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Posts posted by MarkMayo

  1. Hi all, I have an old Suzuki Raider 125 that is starting to use oil and ready for an engine rebuild. It is a spare bike so I was planning on tricking up the engine a bit. Need to find a mechanic that is good with rebores, valve grinds and lumpy cams. Not even sure how much I can do with this type of engine. I have heard of German Joe but do not know where to find him.

    Does anyone know how to contact German Joe or does anyone know a good mechanic that can modify little engines.


  2. Hi all, I have a Suzuki raider 125 that just clicked over the 60 000 klm on the odometer. It is starting to use oil and it is getting time for an engine rebuild. Does anyone know of any good mechanics in CHIANG MAI that can rebore and grind lumpy cams etc. it is a second bike for me so I do not need it for everyday use. Would love to hot it up abit. i have heard of a Guy called German Joe but do not know where he is.

    Thanks for any advise.

  3. I have a suzuki raider 125 that just hit the 60 000 klm mark on the odometer. It is starting to use a bit of oil so its time for a rebuild of the engine. As it is a spare bike I would like to trick it up a bit. Does anyone know of a good mechanic that does rebores, lumpy cams etc. I believe there is a guy called german Joe but I have no idea where to find him. I live in the Hang Dong area but for a good job will take it most places around Chiang Mai.

  4. Thanks to everyone for the replies. Will head out Saturday and find some.

    Lets hope the carrots fail as I am known to pull them out of the soil. Brush them off and eat them. Have made myself sick several times doing this. I also do not need a torch at night. Great for the eye sight the old carrot.

  5. Hi I am looking to grow vegetables in pots during the colder months. Stuff like Brocolli, carrots, beans.

    does anyone know where I could buy seeds. i am growing them for personal use and to take photos to put into books for the Thai kids I teach. It makes it more interesting if the photos I take are local. You would be amazed how fast the kids work it out. At my school we also have our rice fields where the kids get muddy planting rice once a year. More fun then any text book.

    Thanks for any replies.

  6. Are the dams here built with no ability to release water until they are full?

    The Thai reference to 'releasing water' probably means they will overflow. wink.gif

    The problem is that if water is released from the north into the already flooded central plains more people are flooded. Most of the these people have been underwater for many weeks already. The second reason is that the tides around Bangkok are very high and this isn't allowing water to enter the ocean. Bangkok is already under flood alert. They do want to let the water out but this is the whole problem. The entire country north of Bangkok is receiving more water then can be gotten rid of. The country will be flooded for at least another 2 to 4 weeks.

  7. I have had a 3.6 mbs for three years now. i am limited to 15 gig a month in downloads and the only unlimited options i am aware of are not 3G. i have asked many times to pay more for unlimited but am always told do not move of the plan I have now. Three years Ok i bought the wireless router. With that i got 15 gig per month limit for 500 baht a month. it has never changed for me. Last time i checked the only unlimited was for GPRS only.

  8. I have a motorbike that is jacked up. The bottom of the engine is about 30 centimetres of the ground. Would be a good bike for people wanting to do runs out for food in the flooded areas.<div><br></div><div>If it can be used by anyone over the next few days I can deliver it when I finish work this afternoon at about 5pm.</div><div><br></div><div>It is a 125cc that has modified suspension. Very easy to ride but is a clutch bike. I use it for finding walking trails in the jungle as I walk with my dogs every weekend in the mountains.</div><div><br></div><div>Only 2 things I ask in return.</div><div><br></div><div>1) It comes back. i have had it for 6 years.</div><div>2) When the flood is finished that who ever has it spends 300 baht getting a mechanic to regrease the wheel bearing, Change the engine oil and brake fluid and any other parts that may be affected by the water.</div><div><br></div><div>If it is useful I will leave it up to those in the flood area to assign it to those that can use it. If someone is so inclined they could use it as a taxi and go out buy food for others. That sought of thing.</div><div><br></div><div>Hope this helps</div><div><br></div><div>  </div>

  9. Last night at 6pm I followed the river from Hang Dong to mahidol. it was only in the last kilometre at mahidol I had problems. I understand the water has risen since then but around the bridge at the second ring road the water was still 50, 60 centremetres from going over. I think the second ring road would be OK now.

    Hang Dong road was the best I have ever seen it at 9.30 last night on my way back home. I got every green light. No water at all on the road. i live in SAn pak whan

    On a funny note. I got home from work yesterday to find my labrador with a fish in her mouth. She will retrieve anything. I live nowhere near any major water canals. Just a small one running behind my house. She is to fat to jump the fence so I can only assume it did rain fish.

    All those flooded. Put a line out, have a beer and think of me in front of 20 kids preparing for tests.

  10. I left the night bazaar at 9pm. I have a labradour and a golden retriever. The dogs thought it was great fun swimming down the night bazaar road (I think it is still Chang klan rd). I spoke to people over a 20 minute period and in that time the current was becoming stronger very quickly. I estimate about a 3 to 4 centremetre rise in water level in that 20 minutes.

    I hope I am wrong because to me that seems rather to fast. I am now back in SAn PAk whan where I live. I hope all in the flood are OK and that I was just overcome by the moment.

    THe two dogs are fast asleep after there great night out.

    As I said to my friend that owns Kanphaengdin motor bike rental. Good luck all.

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