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Boh Bpen Yang

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Posts posted by Boh Bpen Yang

  1. I didn't know they made those. There are on the market USB Sim card readers. I am looking for one of those. Either PC/SC or Phoenix Standard Technology. Does anyone know where In BKK I can find one?


    What you are talking about are devices to write/read smartcards (which a simcard is). (http://www.eldsat.com/index.php?cPath=31&a...3b101084cc1aff5

    What the original poster wants is a laptop with a GPRS/Edge/3G modem built in, so you just pop in a sim card from a GSM provider and you have internet access wherever you are without needing any external equipment!

    Disclaimer: the above mentioned on-line shop has a less then stellar customer relation history. Everything I ordered always eventually came through but with delays and no communication with the shop clarifying the delays...

    Thanks and I appologise for my misunderstanding. I was looking for an existing thread to ask my question and didn't read the post well enough. Thanks again for the lead. do the have a storefront retail outlet?

  2. I have the Advent 4213 with the built in sim slot which I use when Im mobile in the Uk (and was purchased there) but am interested in buying a standard sized laptop with the same built in facility ??

    As anyone purchased one or anyone know if they are available yet either in UK or Thailand ??



    I didn't know they made those. There are on the market USB Sim card readers. I am looking for one of those. Either PC/SC or Phoenix Standard Technology. Does anyone know where In BKK I can find one?


  3. Amazing as I read the lack of being slueths.  Why not still manage the frickin place from the duh-----> home???????  They cannot do a darn thing to you if they come over, cause it is your place of residence and what you manage is your own personal home affairs.  You don't need a permit for that part, that is for flying sure.

    Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz.  And still make your buckeroos!!!!!!!!!!!

    You know farangs need to be smart and do it the thai way, be a snake like them and you even the score.


    Or just get a work permit. It's not rocket science. Work in Thailand doesn't have to be paid work to be considered work. If you are doing work that a Thai could be doing and you don't have a permit you are breaking the law.

    I know a dude that has a little shop.. all legal and work permitted, taxes paid etc. and was serving food that he had prepared personally to neihboring Thai shop owners (outide his address and a task not covered by his work permit), as a gesture of good will, no charge, free free free. A Policeman asked to see his work permit for that particular task which of course he couldn't produce. The other local owners quickly intervened and discussed this with the Policeman and all was forgotten. But in reality it was illegal.

  4. They need to make the taxis here in Samui use thier meters also. Many tourists complain that the charges are to high, especially compaired to Bangkok.

    Raise the meter rate , but use the meter than the tourist knows he is not getting ripped off.

    Yep. Samui Taxi Meter are probably the highest in the Kingdom. 50 Baht flag drop and 2 baht per kilometer and you still can't make them turn them on. They ask for, and get from unsuspecting tourist, 3 times what the fair would be on the meter. Shameful.

    As far as notifying the Police...555... There isn't a soul living on Samui that doesn't already know this is happening. One gets the feeling they may be telling the wrong person if you know what I mean.

  5. I had experience with a similar, yet not so drastic, mentality. A regular customer at my shop dropped his wallet on my front deck. The next door shop operator picked it up maybe 2 minutes after the customer left the shop. She looked inside and saw that it had about 15,000 THB. I said look at the ID. I immediately knew whose wallet it was.

    I took the wallet and returned it to my customer the next day. He offered me a reward of 500 THB, but I said "I'm not gonna take money for not stealing your wallet". Next day, the next door lady asked how much reward would she get. I said there was no reward. She said "If I would have known that I would have kept the wallet".

    Now OK I understand finders keepers and all of that tripe. But this was my customer and on my property. Gimme a G gimme an R gimme an E E D. It's rampant.

  6. Not a very realistic reality show.

    5 people going out for a week on a tag for a $500 commission. But old Dog is an x con from Texas, murder actually, so he is probably genuinely bad. But all of the born again thing gets a bit much. Just how many fo the crack heads that he drags in do you think wouldn't say "Yeah man, I see what you mean. I'm gonna go straight because you helped me out so much, Dude".

  7. It could be worse news.

    Guesthouse burns down killing all inside - Owner claims drunk guests had emptied the fire extinguishers. Parents of the dead demand justice

    And the world would be blaming the guesthouse owner and Thais in general for not providing fire fighting equipment.

    A harsh punnishment.. but then so is burning to death because some half-whit thought letting off the fire extinguishers was a laaarf.

