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Posts posted by plumeria

  1. Thailand's 2011 Man of the Year, 92 year old Dr Sommai Tongprasert, offers an affordable, extremely effective herbal cancer cure (80-95% for most forms of cancer except leukemia) that is

    Thailand FDA approved and

    backed by nearly half a century of clinical research and use.

    There have been innumerable reports about his cancer cure in the Thai media in recent years. The Bangkok Post had some weak articles about him about a year ago and Nation Books has published three books about the man.

    HRH the Crown Princess will be presenting the Man of the Year Award to Dr Sommai on 28 June. (Last years award ceremony was cancelled because of the flooding.)

    A proven cure is out there. No need to put up with hospital nonsense.

    At 92 years old, Dr Sommai still works every day at his fully licensed clinic in Singburi province.

    What I like best is his G-Herb Capsule 1 is PROPHYLACTIC so I take it every day although I don't have cancer.

    Last month Dr Sommai sent a humanitarian aid package to Serbia that included enough G-Herb Capsule 1 for therapeutic treatment of 10 cancer patients there and it is being used in that European country as well.

    It is fully compatible with all other modern medicine methods of treating cancer such as chemo and radiation so no need to make any "either/or" decision.

    Even better, it cuts the amount of chemo needed if that treatment method is also advisable.

    Two years ago, the Western/Modern medical community and the government tried to blackball Dr Sommai.

    When they totally failed to find any fault in him or his work or his cancer cure, they switched tactics and made him Man of the Year instead.

    He speaks English. No patient is turned away for financial reasons EVER.

    And the Government Pharmaceutical Organization also offers this herbal immune system enhancement under the brand name of PHYTOPLEX (I think that's the spelling and I don't' know how similar it is to G-Herb Capsule 1 produced by Dr Sommai himself).

    Dr Sommai is one of the three best examples I have seen in my life of a true doctor who is in medicine to help people in need, puts patients FIRST and does not support the concept of healthcare for profit.

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  2. Can someone please explain the huge 250 miles (400 Km) of water that is sitting above Bangkok (on the Google Flood Map):

    Click here for Google Flood Map

    (its a bit slow to load)

    or is the Google Flood Map of Thailand not correct?

    do you know if they actually DELETE the water that has receded?

    from looking at the Google Flood map (link above) it still looks like this flooding is nowhere near over. it looks like its just about to start!!

    - so, please can somebody shed some light on this.

    Flew in over the north this morning. Water as far as the eye could see. Like an inland ocean. Certainly no where near over yet.

    THANK YOU very much for your extremely useful and valuable input.

    So the WATER WEAPON still has plenty of ammunition and remains fully loaded.

    God help me! My last name is not Shinawatra and I am not a made-man in the gang. I am SCREWED! Run for cover!

    Or I should say BUY BOATS!

    Cmon, Thailand.

    Haven't you had enough???

  3. People suffering in the floods please be patient, please be united as we walk through this crisis," she wrote.

    Take off the Burberry's and walk through the waters infested with feces, urine, garbage, leeches, and disease with us. She has the gall to continue to tell everyone to be patient, but I never seen her once standing up to her chest in this water. So easy for many to say when they don't experience it first hand. Join us and we can all be happy like pigs in shit.

    Ha, ha! Good one! If we were all pigs we would think we had died and gone to heaven.

  4. Yingluck is in office one month when the floods hit and gets blamed for the infrastructure inherited from previous administrations.

    I don't blame the puppet PM for what she inherited.

    She is 100% responsible for how she managed the water.

    She is 100% responsible for the situation.

    Never once has she said it's her job to prevent/solve the problems and she is responsible.

    She always blames something else or somebody else.

    And flood prevention should have begun the day she took power on behalf of her fugitive brother.

    The floods did not happen in a day and did not jump out and appear from nowhere.

    This is 100% an intentional, woman-made situation.

    This is criminal malfeasance in office.

    How anybody could say anything about Thailand is non-political is beyond belief.

    Next the government will try and say criticism of the government's evil plan is lese majeste and they somehow deserve to be beyond criticism and beyond legal repercussions because they were able to trick the poor into electing them.

    When that fails, the PM will come up with some local version of "presidential pardon" to absolve her criminal cronies of wrongdoing -- BEFORE they are even convicted.

    If SHE gets forced out, certainly she'll orchestrate her replacement to give HER a "presidential pardon".

    The personal wealth of the Taksin gang should pay for the reconstruction of Thailand and be distributed to everyone one lost family and possessions as a result of her planned disaster.

  5. Nov 13 2011. Ratchadaphisek, Lad Prao, Pahonyothin and Mo Chit.

    Clear signs of improvement on this side of the bags.

