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Posts posted by mberbae

  1. Pure Politics, plain and simple. No Western vaccine was allowed in so as not to

    compete with other " projects " in the pipeline.  Now that the cat is out of the bag, wiser minds see

    that it is wiser to bring in vaccines with a high efficacy rating than roll the dice with a 50/50

    Sinovac vaccine that no one wants, or an iffy Astrazeneca that many countries have yet to Greenlight.

  2. Hilarious !! ExPAts have been asking for a vaccine for Months.

    Trips to Private Hospitals all come up Empty ( we are NOT allowed

    to Register or Vaccinate by the Government ).

    This , coupled with the news about Sinovac and AstraZeneca leaves

    too much doubt about the competency of this sudden push to

    vaccinate every one in a hurry. Is the expiration date on the Sinovac

    coming due ?

    • Like 1
  3. Most posts have missed the point entirely.

    The US Government is NOT vaccinating US

    Citizens in Thailand for the Simple reason it

    has NOT been given permission to do so by

    the Thai Government. My Australian neighbor

    was told the Same when she called Her Embassy

    in Bangkok last week.

    Only the CHINESE have been allowed to vaccinate

    its citizens here.

  4. While the Thai Ministry of Health calls the Sinovac vaccine "Safe ", they conveniently

    leave out the fact that it is NOT Efficient at 50% . As for the Sputnik vaccine, this comes

    from a country that denies it poisons people or that the massive Olympic Doping Scandal

    was just not true ( they were banned by the IOC ) .  There you have it. 2 vaccines most likely

    at bargain basement prices with very few takers.

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