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joe strummer

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Posts posted by joe strummer

  1. i was propositined near soi nana by one of em last night. she said something that i couldn't understand & i just grimaced at her... she was slim & attractive in an ugly sort of way. later on i saw her with a mate, must be packs of em' roaming around here. me, not interested... but if there were some russian ladymen running around.. that might be a different matter :o

  2. This is just the sort of 'gutter' thread that we could do without here, indeed the reputation of this message board is severly tarnished by such material. One might expect to encounter such a distesteful topic in that Ajarn Forum, a cess-pool of teachers on low-salaries who congregate & exchange stories about bg's, ladymen & socks. Yuck!

  3. Joe S., care to give us a little more background?

    Why Bangkok?  What advanced degree do you have that would qualify you for a top school?

    You're not an old man if you can still walk around the block after having sex.

    Bangkok - More opportunities to find work, a larger market.

    <This comment was not acceptable and thus has been deleted. Also I'm a little concerned that you're signing as HP as this is a banned member (and even if he wasn't banned you can't have two niks on here) if you want to post here, please keep it sensible KK>

    Did I post that I had an 'advanced degree'?

    HP <Why?>

  4. Tell me then why so many Thai women want a farang, cos of their good looks & caring/ sensitive natures... ROFLOA

    He.ll they know that farangs are only after one thing and that's sex & they use that knowledge to their advantage. Money for sex, it's a simple as that.

    Fortunately, all foreign men are not quite of a &lt;deleted&gt; like yourself. So tell me then why did your wife marry you in the first place? Because of your good look and caring and sensitive natures? Now.... ROTFLMAO (as in Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Arse Off - take a note, pal). Bloody h3ll. You can be funny at times.

    I won't deny there are a lot of sad cases out there. But to assume we all are after money in exchage for sex? Jesus Christ... I can't believe some people can be this dumb, stupid and ignorant.

    If two people get along and are in love, I don't give a &lt;deleted&gt; about their nationalities. Have you ever heard of Opposite Attraction, by the way?

    Good God.. I'm so blessed to have met many sane, nice and intelligent people from all continents. They are not like you, pal. They are definitely not.

    I really want to be civil about Joe, but he has just mentioned that there are no "ladies" on this forum.. :o

    If you really want to be civil about me then stop sending me those disgusting PM's & stop insulting me!

  5. So are you a  'sex pat ' then joe???????

    No I am not, I am a respected individual.

    Just think about this for a moment whilst brushing your teeth next time. The thought of french kissing a bar girl knowing that she has probably had sex with 100 guys before you and has probably given a 100 blowjobs of which probably 80% of the guys blew their load in her mouth is good enough reason for not even contemplating such an idea.

    In addition the prospect of catching some disease from the bg by doing this especially if she has a gum disease, cut etc. should be enough of a warning to leave the kissing well and truly alone.

    Cold sores and open cuts.....don't touch.

    Said respected individual isn't in Muang Thai :o


  6. I truly believe, that chuchok is a STALKER. Have a look at the 'creatures' last posts. It’s all well and good to take the piss out of people at times, but chuchok insults me without the hint of a rational argument. It follows me around trying to take the rise out of me & when I give better than I get, it gets unhappy & starts threads. I also find the number of PM's & their vile, insulting & sexually graphic content that chuchok has sent me to be quite disgusting & abnormal, please will you stop it or I will publish then in this thread for all to see!

    What do you think? Have I got it wrong?

    Comments please. :o

  7. My avater, well it's me. What more can I say other than excellent choice!

    High opinion of yourself Joe?

    Go back to trolling mate. :o

    One can only but assume that you are far too ugly to dare to use your own picture as an avater. No, you go & troll!

    Joe, Joe, Joe.

    You are a troll of the first order.

    A look back at your posts states this,but you are correct about putting my own face here. I am 65 years old and have a face like a twisted sandshoe.

    Go troll on ajarndotcomme...you will do well there.

    You should be applauded for owning up to your age & relative lack of good-looks. But hey it's Thailand, where a mans looks are secondary to the size of his bank account.

    Joe,...and I thought you were going to save the world.

    You not only steal posts from other sites, but you make out that you are in Thailand, when you are not. You also insult both thai and farung female members of this forum.

    When you are next in Thailand look me up. love to have a chat face to face. :D

    Don't worry old son, I'll put you second on the list after dicknight. I find you & certain other members insulting but I'm able to give as good as I get, that's what people don't like. I'll PM you over the Xmas break and arrange a meeting, it will be god to meet a real sex-pat.

    be very carefull for what you wish for me old cock sparrow, you just might get it.

    Please tell my wife that I am a sex-pat, i'm sure she would like a wee word in your ear old son, I mean there is only two years between us .....and her family has much more money than I, but you know it all eh?

    I'm also sure that a few ladies on this forum would love to meet you too.

    I'll look forward to it. :D

    I don't recall making a wish, or is that a euphemism for arranging a meeting? One has to assume that you are a sex-pat simply because of that disrespectful avater that you are using (or rather stolen). I would rather NOT meet you wife if that's all the same, but thanks for the offer. I didn't know there were any 'ladies' on this forum.

  8. I am a single professional who has been married before, but I have never had any children. I have been to Thailand 4 times in the last 8 months. Just looking for some suggestions as to how to meet that one special Thai lady with whom I will raise a family.  Not to generalize, but the Thai people I have met are so warm, I would be proud to call them family.

    In reply to venturalaw who appears to be searching for a special Thai girl. Any farang looking for a girl in Thailand is going to meet special girls. Some girls are special in that they are after your money. Some are special cos they're merely after a better life. Some are seriously special & looking for a kind person to lift them out of a miserable existence between family shack somewhere in backcountry Isaan and a modest room in Bangkok where they sleep on a mattress on the floor with 3 other girls.

