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Posts posted by Enforcer

  1. Property prices tourism will take almost 3/4 years to recover here, some may never again rise from this crisis.

    I saw a picture of people on the beach (upto their knees in sand and mud) the TV said these Thais were looking for bodies, infact they were sifting for Gold as the 2/3 Gold shops on the front had been washed out.

    Awfull mess with little co-ordination.

  2. I have been in Thailand many times.  Most time in Pattaya, some time in Phuket.  This year I want to visit other places.  I also wish to meet a nice TG who is not necessary after my money.  I do not mind bar girls, but I am looking for more.  If I wish, I can stay in Thailand several months and I can go back often.

    The ultimate place for me will be a place where I can relax during the day and go out in the evening.  I do not see myself in a remote farming community.

    Where should I go?  And what mistakes should I avoid?


    Stay away from the tourist traps, spend time in the major stores including Big C and Tesco. Stay away from the Bar scene, all hookers. Sukhumvit attracts the wannabie hookers that still think they are nice girls but want to get paid for it (in denial).

  3. Dear all ladies out there. I am a single guy in his early thirties and i have been living in bangkok for 10+ years now. I had a Thai - Chinese girlfriend for 6 years but we broke up. I am mixed Australian-Italian-Thai and am well educated and currently an executive in a large company.

    Looking for a nice girl , for coffee lunch.

    Sincerely Yours.

    Newbie? Wants attention me thinks.

  4. As I said in one of my first posts here, I am a Mod on another Thai related board.

    The true story I posted was firstly to chip in into the thread and secondly to see if this board is as unwelcoming as some people said.

    The opinions aired in the last several posts do not hurt me, knowing that the ex-prostitute has acquired more education than what probably half of this board members have or will have ever gained.

    I am not feeling welcomed here.

    Most are just not as honest as you.

    They mock you because they envy your honesty, and most wish that their ex-Bargirl wife had as much intelligence as your wife has.

    Mind you, the partners of these guys cannot be that smart.

    Mod on another site, which one?????????

  5. It turns out that a thai girls mortal enemy is the dreaded bling. bling is a leech, but the pling i am refering to is a bling teelay, better known by farangs as the harmless sea cucumber. thai's apparently think sea cucumbers are giant sea leeches and climb to the top of the nearest mountain to get as far away from them as possible, the reaction is quite amazing!

    :o Does anyone really care, if this is true so what. What is your phobia??? <deleted>.

  6. Fahrenheit 9/11 - Michael Moore's

    Documentary on G.W. Bush

    NOW showing at Cinemas at

    Major Ekkamai

    Major Ratchayothin (Imax Complex)

    SF Cinema, Emporium Sukhumvit

    Don't miss this two hours of Entertainment

    Billy Boy

    Why get excited its biased and classed as a C/D movie. Not worth the admission fee, even here.

  7. :D  I've been looking for ages for a soul mate. I've tried all the bars in my area, to no avail. I'm looking for a nice simple counrty girl, who prefers the home life, watching tv, cleaning, cooking great food and doesn't care about money too much.

    If anyone knows of one, please let me know.

    Oh!  and one with black hair, big tits and kinky boots. :D

    :o A Go Go then, what a fine choice will last as long as the first timer with MikeRay.

    Most farrang have hookers but are basically in denial, at best they will call them a cashier who only went out with them.

  8. 1000 Euro not including rent and car.

    Which means 50,000 Baht/month + at least another 25,000 Baht/month for a nice 100 sqmeters apartment + another 10,000 Baht for a car.

    With 30,000 Baht/month you are enjoing a very normal life, forget girls and beers.

    Travelling in Thai and Far East is a basic plus of an expat life and it costs!!!

    ps. a normal salary in Bangkok is over 25,000 Baht is the person is good and has some experience, a very good secretary costs 20,000 Baht / month (including transportation allowance). This is what I pay my secretary!!


    This is about it matey.

  9. But are trolls bad?

    Are their provocative posts always bad?

    Take the queen of trolls, IMHO, 'pudgimelon' usually doesn't start a thread herself but waits for the right one and then will put up a 2000 word reply beginning with the sort of respectable educated noises that most people agree with but then ever so slyly twists it into a personal rant against a section or two of society that pudgi has some problems with.

    She puts you in a position of feeling morally forced to agree with him yet you know he's completely wrong. She's almost a clever sod but her arguments often have big holes in them and a couple of the more astute posters will pull her pieces and she'll disappear for a few months.

    What she does do though is generate a lot of discourse on a, usually, controversial topic and this may be the upside to trolls in general. If the origional poster's twisted reasoning is pushed aside and an open and serious discussion results from the troll it's valuable.

    As for my good mate Harry. Lighthearted banter, quite often informative and generally harmless. If some of the posters here didn't take themselves and their positions here so seriously Harry wouldn't feel the need to get a little 'naughty' and thereby incur the wrath of some [insert own words] moderator and get himself banned.

    Whatever happened to BKKBarney? Sometimes the boards cops are a bit to real-life for me. corrupt and self serving.


    Why the importance to the infamous trolls? They contribute and feed discussion, which is what this forum should be about.

  10. Davethailand started a thread that was highjacked. Perhaps we could stick to the original posting and get some answers??

    As requested in another topic,

    "I wonder if anyone will open the who don't you want to meet topic"

    Well here it is, come on, who DON'T you want to meet?

    (I think pvtdicks gotta be quite high on this one) Lets change the subject matter around a little.

    Who would you most like to meet and why??


  11. Well, while I wish you the best of luck, I do so in the expectation you will need it.

    I've seen too many foreigners trying to enjoy a holiday with a Thai girl they essentially do not know.

    Top Tips are:

    1. She will not want to sit on the beach or indeed go anywhere where she might get the sun on her.

    2. There will be a constant search for something to eat, that something is likely to be Som Tam, Sticky rice or something drowned in B-Lar.

    3. She will spend endless amounts of time on the mobile phone.

    4. She will look totally miserable if you are not doing what she wants

    5. You will miss out on fun with other holiday makers because you have to baby sit her

    6. At sometime during your holiday there will be a request for a substantial amount of money, or that you purchase something that can be exchanged for a substantial amount of money.

    7. If you are unable to come up with a substantial amount of money (as measured to her expectations) every penny you spend will be regarded as a penny you are not giving her. All of a sudden there will be an aversion to eating anywhere but the cheapest fly shack or staying anywhere but the cheapest doss house.

    OK It might be you are lucky and none or at least only a few of these occur, but as I say I do wish you the best of luck.


    I think guesthouse has summed this up very nicely.

    Power to you Mango, wonder why Totster is so sensitive,perhaps he has one at home????

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