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Posts posted by dadath

  1. i built my pool my pool last year cost me 300k for everything, now building one for the bloke next door if want some help let me know costing a fair bit more this year close to 400k maybe

    9mx5mx1.5m 65000 lt, pebbletex, 1 skimmer, 3 returns, maindrain, 1.5hp pentair pump, pentair ta60 sandfilter, esc24 chloromatic ,bit small recomend the 48, hassle free loving it

    check out troublefreepool.com great site

    if you want some help let me know

    Hello,yes i need a constructor in chiang mai for a pool of 8X5 meters! 0800660248


  2. I had a pool built....designed by myself with research [on google] and my contractor friend and the end product was good and half the price of a contractor. 55 sq mt surface area and tiled. True that tile does get calcium build-up and mine is quite stained after several years.

    Get your source water tested before you sink any money into a pool and consider that there are only 4 or 5 good months for enjoyment of pools here.......too cold in the winter and too tepid/warm in the summer.

    I posted a couple of years ago on the swimming pool forum......'if you had to do it again, would you??' and the overwhelming majority said 'no, I wouldn't'.

    right now, i would sell my pool for less than half of the price that i paid .....or just give it away if possible.

    Sorry to pop your bubble, but you should ask yourself 'how much will i really use it?'

    If you still want to go ahead with the expensive hole in the ground, then i could recomend the contractor that built mine for less than half the price of a 'professional pool contractor' [same same mentality as car sales men]

    PM me if interested.

    Hello, I am interested by your message. could you give me the name and as your supplier? I want build a square pool in tile of 8X5 meters.

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