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Posts posted by supersombat

  1. ladies of the night? How pathetic. Why don't you find some ladies who aren't hookers? where is the fun in paying a girl?

    Ahhh, newbi's...if you think the fun bit is paying, you have missed the boat.

    Or your fetishes are just weird.

    Actually not a newbie. Did not move here cause I was loser in my home country who couldn't get any attention from the ladies. I was born here.

    But yeah I admit, Q BAR is a bunch of farangs and mostly hookers. Just never understood why some people come to Thailand focusing mainly on the 'night life'. There are so many good women here who have good educations and respectable jobs. The fun is in the 'hunt' not going to the ATM.

    • Like 1
  2. After going to power buy I need even more time to think. The display models are mainly smaller ones. So I've been searching their website.

    I've found a large Mitsubishi for a 26 to 36 room for 59,000 baht. Seems very expensive! Just curious why the room rating has a 10 meter range.

    Here is the link:


    Can anyone recommend any specific mitsu models? Thanks.

    The model in your link is 22.000 BTU, much much to big. I would stay away from powerbuy if I were you.

    As said 12.000 BTU is perfect for your room size, and found info here : http://srairsale.com/page-2394.html (note the price difference)

    I don't know where you are situated, but there should be a smaller airco shop in your immediate vicinity.

    Anyway good luck.

    Yermanee wai.gif

    p.s. : as said before installation is very important i.e. tight soldering, perfectly level etc.

    Just checked the link you posted. The prices are considerably different. SR prices are about 6-7 thousand baht cheaper.

  3. Mistubishi and Daikin as other posters have stated. Both these brands are very good for after sales costs, parts and servicing. Stay well away from LG - when buying ANYTHING electrical.

    How about their washing machines???

    Sometimes you get lucky as the contracted LG manufacturer is above their normal standard (crap), but I wouldn't ever risk it. Why would you buy a LG telly if a Sony or Panasonic is the same price? Why would you buy a LG phone if for the same price you can get a Nokia?

    I would never buy a Nokia! :D

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  4. After going to power buy I need even more time to think. The display models are mainly smaller ones. So I've been searching their website.

    I've found a large Mitsubishi for a 26 to 36 room for 59,000 baht. Seems very expensive! Just curious why the room rating has a 10 meter range.

    Here is the link:


    Can anyone recommend any specific mitsu models? Thanks.

  5. I live in a small two story house. The unit will be for the living room downstairs which is approximately 35 sq meters. I will use the unit mostly in the late afternoons when the sun won't penetrate through to the room directly. The windows of the room face to the east somewhat. The house next door should block some of the rays I suppose.

    Now I'm not sure what brand to get! Lol. Everyone seems to swear by their own brand.

    How about powerbuy selection? There is a homepro near me as well. Which one is better? Either way I'll check them out today.


  6. I am having a hard time finding a Hi-Fi system with optical digital input that does not cost less than 19k bth. I find many with digital out puts

    I am trying to connect my tv that has an optical digital output to a reasonably sound Hi Fi so I can have a better sound that TV provides.

    Any help will be appreciated

    You should check out power buy website or check out one of their stores. I got a Sony surround sound home theatre with DVD player and the optical input you need for about 15k. They obviously have many other brands too. Might be an option for you.

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