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Posts posted by ukexile

  1. The following post on another thread got me thinking about all this.

    September 2011

    • 1 X Australian Tourist Visa
    • 3 X UK Tourist Visa
    • 1 X Schengen
    • 1 X UK Settlement visa
    • 1 X Irish Visa
    • 2 EEA Family permits

    A list of successful applications made through our Thai office in September 2011. Still awaiting two settlement visas these will go into Octobers figures plus various other applications of which 3 have come back today all the visas have been issued.

    Whilst the above is clearly business promotion, the author outlines successes yet offer up no reason as to why another should opt for this service or offer any tangible benefit.

    What is the benefit of your service or the services of any of the scores of similar set ups from Chang Mai to NST???

  2. ]Hand bags out hey?

    Not at all. There is no need for hostility. Just opinion so people can make up their own mind.

    if it takes you 2 days or 2 months does it matter ?

    That is nonsensical. Of course it matters.....If it took 2 months to compile an application then I'd pay an agent top dollar to do it for me. Because it matters that I'd have to spend 2 months on it. However, it doesn't.

    everyone different get a grip mate its not a big deal

    A grip? You mean by not posting and offering an opinion?

    No, of course its not a bog deal. What on a discussion chat room is?

  3. It took me 5 weeks to put our application together and i needed the help from the forum members to guide me in the right direction.

    five weeks ????!!!??? Mine took two days and perhaps eight mates have done it in the same or less, perhaps a little more. How on earth did yours take 5 weeks? What were the factors for such a massive amount of time?

    some people don't have the time to put a application together and need the help of a agency.

    As I said:

    Personally, I can understand why someone would employ an agency, in particular a trained ex-immigration office for a diffiucult case

    Your application was obviously a very difficult one. Can you offer a little insight as to why it was fraught with such difficulty?

  4. I wonder who uses this plethora of visa agents, set up around the country, to get a setllement visa for their partner?

    It takes perhaps two days to put together an application on one's own. Meeting an agent, providing the necessary information and supplying the requested documents alone would take at least a day.

    So, who are these people that pass over 1000s (how many is it??) of baht for this 'assistance'?

    My own thoughts are that they are the very green, the newbies who wash up on Thailand's fair shores and meet the person of their dreams, quick smart. Or, perhaps they are Gentlemen who go down the mail order / Internet romance date who, lets face it, aren't usually the sharpest tools in the shed.

    Then there are the 2 weeks in Pattaya sex tourists who fall in love and fancy getting little Noi back to the UK as quick as possible.

    All likely overly worried about the complexities of such a process and, perhaps, having heard to many net scare stories, part with their money.

    I ask this in all seriousness, I have never met anyone who didnt fall into the above catagories who actually paid for this service.

    And, what qualifies these people? Are they ex-taxi drivers? Long term ex-pats? Surely there are agencies staffed by ex UKBA staff? And if so, why would these staff charge for what is, a rather simpe task?

    Personally, I can understand why someone would employ an agency, in particular a trained ex-immigration office for a diffiucult case. But for a spouse or visit visa? Why??

  5. A list of successful applications made through our Thai office in September 2011.

    You make it sound like an accomplishment. Fact is, most applications are approved and unless the applicant is very green, there is no need to use an agent. It takes, what, 2 days t put together an application. And even if an agent is used, it would still take a day to dig and and supply the neccessary docs/information.

  6. The muslim are in Rayong, Nong Bua is notorious for drugs and is a no go area for many locals. During Taskin's war on drugs perhaps 6 deaths occured there and many arrests. It used to be more of a chilled dope smoking area but that changed about 9 years ago with an massive influx of yaba. Many youths are addicted, and a bloody good number of older adults.

  7. Has anyone done this? If so, did you arrange a mortgage and how did that go and what does the mortgage agreement look like?

    If you were considering a condo in BKK, where would it be? And in what kind of price range? And how about the legtalities - anything which stands out and a particular ball ache / hurdle?

    I am thinking one bedroom/livingroom/kitchen/good balcony and views.

    Wifey (thai) and I are getting increasingly bored in the UK, especially after 14 years in Thailand, so rather than come home each night to sit around and spending the weekends fannying around, we are starting to buy property on the cheap, renovate and turn a profit. The plan is to filter the profit into a BKK condo, if poss, through a local mortgage. And if that isn't possible then to buy for cash in a couple of years.

    Any advice on buying a condo would be most appreciated.


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