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Posts posted by nokmdk

  1. First, user name Nokmdk, i was under the impression you have been in Thailand a fair bit, maybe my oversite there, Nok is a Thai word for a bird. (Maybe i didn't fully understand the - especially if, as his username implies, he is from Hong Kong) comment.

    Why would a hotel/resort, pay more than 50,000 per month for a western F&B manager? A Thai manager can do it just as well, and 99% of the time, do it much better. Won't get into all the reasons why, just need say he is Thai, can speak Thai, understands Thai staff.

    Average F&B manager wage for a Thai person in Samui is around 30-40k per month.

    Now, yes that typicaly does include all meals, housing (hotel owned, not very nice most times).

    If anyone thinks they can make it in Samui as a F&B manager with dreams of 150,000 , they might be surprised.

    Again, F&B is not upper management, it's not even middle management in some hotels/resorts. Answers to MD, EMD, GM, RM, ACC, and others. Also one of the higher turn over positions due to verious reasons.

    It's a position suitable to live being a bit money tight, but more than do able i'd say.

  2. Been here 1.5 years and i have no idea about this shooting as of yet.

    Have asked a few others and same from them, no idea.

    Friends at Super-Sub say the same singers are still there for past 3 months.

    The main singers name is Jay, looks a bit Japanese, seen him around the other day.....

  3. Hey all,

    Reading the Canadian websites and packages for my wife to get PR, its confusing the hel_l out of me.

    My questions, if you can answer.

    I have been in Thailand for 4 years now, planning to head back soon.

    1. Must she apply for PR here in Thailand?

    2. If we get her a 3 month visa for visiting, i feel it would be easy as she has done before, can she apply for PR once in Canada? I understand they hate us doing that.

    3. If she can in fact apply once in Canada, will she have to leave the country at any point?

    4. Being married close to 4 years, will i have to sponsor her, or, can my family help in this point as well? As they are much more secure with their careers at this point, ive been away a bit.

    Any other info that you have done yourself or know of directly would be a huge help.

    Thanks all.


  4. my ping to google

    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

    © Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping www.google.com

    Pinging www.l.google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=306ms TTL=242

    Reply from bytes=32 time=303ms TTL=242

    Reply from bytes=32 time=303ms TTL=242

    Reply from bytes=32 time=305ms TTL=242

    Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 303ms, Maximum = 306ms, Average = 304ms

    my tracert: to www.google.com

    Tracing route to www.l.google.com []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 68 ms 99 ms 99 ms dsldevice.lan []

    2 20 ms 21 ms 21 ms 125-24-236-1.adsl.totbb.net []

    3 21 ms 21 ms 21 ms ge1-8-202.cs1-kkm.totisp.net []

    4 80 ms 231 ms 235 ms te8-1.cs1-cwt.totisp.net []

    5 21 ms 22 ms 21 ms ge1-2.gw1-cwt.totisp.net []

    6 373 ms 371 ms *

    7 * * 364 ms

    8 302 ms 301 ms 303 ms

    9 303 ms 305 ms 303 ms

    10 300 ms 353 ms *

    11 305 ms 312 ms 305 ms

    12 308 ms 305 ms 303 ms www.google.co.th []

    Anyone have any idea what this means or where my internet has taken off to? Most times the pings come back as 50% loss. looking forward to a few replys.

  5. i called them on Thurs, was told they would get back to me on friday, never happened so called them again. was told its being looked at, they had my send the tracert to them via email. then called again today, was told the techs are not in till Monday. Rotfl

    Speed is still doing the same thing, works fine for 1 min, then is gone for 5 mins. Repeating same pattern for 3 days total now. As a few have said, tracert is now going to some screwed up places.

    Guess ive called enough now till Monday.

  6. your not alone,

    im with ToT gold package, started 2 days ago. 1 sec its super fast and then its total outage. this has been happening all day and all night.

    did trace and its the same, going into some strange area not seen before. Called tot, was told they would look into it, that was the 5th call to them.

