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Posts posted by cojones

  1. i cant imagine in BKK where you could eat this healthy diet .

    breakfasts at hotels are always the full monty eggs and bacon ,never seen a healthy breakfast anywhere . and where could you buy dark chocolate in BKK ?


    Food of life is for real say experts

    Dec 17 2004

    By Lyndsay Moss, Daily Post

    IT IS possible to extend your life and avoid heart disease by regularly eating the "ideal healthy meal " , scientists revealed last night.

    Diners should eat fish, dark chocolate, fruit and vegetables, almonds and garlic and down some red wine on a daily basis for longer healthier lives.

    The team suggested that dining out regularly on these ingredients - dubbed the Polymeal - could cut the risk of heart disease by 76%.

    Researchers said the effect was most dramatic in men, meaning they would live on average 6.6 years longer.

    They would also live for nine years longer without suffering from heart disease, while those who did succumb would suffer for less of their lives.

    In women the Polymeal increased life expectancy by nearly five years, the researchers suggested.

    They said it would also delay the onset of heart disease for eight years longer.

    They gathered evidence on the beneficial effects of different types of food, including fish, dark chocolate, wine and garlic, in reducing heart dis-ease, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

    From this, they worked out the combined effect of the ingredients and calculated their potential effect on an adult population.

    The researchers, from the University Medical Centre Rotterdam in the Netherlands, looked at the literature about the beneficial effects of different food types.

    For example, daily consumption of 150ml of wine reduces heart disease by 32%, while fish eaten four times a week cuts heart disease by 14%.

    A daily dose of dark chocolate was also found to reduce blood pressure.

    They estimated that the Polymeal would cost on average around £15 a week.

    "The Polymeal is an effective, natural, probably safer, and tastier alternative to the Poly-pill to reduce cardiovascular disease and increase life expectancy in the general population," researchers said..

    In a light-hearted aside, the team said an adverse effect of the garlic part of the meal could include "malodorous breath and body odour".

    But they said: "As garlic is destined for mass treatment, few people will still notice this after a while."

    The team added: "Considering the disturbing adverse effects of garlic, we do not recommend taking the Polymeal before a romantic rendezvous, unless the partner also complies with the Polymeal."


    thais woudnt be fazed about bad breath !they all got it :o

  2. Trafficking on the Thai-Burma Border

    By Colin Baynes/Tachileik and Mae Sai

    November 2004

    Informal Burmese networks supply teenaged girls to customers of Thailand’s commercial sex industry.

    Michael, a Burmese man, spoke with little remorse. As he gazed at the brothel, behind dark sunglasses, from the backseat of a tuk-tuk his voice barely wavered from its matter-of-fact tone.

    A girl was loitering in front of the compound, before a wall decorated with Chinese graffiti. Pointing to her, he uttered: “Two weeks ago for 2,000 baht I took a girl like that across the border to give to foreign customers.”

    Michael lives in the Burmese border town of Tachilek, which abuts Mae Sai, Thailand. He vows to have ended his career as a child trafficking agent, having seen his partner in crime sentenced to 16 years in prison. Michael now sells cigarettes and serves as a freelance tour guide to foreigners.

    Human trafficking can be especially lucrative for agents, he says, as they get paid for both bringing the girl first to Tachilek and then across the border. According to Michael, agents also get a cut of the trafficked girls’ earnings once they enter prostitution.

    “Half of the money goes to the brothel owner… some comes to the agents and more to the girl’s family… the girl is left with nothing but diseases and she cannot go back home.”

    “Most of [the trafficked girls] that become prostitutes come through Mae Sai,” says Aye Aye Maw of Social Action for Women, or SAW. “This is because many girls from Shan State come to Thailand to flee the civil war. Thais and foreigners think they are more beautiful also—if you make them look good, people will think that they are real Thai.”

    Along with brothel owners, customers looking for sex place a high value on virginity.

    “The typical age for a trafficked girl to become a prostitute is 15 or 16 because the customers like virgins that are young,” claims Aye Aye Maw. “The brothel owner and the trafficking agents like that more too because young girls are easier to fool—they can pay them less or extort them more.”

    Somporn Kempetch, coordinator of the Child Protection and Rights Center, or CPRC, in Mae Sai, highlights the connection between child smuggling and the difficulties faced by marginalized ethnic minorities from Burma and Thailand.

