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  1. As usual, a government minister with no experience, goes and pays a visit somewhere and all he does is tell other people to fix the problem. Then he goes home and forgets all about his day out. A few years ago the PM put himself in charge of flood control and that was another total balls up ! Now we have the toad in charge .
  2. But they will be more than 10 years old by the time they get them !
  3. Shooting someone only solves one problem but creates a hell of a lot more for many people. But that seems to be the Thai way to solve it.
  4. The Dutch engineers offered their help years ago but were bluntly told that Thailand knew what they were doing and could fix the problems. The standard <deleted> Thai reply to people offering to help.
  5. They might step up inspections but nothing will change. I bet you will never see any news about any clubs getting closed down
  6. If they only took into consideration the poo, pollution and rubbish to be found in the water the Thailand would be number 1 and 2 and 3 .............
  7. No. That is an artist impression of the new Thai railway to Chiang Mai !
  8. And they need an "Expert" to tell us that ! Millions of people in BKK can tell you that every year !
  9. Maintenance is not a word used in Thailand. Same with their cars and bikes. Never change the oil, brake pads, chains, tyres etc. That costs money !
  10. If it is TATs job to promote tourism, why don't they advertise in other countries on TV or social media? Has anyone ever seen any ads for Thailand or Thai Airways ? I haven't. Other airlines advertise so why don't Thai ?
  11. Here in Australia we are in a similar position. All staff are overworked, not getting any time off, and shortages due to Covid. Nurses are quitting in large numbers. In todays paper there was an article about a country town up north where a doctor is being offered A$2700 per week to work there ! Our health service is crumbling.
  12. If I turned up at a swimming pool and wanted to wear a track suit and a hat in the pool I would get kicked out instantly ! There are enough germs in a swimming pool without girls wearing clothes that may be dirty. It will kill the chlorine in no time. They should build swimming pools at their mosque !
  13. Or he thought the Thai police would be as useless as usual !
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