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Posts posted by harryfrompattaya

  1. We have no to right to complain about the great Government in Thai. They are working for the common good if Farangs do not like it go home

    Or give more to the poor

    I bet none of the complainants have given the poor or take a poor person out to lunch or gave to a Church or a to Wat

    I am happy that help build and give to seven Christian Church

    I say give to the poor and stop complaining

  2. Will foreigners ever learn ?

    It is simple keep you money and investment in your home country and bring over each month what you want to spend or give away.

    Thailand is great as no alimony and no common law marriage

    Just understand you mate is for you money and she for you to enjoy.

    Do not even talk to her except about food and where we are going.

    From the time you mate gets up to go to sleep she thinking how to get you money

    And the ones that have a job forget about they are number one con artist as you can not keep a eye on her

    But she has fools watching you

  3. If anyone knows how to contact this man, tell him to retain the services of Mossack Fonseca out of Bangkok.

    I have them on retainer and have used them in the past.

    They are international and do not F about.

    ​As for all the naysayers, I am hearing way too much BS bar room legal advice here. Expats have rights in Thailand just as nearly everywhere else in the world. Thailand joined the IMF in 1944, and it therefore bound by international banking standards and laws. Fraud is fraud no matter the place or the person's visa status. The thing is this, when you retain adequate legal counsel, in the form of an Internationally recognized firm, the Thai legal system folds like a house of cards. If you seek legal advice from Chang drinkers or go to 101 Services, you get the worst advice possible (and categorically, incorrect).




    Suite 3104, 31st Floor, Abdulrahim Place

    990 Rama 4 Road

    Bangkok 10500, Thailand

    You sound like you are a runner for a law firm

  4. It's weird that lots of TV posters, who I presume have lived in Thailand a long time, think the owners will give a crap about some foreign teenagers having sex with a few uneducated single mothers from nakhon nowhere. The reality is that pay for play was probably part of the tour package offered by the hosts. The majority of hi-society folk see such women as servants of sorts, be it sexual or for cleaning and alike. The only issue the owners face is having to decide wether to pretend to give a toss in front of the Thai public and rest of the world. At the end of the day, as long as their daughters never date a farang, they won't be bothered.

    What still confuses me is why the Thai news called the girls prostitutes but there is no mention of this in the UK.

    one has to realize everyone all the Thai known why young single males come here it the Farangs and their Newspaper that denial the fact

  5. Yes, this is just the US Pacific Fleet deployed to the region, as I stated... If the US pulls assets from other theaters, then who is going to intimidate protect the Mediterranean, Gulf of Hormuz, Suez Canal, Atlantic, etc?

    The USA has naval assets in mothballs and tens of thousands of planes sitting pickled in the desert southwest that outnumber, and are more advanced than the vast majority of Chinese hardware. Heck, we've got museum pieces that are more advanced than all but the latest Chinese stuff.

    Who is going to fight Most of the Soldiers and Sailor in the today's Army and Navy will go AWOL

    The Join for Paycheck not to fight

    Are you going to fight is Pubicus going to fight

    But my relatives in the Army are going AWOL

    I bet you will not even try to catch them

  6. The Boyz in Beijing have no support in the region for their arbitrary claims in the South China Sea and for the expected military bases that would appear there.

    Last week Australia PM Tony Abbott confirmed USAF B-1 stealth bombers will be stationed on Australian soil, outside of Darwin. Yet the CCP Boyz continue to believe they can manipulate and intimidate Australia over to their side, which indicates the delusions the Boyz have in Beijing.

    The CCP Boyz also think they can take control of the South China Sea and do it without ever firing a shot, which are yet more delusions.

    I say let Japan and Vietnam solve this problem alone this will teach them to love us Americans even more

  7. the South China sea is big problem and the UN is taking about Israel

    America will do nothing folks

    They could care less and can not win

    Remember Obama got a so kind of Peace Prize

    America really remembers Vietnam we lost and this one is not our fight

    Let Vietnam and the Japanese solve this or be taken over by China to bad for them

  8. More Christian faith and family values from the republicanswhistling.gif

    In America this is very big problem with Teachers of all kinds

    Maybe we have to change the standards for Teachers or put these people in Jail for life

    You do not read Garbage Collectors during this terrible act

    Openly gay teachers are not the ones who present the problem. It's the closeted ones who pretend that they are not gay and who would readily agree with you.

    How do you known Hastert was not opening gay when he was teacher

    The Janitor and Kitchen knew do no tell me teachers are so dumb and did not to know

    the Crime for sleeping with students under 18 should be death

    That way it will stop

  9. It seems most people are missing the point.

    This statement is saying one thing to Thakisn : If you send your paid red thugs onto the streets before we have had a free and fair election (well, the closest Thailand has ever got) then you are going to pay a price for it.

    The thing Thaksin wants most is to come back to Thailand - and he has discovered that no amount of bribes and cronies can do it. If he has more charges heaped up then the chances are even less. Prayuth has chosen this game because it will lead to the least amount of innocent Thais getting murdered. It's hardly sophisticated politics - but it never is in Thailand.

    And any Red-Shirt who thinks Thaksin does anything at for them is delusional. What happened to the uprising you have all been shouting about (whilst spraying bits of foam) ?. He's left you out to dry for now because that is what suits him for now.

    The thing which stands out the most to me is how Red-Shirts do absolutely nothing unless ordered (and paid) by a political master - and always at the same time as the master has something he wants. And when they do, it is only ever violence and intimidation. What a shining beacon of democracy you are in Thailand ....

    Did Thaksin tell you this?

    Please tell us how do you known

    I say he want to say in England when young girl freind

  10. Why do you hope they catch the rapist and throw away the key? You know that is not going to happen here as you stated. Is that not your Judaeo-Christian upbringing speaking? Are you not looking down on Thailand's judicial and value systems?


    No in my culture I want him turned over the males in her family for his murder

    That way little raping at least unable to do again

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