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Posts posted by reallyhappy

  1. Thought I'd bump this message as I'm interested to see if any new OLA students have anything to report on getting their ED visas and/or the OLA classes.


    I have been in Phuket around 3 weeks now. myself and about 3/4 others were due to start class on the 1st September however we have all sent emails to OLA and nobody has had a reply/any contact in a week!!!

    I also found it strange that they have had 3 different websites in the past couple of month's.



    20 June - sent off documents and made bank transfer

    25 June - documents arrived with OLA.

    06 July - confirmation of getting my visa letter from Ministry of Education, letter sent to me.

    27 July - go to Hull (Thai embassy) have no problems getting ED visa.

    11 Aug - arrived in Thailand no problem, have 90 days /w multi-entry.

    1 Sept - classes supposed to start, i expect an email from them or something. decide to email them asking about it.

    2 Sept - no reply so i search internet and email about 3 more email addresses/contact forms linked with OLA.

    7 Sept - still no reply....

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