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Posts posted by wilbuengkan

  1. Hello,


    I came across this map today. Does anyone know what the HAI 2017 map refers to.

    The map has different colors for the ratings of "high" to "low".

    I searched using a Google search and found nothing.







  2. The proposed points system is a joke. The proposed penalty for DUI will not discourage anyone. I come from the State of Pennsylvania, in the USA. In Pennsylvania, a DUI with a blood alcohol level of .08 to .099% gets you a $300 fine and up to 6 months probation. The second offence fine varies between $300 t0 $2,500, 5 days to 6 months in jail and a 12 month license suspension. For the third or more offence the fine varies between $500 t0 $5,000, 10 days to 2 years in prison and a 12 month license suspension.

    The penalties are even harsher if the blood alcohol level is .10 of higher. 


  3. With this requirement to maintain 400K - 800K THB in Thailand, how difficult will it be to withdraw the money from the bank and exit Thailand?


    From my experience, it is easy to bring money into Thailand and difficult to take money out.


    I sold my condo and had to prove to the bank that the money was from the sale of the condo before a wire transfer could be done, to transfer the funds out of Thailand.


    So, how do you prove the origin of the money?

    Can you easily do a bank wire transfer or must you carry cash when you exit?






  4. After being in Thailand for 5 years, I am ready to go home.


    I am looking for a full service company to sell my Bangkok condo.


    The company needs to sell the property, go to settlement at the Land Office and close my account at the Municipal Electric Authority.


    Then, send to me the sale documents in the USA and have the returned Municipal Electric Authority deposit and funds of the sale transferred to my bank account in the USA.


    Does a business of this type exist and any recommendations?

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