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Status Updates posted by Sophistichica

  1. Just watched The Vow and shed a tear or two, I do love a true story! :o)

  2. is thinking she might take a cheeky day off tomorrow and do ABSOLUTELY NUFFIN all day and all night - eeeek!

  3. Can't wait to see my little Pooeyschmooey Kerry in 3 days!!

  4. Termites have eaten my kitchen, at least that means the landlord has to buy me a new one!

  5. Termites are eating my house :-(

  6. Has got gastric flu. Lovely jubbly.

  7. Hank Moody is so dam_n SEXY!

  8. Food poisoning just ain't pretty is it... Murrrr!

  9. for some reason my landlord has put the sprinklers on in the garden even though it's raining? Good old Samui!

  10. Ink Master is just SO dam_n GOOD! If you like tattoos watch this program :o)

  11. Is having one of those days. Think I should have stayed in bed today...

  12. I don’t have time to hate people who hate me, cos I’m too busy loving people who love me..

  13. What a day! And now for this evening's events...

  14. what a great day, badminton in the morning with Miriam followed by a hench workout by Dan then my days to do list took me all the way around the island :o)

  15. just watched John Carter - not bad at all!! :o)

  16. is hungover as hell. REALLY looking forward to a relaxing massage followed by fuji and cinema with Anucha Pharehong

  17. Does anyone have a Macbook charger they can lend me until tomorrow? I'd be eternally grateful xx

  18. has just been trying to turn off the aircon with her mobile phone... hmmmm....

  19. is looking forward to her first sleep in, in ages and ages... Alarm OFF mmmmmmmm

  20. well the weather was amazing in Lamai, I had factor 30 on for most of the day, heavens didn't open until late afternoon which was fine by me :o)

  21. just had yummy pancakes with maple syrup and whipped cream!! Thanks to my pumpkin Nikki xxxx

  22. Perfect weather for a lazy, cosy day in bed :o) mmmmmmm

  23. so much to do... So little time... But I wouldn't have it any other way :o)

  24. WELL THAT WAS FUN! Mini holiday in Koh Phagnan was exactly what the doctor ordered :o)

  25. What a fantastic day :o) thank you Ralph and Nikki, Ex's mum was really happy with all the fish, we're going round there later for dinner!

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