    I think its got nothing to do with it being holidays for kids, as this is all night even at 4am when usualy its the best.

  7. Just came back from MBK, no problem getting my copy and my friend his. They have alot of copys in store and he said they can get more within 2 hours of being short. The guy just drives over to the person that has the rights to sell in Thailand, thats it.

    those worried about not getting it, relax, anyone saying chances are slim, as they say in WoW (NOOB)

    Anyways, best of luck and look my up if ya need any help.

  8. I was at MBK today and the PC Game Shop (on the same floor as the mobile phones) will have the US version of the Burning Crusade tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday)

    I'm going to get it and will give WOW a go again after a break of 6 months, but it might take some days before it is 100% playable. I bet WOW Servers will be hammered with millions of people doing the exact same thing as me

    Im shocked, with only 33 copies comming into their store you tell them before you got your copy? hehe

    hope you did as i did and pre ordered with them and made sure your copy is safe. Might just see ya there at about 10pm today :o if your not there sure hope you get it as its the only store in BKK that i have found that has it comming.

    As for what servers and not playable. Im now on Oceanic server and i have 200ms ping at all times. Stayed up late checking out the servers stablility and its perfect, no crashes as of yet.

    server = Thaurissan.

    Horde Troll hunter lvl 60 T2.5 full

    name = trollium

    see ya in game, and DONT re-roll BE as there are <deleted> way to many as is now.

  9. Francis Maube and lopburi3 thanks for your replys

    Lop always nice to see you still around after all this time. I tend to read your posts closely when i have the time.

    So even though i have taken a break with no income, but wife making the 55k per month and saving tax info and such. When i go to re-apply for my non O next year, i should be ok?

    This will be my 4th year here on this same visa, and would hate to have problems.

  10. Hey there,

    I was working at a local Univeristy, decided it was time to take a long break.

    This was when the new rules about a Thai wifes imcome can now be used towards the Visa.

    My wife makes over 55k per month.

    When i go back for a renew next Aug, will i be in alot of trouble? Or, showing all of her income slips and taxs, make so they are happy?

    I have read a bit here and its just too hard to keep up with these changes that seem to be coming up.

    Yours thoughts kindly appritiated.

    Sunbelts thoughts most welcome.

  11. Im with TOT in BKK,

    I have been on the phone for 3 days with them and just had the tech person leave my house.

    Seems funny to me for them to send over a tech person after 3 days of complaining and have him check everything only to be told its due to the quake. Why wouldnt they just say that on the phone?

    Anyways have been told that this will last about 2 more weeks.

    My net was fine during the quake but as some of you already know, they took us of the pipe from the EU and sent us into Hong Kong way now. I find i can only use my net from 2am till 6am. then there is no point as all sites ping out.

    2 weeks, good news.

    I asked to speak with a Supervisor and demanded they make sure its recorded that im loosing money due to this problem and there was no way id pay for something im not able to get regardless of who is at fault.

    result was the Tech person bring it in writing that my next month would be deducted the ammount of loss days.

    now the ammount im sure will be a joke. let me know if you all hear anything else about the lines being down ect.....

  12. Im now confused so let me ask again in case i missed it.

    Im currently working here in thailand, making over 40k per month with all permits. I actualy want to take a year or so off work.

    My wife is Thai and makes much more than i do with her job.

    Can we in fact use her funds from Thailand showing she makes well over 100k per month to show we have income to support? Can a Thai wife in fact support her western husband?

    Last time we had asked, the man laughed saying no Thai wife can support a man as its not the culture here.....

    I would love to have a PM from anyone able to clear this up or with personal exp now with the rules in that regards.


  13. Alot of reading,

    I'm now going to wait before i say too much, for a few reasons.

    1. You have been asked questions that you have choosen not to answer, your own reasons perhaps.

    2. Given alot of advice about IP tracking and you seem not to have even tryed much towards this, but time given to post pics.