    :o You hit that on the head. Dead right. :D

  8. I didn't see in the story what type of extinguisher it was.

    Fire can occure if 3 things are present. Fuel, Oxigen and Heat (in most cases). Remove any of these elements and there can be no fire. Gas type fire extiguishers are not very good on (what we call) type A fires. This is normal combustibles like wood, paper, sheets, bedding, etc., the types of things you would find in a hotel room. The reason for this is that once the extinguisher is emptied these types of materials tend to still be hot, so, when the oxigen returns the fire starts again. Both co2 and halon kill the fire by removing the oxigen from the fire without leaving a residue (they are prefered for fighting electrical or computer type fires). Halon, especially, is expensive and only good in a closed environment because it works by displacing Oxigen. Not likely to be used in a Hotel. In the case of co2 the lack of oxigen is a short lived state so if the fire is not completely out when the oxigen returns the fire will return. The most effective type of extinguisher in this environment would be non toxic Dry powder chemical extinguisher (basically baking soda). It makes a mess (not as much as a fire) but it works by smothering the fire (cutting off the oxigen again) It is cheap and effective. I can't think why a hotel would use any other type of extinguisher. Water is a bad choice because of electricity.. That would be your darwin award.

  9. Islam and Muslim is not the same.

    Islam is the path God wishes all to follow. And as some have stated it does not call for nor give merit for acts of terrorism especially against the innocent.

    Muslim is what a person who claims to follow this path. That doesn't mean they actually do. Illiteracy and religion make a powerful team for people who would want to make forceful political gain using religion as a call to arms. The root of the problem is a very small group of powerful people who want more power (bow down to me). Find them and one can decapitate the serpent.

    Terrorism and Divine Islam

  10. I am western but my wife is southwestern Issan. She is a good woman and has some of her family that lives and works with us. They are good too. She has a full life with family and friends around almost constantly. This is OK. :D

    I don't speak Lao hardly at all. This leaves me excluded from a huge part of her life shared. I have none of my immediate family anywhere near. Friends are around occasionally. One can only watch so much Television to occupy the mind. :o

    If you are more engaging with him he will need less venting. The more engaging you are, the less he will look elsewhere for something to do with his mind.

    There is a quote in English that says "No man is an island". This means he needs others to make his life full... he can not and probably has no desire to stand alone.

    I hope this helps

  11. Maybe when NOAA or USGS give warnings to sovereign governments and they disregard them, the US should be obliged to take action against said governments to insure that US did all that is reasonably expected of them? I don't think so.

    The US is half a world away and was more on top of this than any of the local governments. There was no negligence especially willfull negligence on their part.

    I am not sure this is true of the Thai government yet I don't know the Thai governments liability in such cases.

    Sri Lanka had hours to prepare and there was no question of the overwhelming potential for a tsunamui.

    If hotels had knowledge of this and were neglegent in warning customers, that is another matter entirely and has nothing to do with the US government agencies involved. ad nausium NOAA and USGS had knowledge and they warned.

  12. The NOAA and USGS made the reports to those who may have been affected. It is a systematic procedure that reports every earthquake anywhere in the world in a timely and efficient manner. What the governments and other entities decide to do with that information is out of their control.

    USGS Bulletin

    NOAA Tsunami events

    There currently is no Tsunami detection system in the Indian Ocean, so, speculation must be made as to the possibility of occurance.

    However, USGS still monitors this area for seismic activity and gives updated reports on a regular basis. This is more than any other government in the world is doing to warn and protect people outside it's own realm of direct concern.

    Where is the fault?

    The worst hit area, Aceh, had no doubt that there had been a very sizable earthquake. They didn't need an advisory to tell them. The felt it and saw their homes falling. There was nothing they could do!! Some 45 minutes later the tsunami hit Thailand. By this time USGS bulletins were up of an earthquake of near record magnitude. At this time there was still no way to know that there was a tsunami.

    I agree that it would have been prudent for the outlying countries having knowledge of the maginitude of the quake to at least warn local officials.

    Whether, in Thailand, if even using all 45 minutes, it would have been enough to warn and evacuate on a speculation. Who can say? Almost surely, many lives would have been saved.

    Conversely, on that same day, on that same seismic area, there were 5 or 6 quakes large enough to possibly create a tsunami. Several times per week, on that same seismic area there are quakes large enough to possibly create a tsunami. Taking into consideration that there is no tsunami detection system in the Indian Ocean, should everyone run to the hills at each of these possibilities?

    This is not clear cut for these people who, understandably, are looking for someone to blame for their great and tragic loss.

  13. Don't sweat the small stuff CB. As long as you aren't sending her money that you don't want to send her. There are too many girls in Thailand to get into a serious relationship unless you expressly want a serious relationship. They will be more than happy to show you a great time and all this for less cost than your typical western hemisphere psycho woman.

    Would you go into a candy store with the option of eating as much candy as you want and decide that this one piece of candy is the only piece of candy you will ever eat? Even if it is an Everlastinggobstopper? Well, maybe, but it has to be a real, genuine, no kidding Everlastinggobstopper!!!

