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Posts posted by crabis

  1. On 7/12/2016 at 7:40 AM, VN4now said:

    Thailand is different than western countries. Most allow foreign property ownership. None have lese majeste laws. Most allow 100% foreign business ownership. But yes no country allows you to work while on a tourist visa or they wouldn't have tourist and business visas. Everyone is getting stricter about visa compliance as nationalism sweeps the world.


    but on this point ...where the story in taken from ...thailand isn't any different that other countries ....


    <deleted>... why can't people read what i wrote ... and comment on that ... sure thailand is different... all countries are different ... BUT ON THE VISA POINT  MOST COUNTRIES ARE THE SAME !!!

  2. On 6/12/2016 at 11:45 PM, digibum said:



    No, seriously, you are suggesting a lot of things I didn't say.  I don't know if it's a language thing but there's some serious miscommunication going on.  


    Let me make this a bit more clear.  The Thai elite, military, and police have been socking away money in the US and other countries for a long time.  That is why they would care.  I'm sure you might remember a certain Mr. Thaksin who owned the Man City football team in England, no?  Or perhaps all of that property in Dubai is buying itself?  


    Yes, I did have work permits to work in the EU, thank you.  And no, I did not need permanent residency to buy property in many of the the countries in the EU.  I know Americans who do not have permanent residency in any EU country that own homes there.  If you wish to live in the home you have to obtain residency but you don't have to be a resident to buy the property.  


    So Thailand IS DIFFERENT.  


    You seem to be conflating a bunch of different issues.  


    1.  Thais can and do purchase property in many western countries without being permanent residents.  


    2.  That reverse is not true.  Westerners cannot go to Thailand and buy property, permanent resident or not.  


    Last point, I don't care what you think about NYC.  I guess 12 million people live there, and it has the one of the highest property values in the world because people just can't get themselves enough of those police states.   





    okay ... let me hear what is it you think i did suggest in my first reply  ???

    just take the first reply ... and tell me what i did suggest  ?


    but let me tell you something you are such an ignorant american...  and the reason why your dump of a country is circling they drain :)

    american are among the most stupid students in the world ... go look that fact up... and you are clear a evidence of that...


    you lecture me in the laws of europe :) 555 so funny!!!


    i didn't say that thailand wasn't different ...but what i said was, on that point (read the what this all started with ) they are pretty much the same as most other countries ...

    try to read it again ignorant ass wipe....


    so you dont care of that i think ... why do you think the of the world cares about usa ... apparently you can't read english either ... 


    arrogant americans... you guys are so funny how you think the rest of the world needs you ... and you think the american way of life is so fantastic ... you dont even live in a democracy ... 


    and look that up too .. sure you will say you do ... and that just show how F..... stupid you are ! cos you dont even know the difference between a democracy and an republic ... 


    you know what... just keep talking ... and let everyone see how stupid you are  :)) 555








  3. 34 minutes ago, digibum said:


    Actually, Scandinavians are the exception to the rule.  You guys have a lot of protectionist laws that are not common elsewhere.  Same on immigration in general.  


    I live in the US.  And Thais, and in fact more foreigners, are allowed to buy land, own businesses, etc in the US.  


    There was a big thing about Brexit possibly impacting Florida real estate prices because so many Brits buy vacation properties in Florida.  Chinese cash is snapping up tons of real estate, $2 billion for the Waldorf Astoria in NYC, another $2 billion being sunk into Los Angeles.  The Japanese love Hawaii and have been helping drive up property values there since the 1980's.  


    My Thai wife who is permanent residency is currently looking to purchase some investment properties here in the US.  Not only is she allowed to own them, but because she is a permanent resident, she will have no problem getting them financed with a bank.  


    Likewise, I can buy property in most of the EU.  So, outside a few states that specifically prohibit non-residents from owning land, there's nothing prohibiting me from buying property.  I lived in Europe for a total of about 6 or 7 years and I could own property in any of the countries I've lived in.  


    I did say "cracking down on Thais working illegally" so, no, Thais in the US on tourist visas are not allowed to work.  Not sure why you are trying to suggest that I was saying otherwise.  


    im not suggesting you said anything else but what what you said ! ;)

    and im pretty sure  "the elite, military, and police" in thailand wouldn't really care about, if a few Thais where cracked down on for working in North america.... cos they will never be a part of that problem anyway...!

    but now you got a new president elect... lets see how that will pan out for the Mexicans and other foreigners working and living in the land of the free.


    well... there is No EU country,  where you are allowed to work without a work permit ... from certain countries the citizens will easier get a work permit ... but you got to have work visa all over EU.

    and for buying property ... usually you need a permanent residency and an approval from the country to buy land as a non EU citizen and even as a EU citizen too. 

    and overstaying on a visa .. will get you into trouble, same as in thailand.



    my point is only, on this point ... Thailand is not any different from most other countries !




    and as a foreigner visiting NYC its like going to a police state ... i visited Beijing last year and it was much more smooth that going to the USA. 

  4. 5 hours ago, digibum said:



    I wonder what would happen in western countries started cracking down on Thais working illegally, banned them from owning land, and said that they couldn't control more than 49% of any company.  I wonder how well that would go down with the elite, military, and police.  




    what country are you from ??? 


    in denmark we do... Thai tourist are not allowed to work in denmark ... and if they are caught doing so  ... they will be hold in prisoned  until send out of the country ... and be banned from returning for years.... you can't buy a summer house in denmark if you aren't a danish citizen ... 


    on this point Thailand isn't that different from most other countries ....

  5. most likely the taxi driver …. wanted 1000 bath flat rate for driving in a 350 bath taxi meter trip

    and the guy refused …. and got dump on side of the road….

    give the taxi a month in bangkok hilton …. set an example of him ...


    i have tried being dump in the middle of No-where by motorbike taxi … we had a agree of one price … and when we got to a remote place

    he stopped …. and the price got 5 times as high ….

    and it just annoyed me to pay extra … so he left me there … :(

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