    “In the Lahu, Shan and Akha villages where the trafficked girls come from, large families live in only one room and have a hard time finding enough food to eat,” he says. “Because of this, many families sell their daughters to trafficking agents.”

    “Once a girl is trafficked into a brothel she is immediately indebted,” says Somporn Kempetch. “If the agent pays her family 60,000 baht for her she will have to work until she makes 120,000 baht until she is out of debt to the agent.” Once the debt is paid, work remains.

    “The girl must pay the brothel half of her earnings and keep half to both send to her family and keep for herself,” reports Aye Aye Maw.

    Many of the minority girls from Burma and northern Thailand speak Thai poorly, if at all, and are incapable of reading the language making them more vulnerable to being cheated by brothel owners, agents or customers.

    “I don’t think the girls I brought over ever got money,” says Michael. “This was their first time in Thailand… they were scared … they couldn’t talk to anyone. I brought them to the karaoke and the foreigners paid the owner in advance. Usually they don’t get money for the first time because the owner has to pay me.” The trade, at least overland to Thailand, appears dominated by small-scale operators.

    Recent reports by the International Labor Organization and the United Nations Development Program suggest that anti-trafficking policies that target criminal networks are not effective. Rather, they point out that most girls leaving their villages destined to become sex workers are trafficked informally though household networks, with the consent of communities and their families, all of whom profit from the trade.

    “People are getting spoiled by globalization,” says Kham Chuen, founder and director of Opportunities for Poor Children, an organization that gives education and promotes the rights of vulnerable youth on the Thai-Burma border. “Many families have gone beyond selling their daughters to make ends meet and do it because they want to live in comfort. They are poor when they come to Thailand, but soon they start to want cell phones, motorbikes and nicer housing.”

    Somporn agrees: “What we are finding is that many girls do not want to end their lives as prostitutes. [but] once they eventually start making money, they don’t want to give up wearing the nice clothes, the mobile phone and life in the city.”

  3. Beach lovers enjoy sand, not concrete

    Dear Editor

    The owner & residents of our condo were shocked this week to find out that there are plans and construction are underway to build a concrete walk right along Wong Amat Beach, starting from Dusit Resort.

    This is nothing short of criminal. So the authorities have no idea when selling Pattaya as a “Beach Resort” what people want and expect.

    They want clean sea, so they can swim in it. They want clean beaches with reasonable toilet facilities. They want to be able to use the beach in safety and peace, not constantly disturbed by traders.

    Wong Amat Beach used to be one of the best unspoiled beaches, but the only time it was cleaned was by occasional volunteers.

    People want to enjoy sand on a beach, walk, sit and play on the sand, not on concrete. The authorities should spend their money on clean sea and beaches.

    Wong Amat beach lovers


    looks like another nice place is going to be spoilt .

    why is it that thais have to concrete over any spare land ?

  4. Brit. This is probably true. But at least back it up. Sorry Jockstar i am closing this thread because.................................. I have heard the mods are being a bit ruthlesss recently. It was Thai related/. Maybe not every one would agree with what was said,. I'm not gonna mention what i said in the previous post or this will be be binned aswell.


    all that you can post nowadays is nice safe non contentious harmless posts that would not offend a nun , otherwise you can forget it.

    boring topics such as trolls ,nicknames, hair in your navel, are all welcome ,avatars, bla bla bla .

    anything that will send readers to sleep is ok

  5. goog note from stickman last week >>>

    says it all >>>


    Boyfriend wanted!

    My name is Song. I am look for new boyfriend because my old bf go and leave me alone so much. About myself, I am good looking but act rather childish at times. I prefer to believe in the beautiful dream rather than the truth about the world. I like fluffy toys, and to wear clothes that make me look like I am in kindergarten. Sex generally is boring to me and I only do it because my bf likes it. Also, I hate street food because the food is dirty. Plus I am good girl and never consider in my life to give a blow job (I think it is weird). So if you are a young man that likes a pretty girl but is not require sex, and if you can put up with my childish behaviour and also never talk about anything serious (because I hate to talk like that) you are the perfect match for me. I prefer a man with no backbone who will do anything I ask and always be polite and live in my happy, pink, fluffy dream world, where we can both be happy dumb dumbs.