    I would now like to see a post of what you HAVE done with all the advice you have been given. Why have you not answered some very valid questions to help you, you after all asked.

    Sucks that this has happened, sorry if it has happened.

    I have been into this just as recently as 1 year ago. I can tell you what i did without the PI to find out the person resposible.

    Best of luck and hope to see the questions of others answered and not avoided or forgotten perhaps.

    1. 13k

    2. IP checked

    3. Who would gain from sending.

    4. who was access to the info (forget the email name)

  14. Ummmm

    I can tell you this much,

    When my wife and i first went to apply for her visa it was not a walk in the park. Provided everything we needed and yet there was still some hook ups. Your "worker" will be required to show proof of cash in bank, house ownership, among other things. The fact that you want to bring her to work only, will result in alot of other questions. Im sure anything is possible but what your asking is not going to be easy at all. Best of luck

  15. The problem i'm having is that this is not for my grades. the head of the department has entered them into a contest, me being the knew kid on the block, was left to edit them all. This one has been driving me nuts, any others with comments would be great as well special thanks to the few that sent a pm with the first paragraphs edited, that was a HUGE help.

  16. Just about to do so now, my head has been spinning since this all started. Just be nice to get it over with and out of my hair. I can't for the life of me, understand why i was choosen for this kind task. Never was the best with grammar in the first place and thats why i stayed away from that type of work if i could. payment? hmmmmmmm

    hows some free drinks and couple games of pool on me sound? lol

  17. Fellow forum users,

    I have the task of going through 17 of these research papers and only 3 days to do so. This is the one thats giving me a hard time, no idea why but perhaps the grammar has gone to my head as you can notice from this post already. I'm asking if you have the time, to help me proof read this last report, that has nothing to do with what i'm good at i might add. I have to hand this back before Thursday mourning so time is a factor. That is of course, for those of you willing to help and able to help. Many thanks for them that try or even offer adivice.



    Crisis management is dealing with the difficult situations to serve as references for airlines and tourists in Thailand or other destinations when they have to face the similar crises in future. This study aims to study crisis management techniques for the airline businesses in Thailand, in the face of terrorism effect’s on Airline Business and to determine how this crisis affects businesses in the short term and long term. Questionnaire surveys were used to collect data and the target of our study were international airlines which have routes to the terrorism affected area, we interviewed 7 international airline managers and also use the snowball method as give the questionnaires to foreign tourists (Europeans and Americans) who often travel by airplanes so they can respond to the questions that are related to terrorism. The result of the study can show how the airline be concerned about the terrorism crisis and what are the crisis management to deal with this tragedy, and the impact of terrorism towards the hospitality industry. This paper is expected to benefit the industry with a better understanding and planning to face the threat and of international terrorism.

    Key Word: Crisis management, Terrorism on airline business, short-long term problem.


    There are many countries such as Great Britain, The U.S, Canada, New Zealand and Australia encourage their citizens to be cautious in fear of terrorism. There are alerts, particularly after the 911 event to take only necessary travel trips and to avoid going abroad if avoidable, especially in the Middle East areas such as Saudi Arabia. There was a direct effect on the holiday travel and people were reluctant with the warning and high alerts to book the flight. (Bangkok posts, 25 Dec, 2005)

    The war on the terrorism, which according to U.S. officials will last” 2005, not days and weeks”, will have long-lasting negative impact on the industry of travel and hospitality. The terrorism attacks in Europe in the 80s, the Gulf war, the first WTC (world Trade Center Building) bombing have proved that travel and terrorism have an effect on one another. The uncertainty of what happens next and the length and outcome of the war on terrorism only aggravates the fear implanted in people following the world trade crashes. (High fly magazine online)

    In general, people tend to stay home where they feel most secure. People also tend to stay away from the troubled areas. In this case, the U.S. and the countries believed to harbor the alleged suspects of terrorist acts (the Middle East and certain countries in Asia) are the areas most vulnerable and most directed by terrorism in respects to travel. (The nation online, 2006)