    Thank you for your time and effort and being willing to expose yourself to that toxic water to show TVF members some factual info. Much appreciated. Good video.

  6. Is there any evidence at all that all this distribution of this highly controversial "EM" is having any beneficial effect other than lining somebody's pockets?

    Last research I did showed scientists were clearly divided down the middle whether EM worked or NOT.

    My own research could not clearly prove any benefit for agricultural use nor water detoxification.

    So when did this move into the "miraculous cure" category???

    Plenty of smart people consider this the equivalent of "snake oil" for whatever ails you.

    Anybody know any better??

  7. As an investor, I think it is next to impossible for the PM to restore my faith in this country's government.

    No amount of spin will make me forget what I have seen and heard and the "Big Gap" between news releases and reality.

    Only thing that would restore my confidence in Thailand in any way is if the Thai people put a stop to the madness.

    I am already preparing to be totally embarrassed and ashamed of what Obama and Clinton may say and/or do.

    It would sure be nice if they came down on the side of the people of Thailand instead of closing ranks with the current puppet regime.

    Anybody wanna bet they are going to publicly give HIGH MARKS to the PM's handling of the situation?

    I really hope the USA did not have a hand in this orchestrated man-made mess for whatever benefits to their long-term global agenda.

    Perhaps, Thailand has too long been the Land of the REALLY free and these people need to be more under The Man's thumb -- especially deeper in debt and too busy to protest, rebel or anything but every adult in a family working two or more jobs at low pay to barely make ends meet.

    I predict this train of international leaders are gonna pat the billionaire's puppet sister on the back and got big money to come here and do so.

    Let's see if I am related to Nostradamus.

    Naw, it's no gift of prophecy. It's all fairly plain if we choose to see it.

  8. If everything is getting better then why have all traffic cams in eastern Bangkok disappeared from http://hermes.traffy.in.th/?

    Particularly from the Mall Bangkapi-Lardprao-Ramkham to Ramindra Road following the N-S line of Nawamin and Seree Thai?

    Previously bookmarked cameras in those areas all do not work.

    The URLs don't work, not the cameras.

    Those have all also disappeared from the index list of cameras. http://hermes.traffy.in.th/i/index.php

    Seem strange to anyone?

  9. I am one of the people here who has a home that is already under water (Thonburi) and all the first floor possessions are damaged. The water has not gone done, but appears to either be the same or increasing. The more time my stuff is underwater, the more it is screwed from being salvageable. I would really like the flood waters to recede to minimize the damage.

    The way I look at it, I am already screwed. If the water goes through downtown, what does that mean for every body else? That the levels will go down a little bit? There's still going to be water and its still going to be flooded. And what good will it do even if the water goes down. Everything is pretty much destroyed already. Because I, as well as many other people, have been screwed, I don't think that justifies screwing down town BKK. The victims in the other areas are already there. But the infrastructure of downtown BKK getting screwed will screw everything even worst. Water filtration, the train system, the financial and business districts. It makes sense to save what you can, and if they can save it, then do it.

    At this point, however, I think this entire discussion is moot. The satelite photos of the water is just scary. I do not think it is physically possible.


    This is just another reason the old addage never invest more cash or emotional commitments in Thailand than you are prepared to walk away from .... I have two houses, sorry she! has two houses under 1 metre of water ,now over 1 month and counting ,all the garden and all the long term planting and planning screwed we have BKK refugees living with us in Hong Kong who have small businesses lost ,zero income ,and mounting debts ..... the only good point is my wife now believes my idea of retire to Penang is now a very sound one ...the only question is will I throw more money into repair and rebuilding ( planned for Chinese new year no holidays this time ) or just walk away !!!!!

    Yes, good point, and I stay up through most of the night every night going over the same question.

    I am totally invested in Thailand and now think that was a big mistake. I've spent most of my life in Thailand but have now lost hope in the future of the country. I think I'll hang on as long as HRH the King hangs on and when he goes I think I may find greener pastures too.

    We've got to be honest with ourselves and read the writing on the wall.

    Thailand is no longer clearly better than any of its neighbors and cannot compete at all with Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

    The extent of the Taksin family's total disregard for the people of Thailand is mind boggling.

    More mind boggling is that they managed to get the Thai people to buy into the Taksin plan and program and destruction of the country.

    The majority of voting Thais ASKED for this masochist-saddist relationship and they are getting it with gusto. (in as much as the elections were honest)

    Penang is a bit too tame for me. I'm looking for peaceful and civilized outside of Southeast Asia.

    This part of the world has not turned out to be what I expected it would become.

