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Posts posted by evoboy

  1. Hi all i am new to this site so please all help would be great.

    I have recently returned from Thailand where i got married and will soon be applying for a spouse visa for my Thai wife. She is still there at the moment and has to do her second englist test as she has done reading and listening and passed. So the speaking and writing is due on the 3rd sept.

    I have put together my paperwork which consists of:-

    12 months bank statements

    12 months wage slips

    letter of employment


    all photos and letters and hotel reciepts

    mortgage paperwork

    council tax letter

    gas and electric letter

    land registry paperwork

    covering letter to the embassy

    copy of driving license signed

    copy of passport signed

    previous emails

    wifes old passport in her old name

    copy of id card

    marriage certificate

    sales brocure of house outlining floor space and pictures and spec

    this is what i can think of but if anyone can add any more that would be great

    also i see everyone has a different way of laying the paperwork out so ideas would be good also.

    She has been to the uk with me before on a holiday visa and we used a agent which cost a small fortune so i want to try and do this myself but i am worried as i have heard some horror stories. Plus im back in the uk and trying to make sure it all goes ok for her in thailand

    Any help will be great

    Many thanks Mike

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