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Everything posted by me4175

  1. There are honest drivers, too. Everyone has a choice to do the right thing.
  2. We have ourselves a committed anti-drug activist! Well, good for you, mate! Now go troll somewhere else, will you?
  3. I'm sure it was a very expensive production for him! But he'll recoup the cost, no doubt! ????
  4. I wonder how it will look like a year from now...
  5. I guess the chance of catching real hijackers or terrorists by what they utter on the airport must be virtually zero.
  6. Sorry, I ignored rule no. 1: sarcasm on the Internet doesn't work...
  7. I've stopped using Tuk-Tuks right after my tourist days. Bunch of overcharging gangsters polluting the environment with their noisy, smelly two-stroke engines.
  8. Who knows. They ought to volunteer! Mother Russia needs to be defended.
  9. Shouldn't they be serving their country in Ukraine?
  10. Stop what losses, please? I'm sure they spent more of their pension money here than their visa fees would have been.
  11. Wow, how many years were you living under a rock?
  12. Well lubricated these two. In it goes without the slightest pain. And a polite thank you at the end.
  13. Some of the comments here make me doubt if some male human specimens ever made it down the trees, mentally.
  14. Better get a divorce ASAP before their savings are all gone. We all know how chaps like this one usually end up...
  15. Can't teach brain. The utter disregard for one's own safety and that of others is simply breathtaking here. And the kind of families such youngsters come from (welder with 15 years) may have a different set of life skills than the ones reading this and are usually not very receptive to road safety lessons.
  16. The pickup driver is most at fault in my eyes. With a truckload full of kids in the back, he must just stop at the roadside and let the idiot pass. But instead he drives recklessly fast and tries to stay ahead of the lorry.
  17. 'Kill your idols' always holds true. Terms like angel of child protection makes my skin crawl.
  18. I have the feeling some people will start with 999 points.
  19. Thais are used to sticking with outdated customs and beliefs.
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