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Everything posted by waters

  1. @lopburi3 - understood, and you're a 'fountain' of knowledge here in the forums - so thanks for taking the time to reply. Our problem is space. We live in a condo in central Bangkok - and there might be enough room under our sink for the unit you've linked to - but I think not. We'll double check. The Philips unit (which has a small tank), and other tankless RO systems take up a fraction of the space. We're a household of three - two adults and one child - and we know roughly how much drinking water we consume each day - and unit that produces somewhat less water should be fine. Our other option is to install a larger system on the other side of the wall - behind the sink, where our bathroom is - and then run the tap through the wall and out over the sink. In this case we'd have a large RO unit attached to the wall in our bathroom (no idea where we'd place the tank) - and while I'm not foolish enough to believe entirely in form over function, there is also an aesthetic dimension. Although of course not if the 4 stage Philips unit is less safe that a 6 stage filter for Bangkok / condo tap water? Thanks again ????
  2. @unheard - thanks!
  3. Philips have a new model available in Thailand - an RO system that includes re-mineralization, and a tank, in a combined under-the-counter form factor. It's so new (I think) that the Philips page doesn't have a photo yet, although HomePro does... https://www.philips.co.th/c-p/AUT7000_67/aquashield-under-the-sink-water-purifier https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1202045 We'll go and take a look at HomePro. My first thought is - what's the tank made of? Probably not too serious an issue, but if it's plastic, I'd be worried about leached chemicals from the plastic tank (as opposed to the steel tanks in the 'typical' RO systems shown here and elsewhere).
  4. Would you mind sharing the lab details? (no worries if not - or DM?)
  5. This unit looks very good - but I have no idea what Philip's reputation is like in Thailand. We had a terrible experience with Siemens refrigerators for example which are manufactured here under license from Siemens. (Note, I am in no way associated with either Philips, or the company presenting the demonstration below.) Thoughts anyone? Very good demonstration video here, although for the previous model - which is very similar....
  6. As far as I know - Aura Mineral Water (the green bottles) is genuinely a mineral water from a spring in Chiang Mai. We've driven past the company, and also know a little about the work they've done in 'ecosystem services' and some NGO work. We like it, but we're going through a LOT in a month - hence the search for a water filter system.
  7. Thanks @lopburi - this machine looks like 'the business'. We're just a bit tight for space and a tank - although we might be able to make it work.
  8. @unheard - thanks! Some interesting units here - the YOMIZU machine is a tankless real-time RO system, which I was particularly interested in. I'll do a little more digging.
  9. Thanks @Why Me - do you know if the tap can be removed on the Mazuma system you've linked to? So that we could thread a pipe and place a custom tap near the sink?
  10. Thanks for posting @carlyai - I've seen the Treatton name around as well. Will also compare the cost of replacement filters..
  11. Quite a good blog post here... https://iamkohchang.com/blog/tap-water-in-thailand.html As well as data from MWA here... https://twqonline.mwa.co.th/EN/map.php?type= And the paper referred to in the blog post above here... https://www.e3s-conferences.org/articles/e3sconf/abs/2018/05/e3sconf_iwa2018_01011/e3sconf_iwa2018_01011.html
  12. Hi All, we've lived in a condo in central Bangkok for several years now. We've relied almost exclusively on bottled Aura Mineral Water for our drinking water but would now like to switch to a water filter system (to reduce plastic bottle waste, and maybe overall costs). I've seen systems from Stiebel Eltron, and Mazuma in the forums, as well as this post from 2016 - https://aseannow.com/topic/940312-what-drinking-water-filter-do-you-recommend/ I understand the basic difference between RO and non-RO systems, and am not particularly worried about mineral content as we're likely to get enough of the important minerals from other sources. Taste might be a factor. These two systems from Stiebel Eltron look pretty good - Stream 5S https://www.stiebel-eltron.co.th/en/home/products-solutions/water-filter/drinking-water-filter/domestic-use/stream-5s/stream-5s--ste-.html Glacier (STE) - RO - although not shown in the pictures here, pretty sure it requires a tank. https://www.stiebel-eltron.co.th/en/home/products-solutions/water-filter/drinking-water-filter/domestic-use/glacier/glacier--ste-.html There are other more modern 'tankless' RO systems - although they might have to be imported, like.. SimPure T1-400 https://www.amazon.com/SimPure-T1-400-UV-Tankless-Filtration/dp/B0B14TM99T The big issue with a system like this I think would be getting replacement filters. I don't think we have space for a tank - although we own our unit, and so could install a 5 stage system on the other side of the wall from our kitchen sink (in our bathroom, on a wall that has water, drain, and power) and route the tap through the wall to appear just above the sink next to the normal tap. Our main concern is general drinking water safety - especially as we have a 6 year-old. Anyway - was wondering if there were any 'Bangkok water gurus' in the forum would might be able to share some advice?
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