    Terrorism seems like an accident, nobody couldn’t expect it to happen, and nobody doesn’t know when will be happening either. But terrorism has long-term effect and much more terrible result that an accident. Due the terrorism, it makes hospitality business nowadays must concern about it. This includes Airline Business. (Bangkok post, 2006)

    After the well know terrorism that happened to the twin towers of World Trade Center in the state of New York in the USA, on the September 11,2001, as know as the 9/11. It effects Airline Business to be insecure. The population target that all of Airline Company expect to be insecure. The population target that all of Airline Company expect to be their huge chunk of profit turn to big amount of waste that they have to throw away. (Bangkok post, 2006)

    Unfortunately, some local airlines in the U.S. some airline companies have to shut down their business sadly. Hospitality, after the terrorism a few year, there are many terrible terrorism started again and again. Those are terrorism in the Iraqi’s areas, the UK, Bomb blast, and The Bali bomb blast. (The nation online, 2006)

    Literature Review


    We have a very close relationship with Thailand as a major non –NATO ally, and that allow us to work on the defense and intelligence and other cooperation from a very firm foundation and basis, “Rice said July 11 during a press conference in Thailand,

    with Thai Foreign Minister Khantathi Suphamongkorn.” The threat of extremism is a threat that is worldwide, and of course, it’s had its manifestation in Southeast Asia,” Rice said citing the October 2002 nightclub bombings on the island of Bali in Indonesia. (Indonesian government’s response from Jakarta Post article)

    Rice arrived in Phuket, July 10, 2004 to survey reconstruction efforts under way since a disastrous tsunami struck the region in December 2004. She visited to Thailand followed meeting with Chinese leaders in Beijing, where she discussed efforts to restart the Six-Party Talks among the United States, China, Japan , Russia ,South Korea, and North Korea on the north Korea’s nuclear weapons program.

    Bilateral cooperation in the wake of tsunami further strengthened the United States’ relationship with Thailand and helped bolster cooperation in dealing with terrorism, Rice the secretary said she had discussed the situation in Burma with her Thai counterpart, and asked Thailand to use its contacts to continue to press the Burmese military regime for greater openness and for the release of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and other human rights activists. (Bangkok post online article)


    General News -The national police chiefs of Australia and Thailand on Thursday signed a pact to boost cooperation in fighting terrorism, narcotics, and trafficking in humans. (The Nation reports)

    Thai national police chief, General Kowit Watana and his Australian counterpart Mick Keelty signed the deal at police headquarters’ in Bangkok.

    Thailand’s national police office said in statement that the two agencies will closely coordinate top share information on transnational crimes, human trafficking, and prostitution as well as drug trafficking “the best example of cooperation was the seizure of 40 kilos of drugs which was destined for Australia last Friday” the Australian Federal Police statement said.

    Thai and Australian police have worked closely together on the southern resort island of Phuket since the December 26 tsunami, with forensics teams from both force trying to identify the nearly the 5400 victims, roughly half of whom believed to be foreign holidaymakers. (The nation online article)

    According to Bali bombing suspect admits prior knowledge of attacks Denpasar: Dwi Widiyarto alias Wiwid, one of the accused in the Bali-II bombings, testified that he knew the night before the attacks happened (30 September 2005) that Noordin Top was going to carry out bombings in Bali. The bombings were perpetrated on 1 October. Bombings have been carried out on Jalan Legian in Kuta, Bali," Wiwid said. He was quoting Noordin in the film where he appeared in a balaclava with a weapon in his belt. "I knew there were going to be bombings, but I did not know when they would be carried out. I became aware when I saw the Noordin film," Wiwid said. Wiwid admitted that he deliberately withheld bombing plans and the whereabouts of Noordin from police. Wiwid also testified that he was instructed to transfer the handy-cam recording of Noordin to a computer disc. The recording was played by police shortly after the first Bali-II bombers were arrested. (BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific, May 31, 2006)