  6. In the light of recent developments in the treatment of HIV infection, it is essential that any counselling following a positive diagnosis addresses the treatment options of the newly diagnosed person, whether or not they request such discussion.

    Newly diagnosed people are likely to be offered the opportunity to discuss treatment options soon after diagnosis with a clinician. Practice will vary from one centre to another concerning the speed with which tests such as viral load and CD4 count will be conducted after diagnosis. However, this information has a crucial bearing on the discussions which a counsellor and clinician will have with a diagnosed person in the months immediately after a positive test result.

    A number of scenarios can be envisaged, all based on examples given by clinicians or people with HIV.

    Immediate treatment initiation

    Some patients may be identified as likely to benefit from immediate initiation of antiretroviral treatment. This will depend in part on their state of health, and in part on the views of the doctor who conducts the test. For example, some doctors are keen to offer treatment to those who have been exposed to HIV very recently, or who are undergoing seroconversion.

    In such circumstances it is essential that the patient understands the experimental nature of the intervention. Although treatment during primary infection has been shown to reduce viral load to undetectable levels in most patients studied so far, the numbers investigated have been small, and the drop–out rate due to inability to tolerate the treatment has been anywhere from 5% to 50% in all studies. In addition, approximately 5% of those who begin antiretroviral therapy at this stage are unable to comply with the dosing regimen.

    It is also unclear how long the effects of the regimen will last. Adherence to the treatment regimen is a major determinant of a successful and lasting response to treatment. Patients need to understand the importance of adherence before embarking upon any antiretroviral combination.

    Doctors are unlikely to encourage the very rapid initiation of therapy (within days) unless the patient is in the primary infection phase or has symptomatic disease.

    Low CD4 count, high viral load

    In such circumstances there is a high risk of disease progression and a likelihood that the outcome of therapy will be less beneficial if viral load continues to rise. This is because people with HIV appear to do best if their viral load falls to undetectable levels when they start treatment.

    High viral load is no longer viewed as seriously as it once was in terms of making treatment decisions. Triple combinations using efavirenz or boosted protease inhibitors should be able to reduce high viral loads significantly. The higher someone's viral load the sooner they may need to start therapy, since higher viral loads usually mean that the CD4 count will decline more quickly. In the UK, it is recommended that treatment begins before the CD4 count falls below 200.

    Triple combination therapy is standard in the UK as the first combination, but occasionally patients may be offered four drugs - particularly a combination of two protease inhibitors.

    Low CD4 count, low viral load

    If viral load is low (below 10,000 copies per ml), many doctors will take the view that treatment is not urgent. However, if the CD4 count has fallen below 200 – 250, they will recommend immediate initiation of PCP prophylaxis, since the risk of developing PCP is greater in people with CD4 counts below 200. At this point they will also recommend starting antiretroviral therapy.

    If the CD4 count is very low (below 50), most doctors will urge that antiretroviral therapy should be commenced whether or not viral load is high, since the risk of developing AIDS–related symptoms is very high. Antiretroviral therapy may prevent further deterioration in the immune system.

    Waiting until better treatments appear

    It is important to be aware that dramatic improvements in the standard of HIV treatment are likely to continue in the next few years. Every month which goes by yields further information about how best to use the available drugs. This suggests that people who wait to begin treatment may enjoy better options in six months or a year, as long as they continue to monitor their viral load and CD4 count regularly.

    This information should be drawn to the attention of newly diagnosed people as a reminder that they may not necessarily benefit from a rushed decision about starting treatment. There may be a strong desire to do something after learning one is infected, but this should be tempered by the knowledge that one's options will continue to improve providing that viral load is monitored and any danger signs acted upon.

    Common treatment issues for the newly diagnosed

    In the current climate of optimism about anti–HIV therapy, it is easy to forget that most people will find the decision to commence therapy just as difficult as the decision to take an HIV antibody test. Counsellors have a significant role to play in supporting newly diagnosed people in making decisions about treatment.

    There is a growing consensus amongst experts in the field that the decision to begin treatment must include thorough consideration of the patient's treatment options if their first choice of therapy does not prove beneficial. For example, if an individual begins treatment with a regimen that contains a protease inhibitor, how will this affect their future treatment options?

    Up-to-date information on the potential impact of treatment choices is available from a number of sources. Clients should be encouraged to spend time investigating their options, and should ideally have the opportunity to discuss what they have learnt with their doctor before making a decision.

