The topic and signals from the finance department suggests easing everseas income Tax rules.
Tax on all global income each tax year would not be an easing.
So you mean if I received 1mill THB in dividend yesterday, used the money to buy stocks today, sell them tomorrow without gain, I can remit the money to Thailand tax exempt the day after?
I don't think it will hold up if you get audited.
If your "zero gain" stocks where purchased after 2023 the principal and the gain (which is zero in this case) will be treated as accessable income when remitted if you can not show that the principal comes from savings. That's why you would have to show the origin back to pre24 or another non taxable event.
I don't think you can simply launder away your previous gains this way. You will have to provide documentation that shows the funds origins backwards until you reach a date before 2024. Then the total gain will be accessable.
With statements showing purchase of the last stock without gains dated after 2023, you would probably be asked for documentation of where the money originated, leading back to before 2024.
I wonder how that will work. That means you will have to file a tax report for a year you are not a tax resident. How about if you stay non tax resident for several years or for ever.
Realising a gain in a year when you are not Thai tax resident and remitting it to Thailand in a year when you are Thai tax resident would be tax free as far as I understand.
What about realising a gain in a year when you are Thai tax resident and remitting it to Thailand in a year when you are not Thai tax resident.
Worldwide income tax (irrespective of remittance) is still in the planning. With no more news about this I find it very hard to believe it can be implemented for the 2025 tax year.
This is a big change compared to last years change and will probably need long time to be finalised. I even doubt it will come before 2026.
2025 tax year is the first year you can not remit income from the previous year (2024) tax exempt.
In 2024 you can remit income from the previous year tax exempt, just like you could before the change last year .
Remitting income the same year as earned has always been taxable.