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Everything posted by HOAX

  1. Was 14°c outside Udon Thani this morning. Pretty cold walking around in my boxers, but still far from the near-frosty 2°c I experienced here a decade ago, which isn't too far off the coldest ever recorded in Thailand's history (-1.4°c, Sakhon Nakhon, 1974). Thailand's only official record of snowfall was in January, 1955, in Chiang Rai (though some claim it wasn't snow, but hail, which might be the case and something I've experienced myself a couple of times here in Udon Thani), and if it was snow, is highly unlikely to happen again anytime soon, unless there's some extremely rare weather/atmospheric events as December and January are the driest months of the year in North and Northeast Thailand with less than 2mm on average, and the colder the temperatures the less moisture as well, so highly unlikely. If I remember correctly, we had 7°c last year, which was the coldest temperatures in 6-7 years.
  2. WOW!!! Hold on guys, aren't they going a bit too fast this time? Is the human species ready to go from being served beer in non-transparent containers to transparent containers in just a single day? You'd think they take it step-by-step, but no, they completely floored the gas pedal here. This has to be the greatest achievement in human history since Jesus managed to feed 5,000 people with just 5 loaf of bread and 2 fish, and still had 12 baskets full of leftovers.
  3. What Thailand really needs is to stop thinking it's a privilege for tourists to come to Thailand and instead be more humble and welcoming, especially when you rely on tourism and foreign investment. What's the point with these extensions every 90 days? Why punish all foreigners just because of a very few bad apples when it's so blatantly obvious it's nothing compared to the actual big issues Thailand has with its own people and doesn't care to do anything about, like road fatalities, murders and corruption, just to mention a fraction of the number of issues Thailand has. Foreigner's bad doings falls far down on the list of concerns Thailand should have, unless racism is high, just saying. It's nothing out of the ordinary with Thailand and most certainly nothing hi-so or opportunistic, so forget about all the nonsense lately with aiming for rich tourists and wealthy investors when you got nothing to offer them. It's as if I invited rich people home to me and offered them a glass of milk. Locals won't benefit from the rich anyway. Appreciate the ones you get before you lose them all and got nothing.
  4. No but you could give the jabs away to friends or family... Christmas gift anyone? ???????????????? ????
  5. Exactly the same for my wife and I. We both signed up (with THG) in June through Line. Then I took pfizer instead. Now waiting for my wife to get vaccinated so we can travel.
  6. You mean Lazada? If so then yes. Police should definitely take a look there. Plenty to catch. If you search on Lazada for gun accessories or army clothes or something related that a gun lover would like, you can sometimes see in the reviews of the products probably hundreds of photos of Thai gun lovers, most are probably perfectly legal and sane, but definitely not everyone. I`ve seen people post pictures of themselves dressed up in militia clothes with machine guns as if they were on their way to Afghanistan. I`ve even seen a guy posting along with his review a photo of the product next to himself dressed up in full gear in a room filled with many dozens advanced tactical machine guns, police-like submachine guns, hand grenades, hand guns and whatnot. Enough for a terrorist cell to make mayhem in any city. It`s ridiculous. No one need or should have that in their possession.
  7. My first dose of Pfizer I had some pain in my arm, as well as headache and some dizziness that lasted for 5 days. My second dose I psyched myself up and went "all-in" as if it was going to be my last day alive or something, as I've heard the second dose is a lot worse. Nothing. A little pain in my arm for barely a day and nothing else whatsoever. Nada. Now it's almost like I wanted to get sick so I could know it was working at least. I asked my wife's friend, a doctor, who said it's normal, everybody react differently. I'll just have to take her word for it then I guess ????
  8. Had my second Pfizer jab injected into my flesh 5 days ago. Can't wait for someone to stab my wife with a couple of shots as well so we finally can go on that holiday trip we've been talking about for months ????
  9. A few hundred Chinese who has escaped the CCP and somehow managed to take with them some of their billions, otherwise no one else. In a few years they'll be extradited back to China when the CCP tells Thailand to do so.
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