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Everything posted by kbelyeu

  1. When I did my surgery at TRSC, I had to go without contacts for 6 months prior to my surgery. To this day I still need to wet my eyes when I wake up due to my idiocy of never removing my contacts in my younger life. Kurt
  2. When I visited TRSC they provided the number of procedures as well as the number of "issues". Its been so long I only remember there being a couple of issues but I can't remember what they were. The end of the day, LASIK is elective surgery and with any surgery there will be a number of patients that have issues, some of those issues being loss of sight. Kurt
  3. Hi Stevymac, I had mine done at TRSC in Bangkok, price was fair, technology was the latest way back in 2013. My eyes are still good to go to this day, but they do offer a lifetime of corrections. TRSC was and probably still is the world leaders in Lasik correction surgery in Bangkok. FYI you will have an acceleration of needing reading glasses after the surgery.
  4. Here in the states you are required to travel to one of the two embassy's in order to get a new passport.. The emergency travel document might make the most sense to get everyone in.. My visit will be less than 30 days (oilfield) but the wife and kids will probably stay several months. Kurt
  5. Hi TV, The family and myself are planning a visit back to Thailand from the US sometime in 2022. My wife is a dual citizen (USA/Thai) as are both my children. The problem is my wife's Thai passport has expired and neither of my kids have one (both have Thai birth certificates issued from the RTE). In the US it is a pain in the rear to get a Thai passport because Thai's are required to physically appear at the RTE with the application. The RTE's where doing outreach but its mostly been cancelled. Is it possible the wife and kids enter under their US passports, obtain their Thai passports locally then just boarder hop to re-enter under their Thai passports? Any tips or hints would be grateful. Thanks.
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