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Everything posted by stuartd1

  1. stuartd1

    Sick dog

    You might try talking to one of the local charities like WVS Thailand. they have a place near the night safari. their primary purpose is saving animals and I have notified them of animals in distress previously who they have saved and rehabilitated. I am sure they would be sympathetic.
  2. Try the silversmiths down Wua Lai road. Some of the larger ones might help.
  3. Thanks for the input, Mike. Hopefully I will avoid this!
  4. I have stage 3 haemorrhoids, those similarly afflicted will understand. Does anyone have any feedback on treatment in Chiang Mai? I have read that the Rafaelo technique is effective. Does anyone have any experience of this or alternatives?
  5. I would like to do some wood turning and would be keen to find a facility with woodworking equipment, wood lathe, band saw, etc., which could be used at an hourly/daily rate. I am aware of the Makerspace near Thapei Gate, but it's lathe is currently non-op. Alternatively are there any other like minded people that would be interested in getting together and starting a co-operative?
  6. I used to use 3M filter material on the aircon, but aircon fans are quite expensive to run and the filcrete does impede airflow. I found it best to buy 2 standalone Sharp filters. put one in the lounge and one in the master bedroom and leave them running on low 24/7. Change the filters every 6 months or so (approx. 200 THB from Lazada) and give the intake side a run over with the vacuum cleaner now and again. Works for us!
  7. Has anyone had any experience of having laser surgery for haemorrhoids in Chiang Mai?
  8. Has anyone had experience in ordering Creon online from overseas for delivery in Thailand?.
  9. The Red Lion does an acceptable liver and onions with bacon and mashed potatoes.
  10. Has anyone had recent experience of the passport renewal service offered by VFSGlobal. and if so, any guidance would be appreciated.
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