    I've bet my money on the wrong horse.

  10. The only reason that they are using the "big bags" is that dikes made of big bags cannot be disassembled by hand! Given the weight of each bag, even a small backhoe would have trouble moving one. The big bags are probably not any more effective at stopping water than regular sandbags, but they cannot be as easily moved or destroyed by disgruntled people on the wrong side of the dikes. :blink:

    Now THAT is useful info. Thanks for explaining the mystery of the "Big Bags".

    But didn't point out that the composition of "Big Bags" means they are intended to redirect, not be a waterproof barrier.

    That's a bit more reasonable approach and better use of sand and a solution to the mob rule of recent days.

    Thanks for the insight!

  11. I hope this is translated to Thai for everyone in Thailandto see what the outsider think about this government, instead of all rosy waythat the government present themselves

    Huh? I think everyone in Thailand knows the govt' <Snip!> up and keeps <Snip!> up. But there's probably also a sense that the government for all it's crazy incompetence is not to blame for the flood waters per se - nature did that. It's a 50 year flood. Massive quantities of water can't simply be wished away.

    It's my belief that even a perfect, professional response would see much of BKK under water. So a more competent government could have warned everyone more and earlier, and organized the "living within a flooded city" much better, but couldn't actually have prevented the flooding. Likewise a professional team would probably get the water our a few days or a week sooner than these guys can do.

    Even I don't care what BusinessWeek thinks of this government so I doubt any Thai would. We have much more information here than they have, plus they have the pressure of making everything sound really exciting so they can sell some copies of their paper.

    Implementing a restoration plan, and a future flood prevention plan is something that the government actually can do. While I don't have high hopes it's not been done yet, and they shall be judged on that a year or two from now. Given the direct economic impact of the floods on the power elite's business interests I think they'll certainly try as hard as they can.

    Nobody could have more brilliantly managed the water in a more self-serving and exploitive way that benefited the rich and business elite while firmly establishing a feudal system with the Shinatwats at the apex. All Thais know what position in this country he really wants to have. Fortunately, there's a good man still sitting in that seat.

    Normally you manage to sound quite fair-minded and impartial and objective but your agenda's slightly showing this time. rolleyes.gif

    All this was planned and orchestrated, not accidental and uncontrollable. A play with fairly convincing acting.

    And OF COURSE they'll "try as hard as they can" from this point onward to reap the maximum benefit short term and long term. They've got to stay in charge to reap the payback.

    I know their spin doctors and "strategic communications consultants" and they are are world class. They are PLENTY smart.

    So I just look at what's coming out of the mouths of the PM & other leaders, add what I know about the folks crafting their strategic communications, and a nice algorithm instantly emerges that translates the spin into easy to understand English or Thai.

    NOTHING is what it seems. Nothing they say is what it appears.

    Anyone who does not dissect and interpret and critically examine every statement of the government will NOT be able to avoid being herded and brainwashed -- Thai or farang or alien or whatever.

    Taksin's "strategic communications consultants" are some of the brightest people I have ever met so all TVF members have been warned.

    MANY TVM members are also very, very clever people who are NOT easily deceived.

    MANY comments by many members have a lot of merit and contain excellent insight.

    Sure some are high as a kite or bombed out of their mind or totally clueless or extreme right or extreme left but so what? It gives us all some comic relief in this spot of bother.

    And a smart statement looks super smart when it immediately follows one really off the wall. This is a great forum.

    And Dear ResX ... thank you for providing the details and the proof this was not uncontrollable or unmanageable.

    As I mentioned somewhere on TVF many days ago, Thailand already has this type of modeling software. I've edited the evaluations the PhD's wrote analyzing the results.

    There are many highly intelligent, well trained and well educated Thais expert in water management.

    There are many highly intelligent, well trained and well educated Thais expert in water management.

    There are many highly intelligent, well trained and well educated Thais expert in water management.

    So ... none of this can be an accident.

  12. I felt quite sad to read about Thailand, but what is Thailand is, I come to this site to be informed properly on politic and social matters.

    I refer to Noitom, at 9.05 above.

    Inside this comment below by Noitom, is mention of alternative crops for Thailand.

    The tree species Eucalyptus can grow very fast in water sodden areas. So does Pinus radiata. In fact most trees.

    Mnay countries are growing Eucalyptus, the Australian dry country tree, can find water anywhere.

    Its good for pulp, and paper, and hard building material when it gets older.

    Noitom comment at 9.05

    Eucalyptus is NOT a good idea if you truly know anything about the tree. I plant Eucalyptus only on rocks where almost nothing else will grow just to have something green. Under any other circumstances it's merely playing into the hands of the exploitive capitalists -- ruin your land so they can turn a quick Euro buying your trees cheap for scaffold material or pulp for paper or some other very low quality value added (??) product.

