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Posts posted by Buntsa

  1. It is so great that people here in Thai Visa forum always knows everything better than local police :) How do you know that this driver who hit the motorcycle has not yet been arrested by the police? Of course I´m sad about death of this Swede but what worries me is, that these motorcycle taxis normally don´t have a helmet to offer for their customers even it is compulsory  to use for both.

  2. 11 hours ago, seancbk said:



    Don't you know that people on this forum don't bother reading all the replies that have already been made,  they just post their own comments whether or not someone else might have already said the same thing.  

    Plus they can't wait to imply the Thai police are incompetent.   

    If people on this forum don´t bother read replies and extra information, maybe it would be a good idea for those just not to post any comments then? Mostly those are ridiculous and totally out of context. Or then they are like suicide, suicide, maybe suicide. police name it suicede etc. Do You think anyone is interested opinions like that?

  3. Really??? Is there some kind of competition going on who can make first comments in this forum or what? It´s a pity because there might be someone having a good factual comment here but it will be vanished within this rubbish. I hope that administrator should watch a little bit more if these comments actually have any value here? And yes, I don´t have to read any comments and I wont. I think these are normally some Britons who like to assert themselves for some unknown reason?

    You don't read any comments, yet you are complaining about the standard of the comments? Your own words make a liar out of you!.

    And what qualification do you have to determine the nationality of the English speaking posters on ThaiVisa? Some kind of clairvoyant, perhaps?

    Additionally, as a "newbie", I find it extraordinary that you are already advising the "administrator" how to do his/her job!

    LOL. Yes I don´t send any rubbish here as you do. I have read the comments enough to make my opinion of people who comment here. I actually like to read Thai Visa news, but not that b....hit that you and your Briton friends write here. You have nearly 1300 posts here and you are proud of it? Every post you sent is as clever as your last one. Nothing to say, just posting to get higher rank. Very clever :D

  4. Really??? Is there some kind of competition going on who can make first comments in this forum or what? It´s a pity because there might be someone having a good factual comment here but it will be vanished within this rubbish. I hope that administrator should watch a little bit more if these comments actually have any value here? And yes, I don´t have to read any comments and I wont. I think these are normally some Britons who like to assert themselves for some unknown reason?

  5. how about YOU help everyone here and post a photo of this insect?

    Yes, agree I should definitely post a pic. All I had went with my desk computers hard drive, so now waiting for next heavy rain in Hua Hin area. It might take a while, but I will post pic here with tape measure next to it.

    P.S. We have several small wooden fences to protect part of our garden from our own dogs. Fences are not painted or varnished. These "termites" have no interest of those.

  6. I could not find better forum, so here we are.

    Everyone who has been living in Thailand knows these insects which, after rain normally, flies to the light and drop their wings. Die soon after.

    Most people (even Thais) insist that they are termites, but I don´t buy that before someone tells me the Latin name of this species. These are at least two times longer than normal termites and have dark color, nearly black.

    I´m not interested if someone tells me it´s termite or ant, that does not help anything about identifying this particular.species. I´m just tired to discuss about this again and again because nobody knows the facts what they are talking about. Want to know the truth,from some entomologist whether this is termite or something else. Latin name for family of this insect species is very welcome.

    Thanks for any help!

  7. Thanks everyone!

    I realize now that it´s no use to take any pointless risks with this. Even though I also think that it´s insane ruling. Can understand that if it´s your core business you have to have the licence, but..... just serving a customer with this kind of an act? OK, this is amazing Thailand I know.

    Our restaurant serves mainly four to five resorts around. Nearest ATM is located four km from restaurant, city (money exchange) and beach about 10 km.

  8. We have a small restaurant with customers mostly from Europe.

    If customer wants to pay with euro notes, is it legal as a restaurant make the exchange by taking ex. euro note and give the change back in Thai bahts?

    How about doing money exchange when customer don´t buy anything, just want to exchange money? Exchange rate would change daily according to official exchange rates and follow the rates that are used in official money exchange places (taking the same comission).

  9. Sorry to say but this is total Bulls..t. I have two restaurants in Hua Hin an nobody have gave me any papers about the ban. There was also a topic some months ago when this royal monk died here. Alcohol ban for five days or somethning??? Nothing to do with the trueth. However our restaurants are open tomorrow and we WILL serve alcohol.

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