    Or you will regret it for the rest of your life.

  14. I heard a different story as to the origins of the word 'farang'.

    So it goes that the first caucasion people to set foot in Thailand were Spanish and sailed here in boats some centurys ago, they came to conquer or take over some area's and obviously wern't recieved well by the Thai's and becuase of thier light skinned appearence were nick named ,Farang, after the Thai fruit becuase its white inside, I also heard that in the beggining it was used as a derogatory term, but that it just 'stuck' and now is not considered rude.

    I can't remember where I heard this story, but I'm sure it was from a reliable source, anybody else hear this one???

    That was just you girls.....................The guys were called Man Falang :D

    or potato head :o

    I understand that "man" "มัน " is also the indefinite pronoun "it" used in refering to animals or things. I have also been told by my wife that some people, especially pretend girlfriends sometimes use this in reference to their 'farang boyfriend'. She said it is an absolute declaration of disrespect.

    She also tells me that to use farang as a pronoun is also disrespectful (compared to using the persons proper name or a proper pronoun for second or third person 'เขา or ท่าน').

    From that view I would say that it would show disrespect in the sense that the word does not acknowledge a person as an individual but a member of a general class of people.

    But in reference to westerners in general it is common and accepted. Just as Asian or Oriental are accepted as not insulting in English as a generalization of all things eastern.

    Edited for clarity

  15. I have been married several times. Luckily I'm not going to give advice about that :o

    I have children ranging in age from 15 to 30. 2 of my children were born in Mexico to a Mexican mother. They immigrated to the USA at an early age. With this said there is no direct comparison. This is only an expression of experience with children and cross culture relationships.

    One troubling thing you mentioned is the uncontrolled life. A young girl in Thailand can get in a lot of trouble like that. Your wife could easily be a grandmother at 34.

    Your step daughter needs direction and support not coddling. She is 13 years old and is not old enough to make life decisions (by most people’s standards).

    If you are concerned about your wife being away from you for most of the next 10 years, then that is certainly not a solution. IMHO your step daughter should be with you and her mother.

    By speaking English in the home she will learn very quickly. I would suggest a move beginning at the end of the school year. She will probably have a little trouble at first with her schooling but will improve with time and in the end get a real education.

    Not having the privilege of knowing your mother-in-law I can't determine the kind of guidance your step daughter is getting. My wife lived with her grandmother from a very young age until about 14 which is when grandmother died. The grandmother was very protective and good. After she died the opposite was true. The real mom didn't have much time for her and forced her into a marriage at 15 (which of course ended at her coming of majority age). If you care about the step daughter, care FOR the step daughter directly. Get her with you and your wife even if she goes kicking and screaming.

    Bottom line to me is this is in no way your step daughter’s decision.

  16. I think there must be some kiddy fiddlers on this forum, the way they are defending this issue.

    I am not in any way defending kiddy fiddling. I think as you do, that it is terrible and should be prosecuted.

    The law is a very fragile instrument. I am only suggesting that cross border application could be very bad. Not in this case, but in others. If it becomes common, you could possibly be prosecuted in some countries for actions in Thailand that are very commonly accepted and not illegal here. This applies in reverse as well. To stick with sex as a general topic... Sex "toys" are illegal here and the use of such "toys" is illegal as well. With this cross border precedent, someone you know could be prosecuted for using such toys while in their home country.

    Going back to the original case. The individual charged would be prosecuted no matter where he was in the world. I just believe, for the sake of less obvious infractions, one should be prosecuted in the country where the crime was committed under the laws of that same country.

  17. I think you will find that irrespective of the age of consent in your own country, most western countries are setting laws that make it an offence to have sex with a person under the age of 16yo while in another country. This doesnt change any local laws though....if the age of consent is 18yo in the country you are in, you are still bound by the local law.

    But not Vice Versa!!!

    That chart of Age of Consent shows what a mockery this whole thing is.

    An American tourist is limited to 18, but a US soldier can have sex at 16.... :o

    Local laws should apply!!

    I couldn't agree more. Although the case mentioned is illegal in all of the countries listed in the chart and it would be prosecutable by any countries standard. I just think it is a dangerous precedence to have the laws of whatever country you are in apply to actions taken in whichever country you have visited.

    There are some weird laws out there. In Lebanon for example it is not illegal to have sex with a goat. But if you then kill and eat that goat it is punishable by death. Now that is a very extreme example, but, do you really want to be subject to rules and regulations that you may not even suspect as a crime. I mean...how do you know where a goat has been?

    Edited to add links.

    Strange Laws

    Strange Sex Laws

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