    Eucalyptus is the end of the line for that spot on the planet. And you'll find it also slowly kills any competition around it in a nefarious, imperialist manner.

    In other words, the government will probably reforest all of Central Thailand with Eucalyptus funded by the World Bank for an obscene and exorbitant amount of money and call it the salvation of the country.

  13. Are you for real or are you just hammered?

    name='hammered' timestamp='1320737408'


    Rubbish like this doesnt need reporting at this time based on a single unnamed source. The government-military cooperation has been good. You wont find any Thai person who doesnt think there are a certain small minority people loving the floods and seeing at as a great opportunity to overthrow the government. The military are very unlikely to be in that group as they remember only too well how incompetent the government after their coup were, how slow, corrupt and ineffective the Abhisit government they manouvered into place were and of course they arent stupid enough to want to run a recovery operation after this especially bearing in mind the above or to try any weird stuff when a lot, a real lot of people think the floods are being used to try and change government and the military have through cooperation with government in flood relief recovered at least some if not a lot of their reputation. To now toss it straight away rather than enjoy the ability to get back to barracks leaving the elected government to sort out the mess would be to say the least a silly manouver

    Military help for the people has been despite the government, NOT in cooperation with the billionaire fugitive and his puppet sister.

    The military's reputation doesn't need any "recovery".

    This spin doctoring is nowhere near at the same level as the most of the PM's strategic communications so you have only had the opposite effect.

  14. It is clear that with BNO news (BIG NUMBERS ONLY), readers should just change any three digit numbers to "many" or "plenty".

    And Nation articles ... well they don't pay very well and you have probably heard the modern Thai proverb: "If you pay peanuts, you get ... "

    AFP seems to have slightly more facts and with slightly better translation and verification but with way too much reliance on the 70% stock paragraph background information to pad out the story as is the standard wire service formula for the benefit of readers just finding out Thailand is flooded.

    Yes, it's true.

    Lot's of educated people in the rest of the world still have no idea what's happening in Thailand because the news organizations don't consider it "newsworthy".

    When TVF members provide facts on the ground about their situation and when members share perspective based on personal expertise in a certain area, TVF can be one of the best sources of info.

    Unfortunately, lately, it has been a bit thin on facts and rather heavy on harangues and rhetoric and even people trying to save the PMs reputation despite the Lake of Thailand we can all see.

    Right. There is nobody in Thailand who could do a better job than the PM.

    I must agree.

    There is nobody who could have more masterfully destroyed the independent farmers of the country and put food production, processing and distribution more completely in the hands of CP.

    And only a genius could have found a way to create restoration projects out of totally raped forests that will enable billions of US$ in restoration funds to be siphoned off.

    Plus, taking everything away from millions of people and than making it easy for them to sell their souls and the souls of their children to the banks by giving them "help" in the form of loans (debt) and claiming it's a rescue package is BRILLIANT!

    And certainly it would be impossible to find a more heartless person who would be willing to do this to their own country and their own people ... then smile and give the thumbs up and tell people sitting in floods for weeks to "be patient".

    There is no more suitable Thai on the planet to pilot this project and she gets my vote for orchestrating the most stunning display of exploiting the trusting average citizen I have seen anywhere on the planet in my lifetime. And I've been around for awhile.

    I just cannot do the subject of flooding in Bangkok justice. I am truly dumbfounded and befuddled.

    I have been masterfully manipulated so I have no idea if the water is getting higher or going down anywhere at any particular moment.

    So, once again, thanks to the TVF members who are helping make sense of what is going on and giving me tips to help me make informed decisions on what to do today, this week, this month, this year and with my family.

    Please don't let nonsense posts discourage you from posting more useful info, insights, maps, photos, links and comments. THANKS SO MUCH!

    And very sorry for this man-made disaster that has been done to millions of people here, Thai, farang, or other.

    Does 500+ dead now qualify it as mass murder? How obvious does it need to be before this can be categorized as pure class warfare of the 1% of super rich against all the rest of us?

    I do not believe at all this is a "natural" disaster despite the weapon of war being water.

    And I don't believe everybody in the national government was unable to mitigate the effects of the water much better than this.

  15. Like his last quote-dont expect much from the pm but vote out the govenor because he is not qualified to handle his duties. Lol

    You nailed it again.

    So much for his "multicolored" ism.

    From my perspective, he should have said exactly the opposite, particularly when FROC is the PM's lackey and she certainly micromanaged the composition of the unit.