    Not all working girls are "working" girls, that is many have jobs in department stores,restaurants etc and survive on modest incomes after working long hours. If you are looking for a well educated, moneyed, girl with a nice well off family that is going to approve of you, a farang, taking their daughter off to some foreign country for half the year or more, that may be a bit harder.

    If you are merely fascinated by the allure of a sexy Thai woman, come here for a holiday if you have not already done so and sample the assortment of wonderful ladies all willing to meet you. What can you offer them? Security? Love ? A better life than that which they now enjoy?

    Just remember that Thai's place a lot of importance and value on looking good and that is how you should be. They all (Including bar girls) dress very well with clean clothes,and perfect personal hygiene. Farangs have much to learn in that department IMHO. Take a look in a mirror and ask yourself "Would I want to go out with me"? I know I would!

    Think long and hard, the transition is not easy either way. I speak from experience and I am sure there will be other posters who will agree or disagree with me. but one thing is for sure. Thai women are seriously special. Even when it comes to sanuk.

    Good luck.

  9. It is a well know fact that farangs who can't keep their zippers closed are a major cause of the HIV/Aids epidemic that has been sweeping Thailand during the last 10 years or more.

    Don't believe me, believe the facts.  etc

    Sorry matey but I don't believe anything until I've seen the figures, can you give me your source.

    My wife does a great deal of voluntary work with the less fortunate of her fellow countrymen in her capacity with th UN. I have know her to cry after visiting hospital wards full of thai girls/ ladies who have contracted HIV/Aids, following 'encounters' with farangs of a sexual nature.

    I can't type anymore as my eyes are watering and a lump has developed in my throat.

    Give me a break, I've got a lump in my throat....

    ..... I think I'm about to throw up!


    Would you like a sick bag?

    Joe...... you are one!


    Obviously wit is NOT one of your strong suits *yawn out load* Stick to what you do best, being an idiot.

  10. most people on this forum know me to be a no BS person. Turns out that my wife's adopted daughter developed appendicitis... her biological mother would not help and I like her between looking at her equipment (that I would like to have positioned naked above my face) and her terrible varicose veins from years of working on her feet in BKK sweatshops for 150 baht per day.

    At work here my wife who is the responsible person called me to say in semi-hysterical fashion that our 11 year old charge was in hospital with appendicitis...she had the surgery that night...no chance for us to do nothing. We were in tears as we were powerless to do anything, even offering comfort or assistance. The grandmother was in charge and did a good job of hanging around to grieve if there was a problem. The surgery was routine and successful but there is always a margin for drastic error.

    Probably better off just letting them die, it's the least expensive option.

    What a man you are. Where did you suck that wisdom from?

    Are you trying to argue that it's NOT the least expensive option? If the extended Thai family will not assist their kinsmen then why should the closest gullible farang feel obliged? They got on for many centuries without our help, why change things now?

  11. My avater, well it's me. What more can I say other than excellent choice!

    High opinion of yourself Joe?

    Go back to trolling mate. :o

    One can only but assume that you are far too ugly to dare to use your own picture as an avater. No, you go & troll!

    Joe, Joe, Joe.

    You are a troll of the first order.

    A look back at your posts states this,but you are correct about putting my own face here. I am 65 years old and have a face like a twisted sandshoe.

    Go troll on ajarndotcomme...you will do well there.

    You should be applauded for owning up to your age & relative lack of good-looks. But hey it's Thailand, where a mans looks are secondary to the size of his bank account.

    Joe,...and I thought you were going to save the world.

    You not only steal posts from other sites, but you make out that you are in Thailand, when you are not. You also insult both thai and farung female members of this forum.

    When you are next in Thailand look me up. love to have a chat face to face. :D

    Don't worry old son, I'll put you second on the list after dicknight. I find you & certain other members insulting but I'm able to give as good as I get, that's what people don't like. I'll PM you over the Xmas break and arrange a meeting, it will be god to meet a real sex-pat.

  12. I have stayed at the Narai, my company had me in there for a month but it was a while back. Good location, excellent facilities & staff but then it's a 4 star hotel, isn't it? I will have to check the current price guide but at the time I stayed there it wasn't really considered a 'budget' hotel, around 2,000 per night. But that would depend upon your budget, I guess.

  13. Wondering just how much weight is assigned to the AGE FACTOR by prospective employers in Thailand?

    I'll have qualified for my tesl/tesol certificate and hope to teach in Bangkok.  However, I've heard that salaries there are not high enough to sustain a comfortable lifestyle.

    Anyway, I digress. I'm presently 62 years old and I've heard that most schools recruit young people almost exclusively. Any chance an OLD MAN might still get a decent job and contribute something before his demise?

    If employment by one of the leading schools in an area is not a viable option, then what are the chances of one promoting himself? I.E., home based tutoring/schooling, etc.?

    What say you?


    And you're a stalker. Get a life you sad pathetic 'creature'.

  14. My avater, well it's me. What more can I say other than excellent choice!

    High opinion of yourself Joe?

    Go back to trolling mate. :o

    One can only but assume that you are far too ugly to dare to use your own picture as an avater. No, you go & troll!

    Joe, Joe, Joe.

    You are a troll of the first order.

    A look back at your posts states this,but you are correct about putting my own face here. I am 65 years old and have a face like a twisted sandshoe.

    Go troll on ajarndotcomme...you will do well there.

    You should be applauded for owning up to your age & relative lack of good-looks. But hey it's Thailand, where a mans looks are secondary to the size of his bank account.

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