to experience life. It's highs and it's lows. Ride the rollercoaster till you drop dead. :D

    :o Maybe I should blame this post on Kuhn Chang

  8. What a revealing thread! Intellectuals, pseudo-intellectuals and "more Chang please!" It has it all!!

    Kat, you <deleted> with my hormones :D

    Someone here mentions he's a Casino Manager. Think i've seen that in a thread or 2, somewhere, before. Mensa nogal. Cool.

    Have I anything constructive to say? No.

    Hi all.


  9. What your boyfriend is doing is perfectly normal in western society. You see when a man feels lucky for finding the perfect girl (such as yourself), he feels obligated to tell as many women as possible that he is in love with you and that he cannot see them, or have any future relations with them. Sometimes these talks go long into the night and he gets home late. Sometimes the other women get upset and he has to buy a small gift to make her feel better, so that she does not feel badly toward you.

    So you see, there is nothing to worry about lindaz. The more he stays out late and gives gifts to other women, the more it proves he's devoted to you. You should even reward him when he does it, because it isn't easy for him to do all these things with other women, but if he is willing to do that for you, he deserves at least your support.


    Hey you're good. I gotta get some advice from you on how to bullshit me lovely :o

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