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Posts posted by guapo

  1. On 1/4/2020 at 9:52 AM, noise said:

    It sounds as if you are converting Australian dollars to baht before transfer instead of transferring dollars.   The exchange rate converting here is the bank to bank international rate, much higher.  Your bank in making a big profit at your expense.

    Thanks for your reply, but could you please elaborate a bit more , I am not familiar with the difference of transferring Thai Bth vs Australian dollars. Thanks again

  2. I am an Australian pensioner  expat, I get my pension paid in my Azzie bank account, and then transfer it when need it to Thailand via my bank, but because of fees and a lower exchange rate that the bank applies normally (2 points less) and delays, I was wondering if anyone can suggest a better , cheaper, faster way to transfer money here. Thanks in anticipation.


  3. You want me to apologise for my disgusting and hateful post ??? Netanyahu.... Is a moron and so other Israel PMs, wright them a letter and get them to apologise , I have only stated the truth. I pity the Jews as I pity many other people in other countries, when people are left to their own devices they are great and loving, you put in the mix politicians, morons, arms, money, power, behind close door treaties, hidden agendas, twisted <deleted> up minds, then we all end up wanting to kill each other's. My original thought is

  4. In Thailand the police force was established over 500 years ago And practically remained unchanged except their professionalism. Salary less than $6000 per/y., no additional perks. USA, Australia, England established approx 180 years ago, salaries $ 67000,00 p/y plus hundreds of perks...... Need to go any further?????


    Thank you for signing Australian Labor's petition to tell Malcolm Turnbull that we don't want changes to our pension.

    The more people who are a part of a campaign, the stronger our voice is.

    If you have any friends or family who you think might be interested in supporting this issue, please share this URL on Facebook, Twitter or even forward this to them: http://www.dontpocketourpension.com.au/?recruiter_id=321578

    Thanks for your support,

    The Australian Labor Team

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    Australian Labor Party · 9 Sydney Ave, 5, Barton, ACT 2600, Australia

    Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders.


    Thank you for signing Australian Labor's petition to tell Malcolm Turnbull that we don't want changes to our pension.

    The more people who are a part of a campaign, the stronger our voice is.

    If you have any friends or family who you think might be interested in supporting this issue, please share this URL on Facebook, Twitter or even forward this to them: http://www.dontpocketourpension.com.au/?recruiter_id=321578

    Thanks for your support,

    The Australian Labor Team

  7. Europeans politicians are sub servants to USA and some are beginning to recognise that what should be happening is that Europe should place them in ships (to costly for planes) and send them all to America the land of the brave and free, initiate them on the second amendment arm them to the teeth and let them go rampant as per pay back for all the wars USA started in the Middle East

  8. Australia is full of bullshit laws, I returned to Australia a month ago for one week stay, I had 4 packets of cigarettes (not cartons) two packets were confiscated at customs , only 2 packets per person are allowed. I wonder who is screwing who ? There are 20 million people in Aust and 40 million laws, not to mention rules, by laws, regulations , infringements if that's not bullshit I wonder what bullshit is.

  9. It seems that the Centerlink “pointed heads bravados” have lost the plot, they refuse to accept the fact that a 2 year OAP portability Rule could work one way, but definitely not the other way around, example:

    If an Australian citizen resided in the country for 2 years…then it’s understandable that he/she must maintain his residency for the next (let’s say) 35/40 years, before one can claim the pension.

    But if an Australian citizen resided in Australia for 35/40 years …the two year portability rule is a “ FARCE” , don’t have to be a mathematician to understand this simple equation, because any one that went to “ kindergarten- varsity” will tell you that 35/40 years is FAR GREATER than TWO.

    I hope I have not putt to much strain on their brains, so now my advice to the Centerlink “ MOB” BOSSES is:

    “SAY YOU ARE SORRY” to the thousands of elderly Australians that you have been screwing up with, re instate their pension and never never never again come up with another bullshit story like this again.


    A pensioner without a pension.

  10. It’s been over four years since my request and plea to receive the Old age pension has fallen on deaf ears, all my efforts addressed to Center link, the Minister for Social Services, the Minister for Human Services, the Prime Minister, the leader of the opposition, the Commonwealth Ombudsman's Office, the Welfare Rights Network, all MPs , has been a total waste of time and efforts, all to no avail, they sure know how to pass the back, each and every one of them kept referring me to the next person……….I am beginning to wonder if nider of those Honorable personalities cannot solve or rectify this minute issue, which has huge implications on retires, how the hell can they pretend to run a country.

    May be I have got it all wrong, may be its not about serving the Australian public, may be its nothing to do with politics or law making, may be is just a charade funded by the majority and rewording the minority (politicians),

    I mean think about it, how have we allowed this to happen:

    1- We are millions…they are a hand full, they order we jump.

    2- They are like parasites, we feed them they eat. We are the assets they are the liabilities.

    3- They are appointed to look after our interests, whereas we look after theirs by pampering them with, cars, chuffers, offices, super funded superannuation, joy helicopters rides, we bow in their presence in lieu of kicking their “Derrière”. , etc etc…this list could go on forever……so I won’t bother.

    4- Never encountered a poor politician, while the world is full of unfortunate souls.

    5- They always smile, and have a pathetic smirk on their faces, whilst ordinary people cry, suffer, become suicidal, and some faces portray a sad experience.

    6- I am getting the hang of this, I guess I could go on forever, but I am going to stop…..I don’t want you to cry and despair.

    EQUALITY speaks for its self, no need to look up the dictionary definition.

    Some pensioners get their pensions, ( in this list are included milliners) , and others don’t, they don’t get it because of some loophole designed to frustrate, anger, control a sector of society , but they (THE POINTED HEADS AT CENTERLINK ) and government hide behind this complicated formula that some freak moron (delivered at birth by his/hers mother back end) considers it to be fair ….so how do we fight this ???? I don’t know …I have tried everything within my power.

    If there is someone out there that has retained their sense of humor, has not lost his sanity, and wished to participate in this crusade, please come forward.

    “PENSION” is just that “OLD AGE PENSION” ,” NO CONS OR SCAMS, IFS and BUTS OR STRINGS ATTACHED ”, the residency act should be axed, or equalized. All pensioners, either both or neither should have the same advantage or disadvantage.

    The 2 year portability” Shonky business” must be scraped, CENTERLINK and government puppies please take note …you are not just insulting our intelligence… you are greatly undermining YOURS.

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