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Posts posted by Bob12345

  1. Dont forget the internal pressure at 7000 feet making it more comfy than the normal 6000 feet or 8000 feet. Its nice inbetween, but dont select the middle seat cause then you are inbetween in the wrong way

  2. All planes are about the same as they take you from A to B through the air. Hpefully at least 55


    The rest is preferences.


    Reading through the posts here makes me think none of you have ever been in the Air Force or experienced a flight in outer space. Neither is comfortable but you can compensate with the right mindset. Thats what they teach you in The Force (not Star Wars).

    • Confused 1
  3. On 4/27/2023 at 3:40 PM, Henri said:

    Your information is not true. They have many ways to check if you lied.

    When you lied you must pay back the difference over the time you received a pension for a single person. You get a fine of around 150%, you get a criminal record, and in worst cases even an arrest warrant from court and extradition back to The Netherlands..

    Nowhere do you dispute my information, you just add some more details. My information is still true, you just found it incomplete and wanted to add something like "they have many ways" but give no further explanation. You might have noticed I never talked in absolutes; "this or that will happen", my post was mainly aimed at warning not to lie about your status because the post I reacted on implied they might never know if you dont tell them. 

  4. 3 hours ago, F Groenen said:

    And the only way they would know is by you telling them ? I can't imagine the AOW coming for a visit to check.

    Maybe the AOW simply asks the local government how many people are registered on a certain address.


    If not, then you could lie and hope they never find out. If they do, some way or the other, you will be fined I suppose for the difference plus a huge markup.

  5. Getting 920 only sounds about right (maybe not fair, but thats another question).


    They would simply require a Dutch Citizen Number (persoonsnummer) from your wife, which she doesnt have.

    For tax purposes it is the same: although you are married and your marriage is registered in The Netherlands, she isn't your fiscal partner because the Dutch IRS does not know her.

  6. On 4/3/2023 at 9:55 AM, kingstonkid said:

    BOB you miss the point.  Fines are not there to make life easy they are there as a deterrent just like prison and jails in the U.S.


    Look at it this way I agree that 5k is a lot of money, but if I have a choice lose my bike pay a fine or buy and wear a helmet.  It becomes a no-brainer.


    Yes the U.S. has a lot of people in jail but look at the crime rate.  


    Which causes more poverty and misery Dad having to buy a helmet and wear it or losing dad because he had an accident and did not have a helmet?  Which one causes more poverty?


    It appears the deterrents are not really working then.


    • Haha 1
  7. On 12/7/2022 at 3:54 PM, tilaceer said:

    "The point being you're completely contradicting yourself by advising people to get a dog neutered, but not to get their ears cropped."

    So you are equating getting cosmetic surgery on a dog to satisfy your testosterone ego to having a dog

    neutered to :-
    1. Make a male, (especially a larger dog), more docile and less likely to become aggressive and
    2. Be a responsible pet owner to try and curb the huge amount of unwanted animals that either live feral,  fill up  animal shelters, or those who want to start a puppy farm.

    If this is your thinking then a dobie for not for you......go get a jack russell.

    1. Neutering can influence the dogs beavior, in both positive and negative ways. Some dogs get more insecure due to neutering resulting in more aggression. Read up about the subject, and please dont use USA websites only as they always tell you to do every possible medical intervention possible (they want to mak money).

    2. If you think you should neuter your dog to avoid unwanted puppies, you should not ever consider taking a dog because you are NOT a responsible owner to begin with. Ever heard of a gate and a leash? Don't let your dogs wonder around the soi by themselves!


    If you dont understand this, don't consider a dobie or even a jack russell. Go find another hobby.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 13 hours ago, tilaceer said:

    Doberman is a great choice. But, you have to be prepared to put a lot of time in.
    I would go for a male, (neutered). One that comes from a good line makes an absolutely brilliant family addition.
    Please, please, please..if you go or a dobie do NOT get it's ears butchered.
    I would walk away from this possible puppy farmer but make sure you verify that any papers are genuine.
    Guy over this way was selling Rotties with fake papers, and when people complained he just told 'em to eff off.

    Please do not get it's ear butchered, but do take off its balls right away.

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