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  1. Considering the BILLIONS of baht Thais spend on Alcohol , the " economic necessity is pure Bullsh#t. This is simply a greedy grab for more money from tourists who are trapped at whatever location they traveled to to see a temple or park. Thais in BMW's or Mercedes pull up and pay zero. Others with the latest iPhone or Samsung also pay zero. It is a bad policy to double price.
  2. I would focus on the PERPS who committed grand larceny by stealing the last election from Pita.
  3. Passengers on flights arriving from India should be given leaflets explaining that defecating or urinating in public is NOT done in Thailand. In India it is common place, of course.
  4. Where do you think the trillions of fish poop ?
  5. Now if the RTP would also go after the 30% of ALL Thai motorcycle drivers who have No Working tail lights and which are extemely dangerous at night .
  6. They DO make it difficult don't they ? !!
  7. Much like the needed red light light at the intersection, not much gets done until AFTER the accident. Preventative maintenance is Never a High Priority in most countries around the World.
  8. Unfortunately, the F word has become as common as hotdogs in America. But that's NO excuse. He was rude. As were the ones blocking entry onto the train. The foreigner will be in for a rude awakening if he thinks Life here will be perfect.
  9. With over 80% of the Country in Debt.....How is this even Logical ???
  10. The US borders have been leaky for over 250 years.
  11. Good thing it wasn't a China - Thailand joint operation.
  12. To Jimmy G... Government Agencies are also involved in the burning. Drive along any mountainous highway in the North and you will see fires on both sides for miles and miles for " brush clearing ".
  13. Chip Butty must be out of touch with reality.
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