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Posts posted by SIamYank

  1. I have a house not far from Buriram... near Nang Rong. I always take a taxi direct from Bangkok. Usually its about 3500 THB, a flight will likely be about the same or more. It only takes about 4 hours driving... with transfer, wait time, baggage etc... a flight wouldnt be any faster. And with a car you have the benefit of being able to stop whenever you want. I find it much more relaxing than yet another flight... especially after a long inbound flight to BKK.

  2. Large successful economies benefit from allowing foreign investment, poorer countries do not always benefit from foreign investment in many economic sectors. Good case studies would include Hawaii, large parts of Africa and banana republics in Central America. When rich foreigners (or mainland Americans and Japanese in the case of Hawaii) own the best property, the big factories, and the mineral resources the locals become the kitchen help, the miners and the unskilled factory workers.

    Some could argue that rich Thais are doing that to their own country anyway. I think the problem would be much greater if the foreign own restrictions were not in place.

  3. This promo rate is only about 30% less than you would pay for a HI Express in The States. Unless their SE Asia versions are much nicer than what they offer in The USA this sounds like a pretty poor price for quality ratio. For HI Express quality in Bangkok I would think the market should be near 1,000 THB. My opinion is based on 15+ years of very frequent biz travel in the USA probably 75% of which was in Holiday Inn or affiliated brand like Crowne Plaza etc.

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  4. With all of Thailand's great waterways and their huge significance on the culture of Thailand this is something that I have often thought about doing.

    Golden Triangle to Mekong Delta would be epic and amazing. It would obviously be much more difficult because of the length and the remoteness. than a trip down the central river system. But your Thai sponsors might prefer a trip "through" Thailand rather than around part of Thailand.

    Please keep us informed as to the progress this plan. And if your friend is looking for a possible partner for part of the journey... I may be interested. Let me know. I have done a few long kayak and canoe trips in my day and might be easily convinced to do another.

    Further... if their are other folks out their that might want to plan some long Canoe or Kayak trips in Thailand, lets talk. It doesnt have to be as epic as Triangle to Delta.... even a long weekend trip would be awesome!

  5. I understand the the tendencies to laugh and joke about things one doesn't understand but how about a little respect when it comes to dead and beliefs that help people mourn. People'd beliefs and they way they show respect to the dead shouldn't be ridiculed unless you consider these people somehow not deserving of the same respect you likely give westerners that may also believe in things and have rituals that defy logic and science and have throughout history resulted in the deaths of millions because of these illogical beliefs.

    <deleted>? clap2.gif

    Another believer in scientific non-proof. There is no way you are Buddhist, my son... wink.png

    Nothing wrong with respect for the dead, don't get me wrong; but for you to suggest that we don't believe in things that defy logic or rituals or deaths because of illogical beliefs?

    Nope, we generally don't believe in things that defy logic - it's called Bull Shit.

    Rituals are for the insane.

    Deaths because of illogical beliefs? How about Sun Yat-Sen, who believed he was the brother of Christ himself, or how about the illogical beliefs of Thaksin Shinwatra who believed that drug takers were out to get him, so he slaughtered 2,000.... for a bit of attention.

    Get real,..... your post is poop, for once! sad.png


    It seems that you are the one holding "Insane" beliefs. (Oxford Dictionary: Insane: in a state of mind which prevents normal perception)

    Considering that all, or at least the majority, of past and present religions have beliefs which are outside the bounds of scientific explanation it seems it is your state of mind which is outside of normal perception. It is a shame that you and many of the posters to this forum have the insensitivity and arrogance to ridicule peoples beliefs because they do not correspond to your own minority held views.

    What the neighbors and police are doing by their actions are showing compassion. An emotion that is sadly lacking in a lot of the previous posts.

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