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Posts posted by poanoi

  1. Thanks @Semper

    Section 34 (500B)

    [if the road is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction, the driver shall

    keep to the outermost left-hand side lane. If the outermost left-hand side lane is a bus

    lane, the driver shall keep close to the bus lane. Except following situations:

    a. there is obstruction on the road

    b. the road is prescribed as one-way

    c. it is necessary to enter the correct lane upon approaching a junction

    d. when overtaking another vehicle

    e. when driving faster than vehicles in the left-hand side lane.

    and for benefit of others, here is the unlocked pdf.

    And btw, if thailand have other traffic regulations than the rest of the known world,

    then why is international driving license valid ?

    and it was right before pattaya, coming from bang saree


  2. I would speak for myself.

    Primarily, i want a written and signed statement that state what IS the law in this matter.

    and yes, it wasnt that i took over, but that i had used the right lane, which is from what i know universally the appropriate lane while taking over.

    Also universaly is to go back to left lane after the overtaking is done, which i did.

  3. I just got fined 400 baht for taking over on the right lane,

    where both lanes going in the same direction, on sukumvit.

    So is this the law in thailand ?

    and if so, does that give me the right to take over on the very left of the left lane ?

    or is motorbikes prohibited from taking over altogether ?

    If i want to contest this in court of law, how do i proceed ?

    It's a heavy bike if it has any relevance

  4. My input as a female member of the forum...

    I have dated a Thai guy and it has come to my understanding that Thailand is a very patriarchal society. Whilst guys are allowed to have giks and mia noi's the woman is not because at the end of the day their husband/boyfriend is paying for them seeing as men are the breadwinners in majority of relationships here. I don't condone in double standards in a relationship so if I was with a guy who wanted to have more than woman but I was not allowed to have more than one man then he can kiss my a** goodbye! Obviously this does not apply to all Thai men in the country. I know some who are monogamous in their relationships.

    I have no problem with polyamory or monogamous relationships but it must work both ways and there has to be full trust with both parties involved.

    ....And that is why i insist mia jai participate in the triangle, so it's fair to all

  5. @Parvis:

    The reason i said 'is still recommended' instead of 'I recommend'

    is that i have no personal experience with Walen specifically,

    but i've been told that Walen primarily focus on read-write/avoid speaking speaking form,

    and so by logic should lend itself to be more focused on read/write.

    I appreciate your input tho, and will take it into account if/when commenting on Walen,

    actually i was hesitant to join this thread in the first instance.

  6. Walen is still recommended if you primarily want to read/write,

    there are those who actually have no interest in speaking thai,

    yet still want to read/write.

    As for the idea that a rookie would be more capable in any way than an

    experienced teacher, -where's that :rolleyes: smiley when you need it.

    Yes, i didn't want to reply since it looked like bashing thread,

    but experience & competence of the teacher is worthy a discussion,

    i've tried both variants, nuff said.

    Actually nuff isn't said: Why is it that the teachers here in general is so

    far and away below the standard in west ?

  7. I recall i got a flat on the front tire at an intersection unknowingly with a scooter

    while waiting for green light.

    The only way to keep the bike up after the chocking horror realization was to skii

    on my shoes and pretty much carry the bike,

    luckily my shoes was hard under and suited for skiing, so i didnt fall.

    In contrast Some mechanics have nodded that my front tire on the big bike was flat,

    -i didnt even know it, but after several occasions and years of ownership

    i can now tell (at least sometimes) when the front is flat by the slight increase in resistance when i turn

    • Like 1
  8. Children are not only expected, but bound by Thai law to help their parents if they can't cope. It's in the Civil Code, I've posted it on TV before, but have trouble finding it with my tab.

    Yes, a good friend of mine send 2000 baht a month to mom&pop.But she decided years ago to never again go back there,after every frickin one including the buffalo was sick in some way or another & needed extra cash.Come to think of it another friend said the exact same thing, both are thai females 35-40

    • Like 1
  9. To be honest, my plan when i started school was to go there just long enough

    so i could make a 5 year driving license, and then disappear.

    But it was actually entertaining & rewarding, and so i decided to get my money's worth and

    get the education i had paid for.

    When she stopped working at her former school, i realized after a couple of other teachers that it was a complete waste of time, and to my knowledge, the entire class left altogether

    within a few months.

    Those of us who need ED keep asking <deleted> when you gonna register ?!

    so we can go back and get our moneys worth

    ( i now subscribe to another school but dont waste my time, it's visa biz)

    Those that didn't need the visa (as in 50+) now study with her private

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