    According to Agents found 7/7 man surfing Net for bombs; Aldgate Tube killer monitored just one month before the London blasts but no action was taken one of the 7 July bombers was discovered by intelligence services surfing the internet looking for bomb recipes weeks before the atrocity. The intelligence was never acted upon. British security sources have told the Standard they were never told about it. It is believed to have come from a foreign intelligence agency. A report from the Home Office will present a narrative of what the Government has concluded was known about the bombers, while the second report, from the Parliamentary intelligence and security committee, will clear the UK police and security services of "intelligence failure". Four suicide bombers on three Tube trains and a bus killed 52 people and injured hundreds on 7 July last year. It concludes that they acted alone and were not under direct orders from al Qaeda - but supported the terror network's "ideology".( The Evening Standard London May 10, 2006 )

    According to JEMAAH Islamiah-linked terrorists in southern Thailand are believed to be planning to transform their insurgency from attacks against the Thai state to bombings of Western tourists. Dr Abuza will tell the Foreign Correspondents Club in Bangkok tonight there are also reasons to believe that JI may become involved in such a plan being hatched by Thai insurgents The two-year insurgency, which has killed more than a thousand people, has until this point been dominated by attacks against symbols of the Thai state, such as police stations, and dominant religion, such as Buddhist temples.

    Attacks against Western tourists would mark a turning point in Thailand's war on terror, and Dr Abuza said the shift could be being driven by JI's sense of Islamist obligation to join battle with fellow Muslims. Neil Fergus, the chief executive of Intelligence Risks, said tourist spots including beach resorts had been broadly considered as targets, but Bangkok remained the biggest problem.

    Although security in Thailand has been dramatically improved in many areas, Mr Fergus said it would be difficult for any authority to protect expatriate and bar areas frequented by tourists.

    In the past 10 days, 19 people -- five of them policemen -- have been killed in attacks in southern Thailand Dr Abuza said that while Thai authorities claimed to have arrested 190 insurgents responsible for conducting or planning operations in the past two years, very few of the insurgency's leaders had been picked up.The Government has also consistently denied the trouble is part of any international terrorist network or that JI is involved.Dr Abuza has warned that there are insurgent leaders who want to take terrorism to the next level, and they could be helped by JI or whatever form al-Qa'ida might take, by attacking places such as Bangkok or Phuket. (THE AUSTRALIAN January 11, 2006)


    The first part of this study, discusses the result of a survey conducted between January, 11and 24 2006. Our targets populations are international airlines e.g. American Airlines, Emirates, All Nipon Airways, Gulf Airs and etc, and the tourists who are frequently travel with airlines. We used two methods to get the data, first we had in dept interviewed with international airlines (7 airlines). To know if they get any effect from terrorism, what the effect that the airlines get is, when terrorism happens, what is the precaution to deal with the circumstances so on. The second method we used the snow ball method as distributed the 100 questionnaires to tourists who are the airline business target population feel about terrorism, checking their confident in case of the terrorism had happened while they plan to travel. Also, we would like to know how they feel about Thailand including the terrorism in the three southern provinces and to explore the travelers’ opinion on surcharging the flight ticket during terrorism happen. The group started this study by searching some information that related to the topic by searching from the internet. This includes news, headline information, for the literature review. Then we create the questions to use for the structure interview for airline business, we spend about five weeks for the airline business formal interview, including the period of mailing, fax, the letter of permission, and confirm calls. We summarize the conversation from the formal interview of each airline company. At last we summarize all the research that we have, and then analyze to this paper.

    These are totally 100 tourists, 56 males and 44 females who did the questionnaires. There are 22 from Asia tourists, 4 from Asia Oceania tourists, 54 from Europe tourists, 12 from North America, 4 from South America, and the other 4. These tourists who frequently traveling with airlines.