    Maybe I've missed something but I am not aware of the governor making any blatant or substantial errors.

    Certainly he is no saint, but last thing to come to my mind when I think of him is vote him out.

    I predict that is very unlikely to happen.

  16. True!






    Sad. Sad.

    Perhaps we have come full circle and will once again be the "Venice of the East". Sure. Why not? Works for me.

    But it sure would have been nice to be warned in advance so I could get a boat, raise the house, etc, etc.

  17. Lets pray that some good will come out of all of this, for the future of Thailand and all Thais.

    Why should we pray.... corruption here is Never Ending... Let the place destroy itself and start again.... The Devil found a home in Thailand..!

    I think you may be right. But the suffering may result in some soul searching that leads to positive changes.

    At least I hope so for the sake of my children.

  18. Get out of the boat and walk through the water like the rest of us. She feels stressed -Her stress is nothing compared to that of those living under or in the water and getting sweet FA from her and her government.

    If I saw the PM chest deep in mucky water my opinion might change.

    Especially if it was where the green mambas escaped and the crocodiles are attacking people and she was not ringed with protectors.

    Her house is NOT flooded, it might be.

    But why would anyone that rich be stressed? She won't even need a loan to repair any damage.

    I'm surprised nobody showed their anger and resentment in a more physical way.

    But, of course, she paved the way first with gifts to the locals.

    Nothing was improved at all but now they can "survive" because they beheld her face?

    Of all the quotes of all the people commenting that day in that place, only a die hard supporter of the PM would have chosen that one.

  19. i am not happy about this flood and how is being handling,what you dont know why not ask people that know it to help you?

    i am not happy cause your post above is hard to decipher, why not edit it and put it in readable format!!!!!!

    He may not be a native speaker of English but he is trying to communicate and I can understand the meaning without too much work.

    Glad to see new members sharing their perspective.

    Much sympathy to all members and non-members who are suffering. Very sorry to see how bad it is for so many people.

    Sure would be nice if the army was allowed to restore order and safety and sanity and we get on with the solution.

  20. all that dirty water flowing into the gulf

    has the government warned people not to eat seafood or swim in the ocean or is this to difficult

    Wow! I find your forward thinking and circumspection downright shocking.

    Yes, you are right.

    Even the Gulf of Thailand is screwed.

    This just goes from bad to worse to worst.

    Curious George shooting in the dark while taking a dump could get more things right so all this cannot be incompetence or stupidity. Statistically impossible for anyone to make so many "mistakes" and wrong decisions in a row, month after month.

    If anybody in addition to "elephant taking a dump" can see the "bigger" picture, please enlighten me. I can barely see the big picture these days.

  21. To hell with " technically appropriate".

    To hell with a reasoned approach based on water dynamics and science.

    To hell with a plan.

    To hell with rule of law.

    "I've got the mobs."

    "And I'm am going screw the Democrat Governor of Bangkok whatever it takes".

    We are all just spectators to this pissing contest.

    The Governor just doesn't have enough power to do what is right no matter how hard he may try and regardless of how much reasoning with facts he tries to use.

    Enough soldiers with appropriate non-lethal force could keep things under control and heading toward the best possible conclusion for the entire country.

    Reason, science, math and the common good are not the national government's guiding parameters so even the beloved "foreign" investors and "tourists" are screwed now.

    "Destroy it all as long as I WIN!"

    "Victory over the Democrat Governor at any price!"

    "Bring on the holocaust! I've got a waterproof bunker with bottled water and food for a year and all my most cherished designer clothes!"

  22. I don't agree with most of this writer's conclusions or analysis.

    He got more than a few things wrong.

    But I give him credit for at least exercising his brain cells and trying to understand and analyze.

    The PMs wardrobe is obscene, offensive but an "in your face" announcement to every Thai that:

    - I'm rich

    - I DON'T give a rat's ass what you think you moron scumbags

    - I DON'T care what you feel

    - It's not my problem how deep the water is in your house. I'm dry.

    - Of course, upcountry people don't count -- except at election time.

    - And my bro told me a little cash can buy your way out of any problem.

    - Sometimes it only takes passing out some new pots and pans to the rabble and a new truck for the village headman.

    - Let them eat cake.

    Yingbadluck is the modern equivalent of Marie Antoinette and surely her role model but she probably thinks she can avoid the same end.

    ABSOLUTELY NO WAY Sam Wa Canal was opened because of "public pressure".

    Somebody did not come up with the required cash.

    This is just brinkmanship.

    The PM probably got her ideas watching the Quantas drama.

    Boy, are we all screwed in every which way.

    And still Thais do not say "enough is enough".

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