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Posts posted by vince1

  1. that won.t happens in thailand with the thai police they need money, it need to stop that why the tourists rate gone right down they don't harass thai people , i know i have seen it happen ,, the thai army needs to stop it and look after the Tourists,

    a lot of Tourists are going to Saigon and vietnam know , a lot cheaper there , P.S the thai bath is not good know it gone right down , they need to sort it out,

    p.s the thai police know that the 2 people they have for killing 2 english people did not do it , that the thai police for ya they don.t give a <deleted>,

  2. well what can say , the thai army need to do a lot more in thailand as we all know that the thai police can not do there job right , as we all know a lot of thai police take backhands of the mafia , like last week there was 7 policeman got count with a lot of money in there homes and gold as well , the thai army need to kick mafia out of thailand for good and don.t let them back in , and the thai police needs to stop taking money of the tourist ???/ they only put the money in there pockets , that why the tourist rate right down that not good for thailand

    the thai people like the army to more for them ,

    the thai police just take money of them and they lie and they cover up a lot of thing that look bad for thailand and the thai people,

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