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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. No, they are clever that time not to accept the Euro.
  2. in Europe you can buy 1 gram gold buillons, maybe the future?
  3. I expect the new generation air fryers will have built in microwave.
  4. That's true, but the most important different is the air fryer is much smaller up to temperature in a few seconds, you will safe a lot of electricity. I have also a air fryer and very happy with it, no electronics, simple mechanical timer and the temperature is adjustable from zero to 200 c.
  5. Yes, for sure, I'm also willing to help this beautiful ladies, but unfortunately....not allowed. Damned!
  6. Yes you are right, I misinterpreted the post.
  7. Good question, but do they know that about their own people? I mean, it looks like we all foreigners are criminals, and must be checked from door to door, seems a bit racist or am I wrong?
  8. Ridiculous, have you ever heard of VPN, for example.
  9. I agree and am aware of the higher exchange rate and higher prices in particular in Europe but...... not 3 times more expansive.
  10. I get the strong impression that the Makro is the champion in higher prices these days. It started when ownership was taken over from the Dutch by the Thai of course. A few months ago I bought ansjovis a big jar, 750 gr for 750 thb, last week I tried to buy the same jar but it was no longer there. Only a smaller one of 250 gr and watch out, for the same price 750 thb! 3 times more expansive!
  11. I'm lucky, my car stays on my wife's name.
  12. They do only in Afganistan, running after the airplane.
  13. What's the problem? It is allowed to carry with you about 15 thousand euro's.
  14. The message shows up even in Dutch news papers. Not a good turn from the monks in LOS.
  15. the driver was not aware of the name of the bend.....
  16. Leaders???? Oppressors is a better word.
  17. You forgot to mention rubber gloves!
  18. And last not but least, what do you think about Negative Interest, you can't withdraw your money anymore, so they can do what they like to do.......
  19. I think this is the best explanation from the whole topic, again it's the banks that get richer.
  20. There is simply no school in Thailand that can provide a good driving course.
  21. You don't need to mention Himmler, Jean-Claude Juncker said the same, and that is not so long ago.
  22. Sure he don't need to say Himmler, Jean-Claude Juncker, said the same
  23. Ah, you also see the docu from blcbx.tv Sure there is a reason we have to be scared. The WEF is the biggest crooks organization!
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