    According to Table 2, we asked them the reason why they come to Thailand. The majority 42 tourists, they like Thailand tourist’s attraction, 24 tourists they like Thai culture and Thais (friendliness of Thais), 22 tourists like the tropical climate weather of Thailand, and lastly 12 tourists, they are impress in Thai hospitality.

    According to Table 3, we would like to know that between male and female who are scared of terrorism; the result showing that female is scared of terrorism more than male. In contrast, male do not scare of terrorism less than female. From the figure, 38 of males are not scared, just only 18 males that are scared of terrorism, and 30 females are scared, just only 14 females that are not scared of terrorism. Most of them agree that they are scared on Terrorism.

    • Incase of terrorism, if there is a terrible terrorism happen to the country where you plan to travel, would you like to go to that country.

    According to Table 4, we would like to know that if there is terrorism happen to the country where they plan to travel, would they still like to go to that country. The majority 56 tourists say, maybe - they would like to go there, 30 of tourists says, no - because it is very dangerous to go to the country where it is insecure. And 14 tourists says, absolutely - they would like to go there no matter what happen. The majority said that if the crisis still dangerous they will go there if it very important or Could cancel their plane

    According to Table 5, we would like to know what is their perception toward airline business providing precaution to deal with terrorism while they’re flying to somewhere in the world. From the figure; 40 tourists says, very good - because they feel safe and ready to deal with the situation to protect themselves, 38 tourists says, good - they think it could make passengers feel safe when they travel, 18 tourists says, fairly – it’s ok for them if there is no precaution, but it would be better if airlines provide safety manual of precaution, and 4 of tourists says, not good – it sound dangerous and insecure them to travel.

    According to Table 6, we would like to know about if they feel confident with Thailand International Airport security system. The majority, 87 tourists they are confident with airport security system and 13 tourists they are not confident with airport security system.

    • Do you think if airline business increase fare price for your insurance rate to prevent terrorism. It could be fair the passenger

    According to Table 7, we would like to know if it’s fair for them, in case of airline business increase fare price for their insurance rate to prevent terrorism. There are 58 tourists agree it is fair and there are 42 not agree it is fair, if airlines increase fare price.

    Result from interviewing international airline managers

    From the result that we got from airline interview we found that every airline got the effect from the terrorism, especially the airline which have the route to the U.S. or based in U.S., for example when the 9/11 crisis happened the every airline in the U.S. have lots of problems because passengers canceled 80% of the confirmation tickets so the airline had to closed the flight or shared the passenger with the partnership airline. Some of airline lost a lot of profit and some of airline had to close the company for a while. This situation had affected to airline other airline around the world. Therefore, they cooperated with government to create some precaution to deal with the crisis such as scanning finger, bags checking before the passenger to the air craft. But some Airline doesn’t get any support from government because they’re off line flight. They have to deal with their airline to do the precaution.

    Management Implication

    These suggestions are the general ideas to list as the recommendations; the airline business should provide some precautions to the passengers- it could be from of security manual or using entertaining multimedia such as aircraft television screen or radio station to inform them, this method could help passengers deal with the precaution to protect them. Develop the airport security system, for example, checking system at the immigration, detecting the metal or dangerous goods. Technology is one point that should be considered to handle of this development. Each airline company has to motivate the staff on security training. Insurance rate should be increase only in case of terrorism become more dangerous. Even though there are many airline companies and passengers disagree. If it really essential it could be consider increasing in limit. In case of Thailand, improvement the way of Medias should be considered. Sometimes Medias don’t contract all the truth, but it creates some fact and makes people to be concerned about it. Besides, there many rumors that somebody use to threaten only but it is not terrorism. Thailand tourism should focus more on campaigns to the tourists both Thais and foreigners, that Thailand is the country free from terrorists attack. Also to ensure tourists that Thailand is a safe place to visit. For Thai government, if in case terrorism happens, they should try to solve it immediately or providing essential information to the airlines.

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