  7. New Years night and new years day in pattaya is always a horrible let down , by 11 oclock the bars are devoid of any women . walking st is really bad ..

    because they have all gone home to celebrate or are taken out .

    same in phuket . empty bars . fireworks throwers drive them away also .

  8. Friday 10 December 2004, 23:45:57

    United Kingdom

    Written by Net 4 Nowt

    Spyware and adware, as well as new and emerging potentially unwanted programs, are among the top 10 threats currently affecting businesses and consumers, according to Webroot Software. These findings are based on research conducted by the Webroot dedicated in-house Threat Research Team, which is overseen by Richard Stiennon, the vice president of threat research.

    “The people who write this stuff are gaining sophistication in their coding practices as they attempt to evade detection and removal,” said Stiennon. “These 10 are the most insidious programs in terms of prevalence and effect.”

    The 10 most significant emerging spyware and adware threats based on detection as well as potential impact:

    PurityScan – PurityScan frequently displays pop-up advertisements onto your computer whenever you are online. It induces you to install it by claiming to find and delete pornographic images.

    n-CASE (msbb.exe) – n-CASE is an adware program that delivers targeted pop-up advertisements to your computer. This program is usually bundled with freeware applications.

    Gator (GAIN) – is an adware program that has the ability to display banner advertisements based on your Web surfing habits. Gator is usually bundled with numerous free software programs, including the popular file-sharing program Kazaa.

    CoolWebSearch (CWS) – CoolWebSearch has the ability to hijack your Web searches, home page, and Internet Explorer settings. Recent variants of CoolWebSearch install using malicious HTML applications or security flaws, such as exploits in the HTML Help format and Microsoft Java Virtual machines.

    Transponder (vx2) – Transponder is an IE Browser Helper Object that monitors requested web pages and data entered into online forms, then delivers targeted advertisements.

    ISTbar/AUpdate – ISTbar is a toolbar used for searching pornographic web sites that has been reported to display pornographic pop-ups and to hijack your homepage and Internet searches.

    KeenValue – KeenValue is an adware program that collects personal information and delivers advertisements to your computer.

    Internet Optimizer – Internet Optimizer hijacks error pages and redirects them to its own controlling server at http://www.internet-optimizer.com.

    Perfect Keylogger – Perfect Keylogger is a monitoring tool that records all visited web sites, keystrokes and mouse clicks. For example, it can log passwords, account numbers and other sensitive information. It is usually installed manually.

    TIBS Dialer – T IBS Dialer is a dialer program that hijacks your modem and dials toll numbers, usually to access pornographic "pay" Web sites.

    “It’s our goal to inform Internet users of the ramifications of having potentially unwanted programs on their systems,” said Stiennon. “It is their choice to keep or remove these programs based on the information available to them. We’re making sure they have that information so they are making knowledgeable decisions.”

    Webroot recommends consumers and businesses alike take several precautions to combat these problematic applications. For increased security, install Microsoft security patches, avoid using freeware, and disable downloads via ActiveX in Internet Explorer.

    Additionally, install an anti-spyware software program for desktop defense, such as Webroot Spy Sweeper for consumers with individual computers or Spy Sweeper Enterprise for businesses running on network architecture.

  9. the place was a load of <deleted> , however the thais dont use the law do they ?

    just send in the thugs and the owners lose their investment .....

    this sort of thing used to happen in Nazi Germany did it not .

    The SS used to wreck jewish owned shops ....


    More beer bars torn down

    Published on December 15, 2004

    Operators at Asoke Plaza upset at sudden demolition; 150 lose jobs

    More than 150 people lost their jobs following the sudden demolition of about two dozen beer bars on Sukhumvit Road in the heart of Bangkok on Monday morning.

    Managers of bars at Asoke Plaza, on the corner of Soi Asoke and Sukhumvit Road, voiced anger yesterday at the lack of warning that their premises would be knocked down.

    They likened the demolition – carried out by officials from the Legal Execution Department and overseen by local police – to the Sukhumvit 10 raid adjacent to Nana Skytrain station in January 2003, allegedly ordered by tycoon Chuwit Kamolvisit.

    The bar owners said that while the threat of demolition had been mooted for months, they were recently led to believe the bars could operate for all of the coming year.

    Unlike the Soi 10 episode, however, operators or employees of most bars appear to have been allowed to remove their belongings before the structures were torn down.

    Several bar owners vowed yesterday to fight the landlord for damages, saying the demolition occurred despite a court appeal to stop them being evicted. Thong Lor police station commander Colonel Thongchai Wongsriwattanakul said the demolition was an old case

    and that a court had ruled the bars were illegal and should be removed.

    Thongchai said the demolition was carried out by officials from the Legal Execution Department under protection from local police.

    Wattana district director Surakiat Limcharoen said he needed to take action because the bar owners were operating illegally.

    “I demanded these bar owners demolish their bars two months ago and 60 per cent of them compiled, but 40 per cent remained stubborn so we filed complaints with police to take action against them,” Surakiat said.

    He said that Srinakharinwirot University was not happy to have “illegal” bars open near its campus.

    However, Thanaphat Sajjorn-jana, the brother of a bar owner, said he did not understand how police and court officials could demolish the bars when the bar owners were appealing against the court’s ruling.

    He said about 50 officials came to demolish the bars at 10am on Monday.The operator of the Sawasdee Bar said about 200 people had lost their jobs. “Everybody’s very sad now – a number of us worked there for many years,” said the woman, who preferred to be known only as “Da”.

    “I believe there was a problem between the land owner and the manager leasing the bars. It had been to court but was not resolved.”

    One foreign bar boss, who asked not to be named, said the raid came out of the blue.

    “There had been new contracts for every bar for next year,” he said. “It was another Soi 10 job – and Thaksin had said that would never be allowed to happen again.”

    Jim Pollard

    The Nation

  10. Russian Ladies everywhere- just walk down Walking Street. Don't think you need a GoGo at any rate if you are interested in Russian ladies.

    Right,but have you seen the state of them.I've not seen one I would take home to meet mum.


    they use a plasterer to apply their makeup , and dont forget the blackline around the lips . looks like they been eating licorice ~

    still the arabs like that sort of thing

  11. There's a check out girl at Nana Foodland that melts my heart everytime I buy something from her. I'd choose her but she seems totally uninterested in me :o .

    All purely hypothetical, right?

    Any Pics ? :D

    Sorry mate, but you can see her there for real, she's the best looking one on the ckeckout lines.


    its all an illusion , once you saw her naked without any clothes on you might lose interest


  12. I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family.  Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.


    what you perceive is just an illusion . you are a newbie who see's things thru rose tinted glasses .

    even if you go thru an agency the chances of success are small .more likely you will end up broke and brokenhearted .

    communication is the first hurdle that will get you .

    my advice is to find a woman from HK or Singapore at least they will have a reasonable understanding of english and the western way of life .

    many farangs get sucked into the whole thailand scenario and it turns into a nightmare, when their new thai wife is not what they thought .

    Thai women are great for the medium and short term but not long term..

    Total generalisation IMO , every man and woman is an individual , how can you warn somebody away from an entire race of people?


    because the hurdles , and cultures are so at odds with each other that the likely

    outcome is in most cases is disastrous .

    how can you get married to a woman who has in most cases no english speaking capabilities ? has never heard of Mick Jagger , David Bowie , or John lennon ? and

    its more than likely that she has never even heard of Adolf Hitler as well.

    you might as well get married to a love doll ! :o

    and then there is the cold freezing european weather , how can you expect any thai woman to tolerate that ?

  13. I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family.  Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.


    what you perceive is just an illusion . you are a newbie who see's things thru rose tinted glasses .

    even if you go thru an agency the chances of success are small .more likely you will end up broke and brokenhearted .

    communication is the first hurdle that will get you .

    my advice is to find a woman from HK or Singapore at least they will have a reasonable understanding of english and the western way of life .

    many farangs get sucked into the whole thailand scenario and it turns into a nightmare, when their new thai wife is not what they thought .

    Thai women are great for the medium and short term but not long term..

  14. All the figures are conjecture, especially in Thailand.

    Having said that, HIV infection is everywhere, and many people are dying every day.

    Hardly a week goes by without someone we know dying from this awful disease.

    If you want to have fun, then take precautions.


    the uncircumcised are more at risk than the circumcised

    if you can hit your todger with a hammer you should be ok :o

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