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Posts posted by Paulme

  1. I can't speak as a parent, but I can share with you the feelings of a good friend of mine who has a child in high school at Varee. This is therefore second-hand information, so ignore if you wish.

    I am told that his son (half Thai) enjoys going there and his wife is very happy because although "international" it is still very Thai, and she likes that. That's the problem for my friend though - it is not really international. An overwhelmingly Thai student body, with all of the cultural baggage that that brings, and of course the lower English language skills of classmates that this brings. They also don't have much contact with the other local international schools. They are not part of the international sports calendar, not part of the circle of Chiang Mai international schools, not even members of the International Schools Association of Thailand; still very Thai and insular.

    If he has his way he would switch to Lanna (the established British international school in Chiang Mai), as a number of his classmates have, for what he is led to believe is better teaching, wider A level course choices, better examination results, good international university placements, etc.  BUT his wife is having none of it, so Varee it is!


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  2. So to follow-up on the advice from you good people...

    I have been to Bo Sang quite a few times now, and had a great time catching Sawai, but it started to feel a bit too easy and repetitive after a while, so I just splashed out on 3 days at Teak Tree Lake.

    My apologies for this in no way fitting with my request for somewhere not expensive, but, hey, a guy can change his mind...

    Teak Tree is fairly expensive, but we catered for ourselves and I had the wife and kids with me (just me fishing), so in many ways it worked out as quite a cheap short break for us. No travel costs! They enjoyed playing around the lake, and me in it.

    Anyway, I caught a bunch of fish over the three days including an Arapaima, a pair of big Red Tails, 3 Indian carp, and a lovely Pacu. I had a great time - good enough to want to give them a plug anyway!

    Not many people seem to know about the place, but they have a good website, so I don't know why...

    They are: http://teaktreefishingchiangmai.com/

  3. Thanks Kiniyeo. That's one that's listed on the map that Jim posted a link to, but good to get the extra info. Thank you very much.

    Actually it seems that the map that Jim posted the link to shows lots of lakes. Had I known about that I wouldn't have needed this thread, but since I started it, lets go with it.

    From that map I have now identified these listed below.

    Close to Chiang Mai:

    Bo Sang Fishing Park; Dreamlake Fishing Resort; Chiang Mai Fishing Park; Green Lake Resort Lake; Lung Maa Fishing Park; Teak Tree Lake Fishery; Wieng Dong Fishing Lake; Chao Praya River

    Further Afield (a lot of these are a good few hours travel from CM):

    Mae Kuang Reservoir; Mae Ngat Reservoir; Queen Sirikit Reservoir; Bueng Pai Farm; Pai Piranha Fishing Lake

    thumbsup.gif Looking good.

    Does anyone know of any more? Any more little cheapies near to Chiang Mai? biggrin.png

  4. The Dream Lake thread got me thinking. Where is there to fish around this fine city of ours? Ideally i am thinking about fairly cheap places where I could take young kids and spend a relaxing afternoon, but any ideas are welcome.

    Yes, I have searched the forum. But I see no good answer. Borsang gets mentioned a lot, but surely there must be loads of places?

    We live in a valley surrounded by mountains. Surely there are lakes nestled in the valleys? What about pond fishing where people dig out massive holes so that they can use the soil to raise the land for houses?

    I would like this thread to become a list of all of the places that we collectively know about rather than an in-depth discussion of one place.

    So, other than Borsang and Dream Lake (neither of which really fits with relaxing and cheap) where do you know?

    PS If you don't have anything useful and positive to add feel free to not post and go do something else

  5. I hate to knock folks (actually that's not true - but what the hell :-0 )

    If you haven't had chance to see the new uniform at Prem International School then check out the latest edition of CityLife: http://www.chiangmainews.com/ecmn/viewfa.php?id=3566

    Now that is some uniform... so great that this school has a two page spread (at considerable expense I assume) in City Life explaining its conception and the finer points of its amazing "fashionable" design. Wow - how can our poor local Thai schools compete with this behmoth... lol

    Is that really all this super expensive international fashion icon (sorry, I mean school) has to advertise?


    It sure makes me wonder... wai.gif

  6. LIST,

    If my friends were to come along to the open day on Wednesday I assume their is no pressure to have clear plans to join the school? Presumably they could just come and have a look around and a chat? Is booking needed?

    Sorry for so many questions but my friends are a bit nervous about coming believe it or not.

    I guess schools make people nervous; I never liked them much either. giggle.gif

  7. I have several friends with young children in kindergartens here. One couple have their children at Ambassadors and two others at Little Stars. Both are pretty happy with their children being at these pre-schools and the children seem happy BUT all have reservations about the bilingual aspect. In reality it seems that in both cases Thai is very much the dominant language and hence the dominant language spoken by the children.

    I guess it depends what you are after really. Neither of these options is very expensive, hence their popularity.

  8. Wahl is definitely the brand to go for if you want something that cuts well and lasts for years. I saw a stall selling them yesterday downstairs in BigC Hangdong Road branch. They are on a stall that sells guitars, children's scooters, knives, torches, etc. at the foot of one of the up-escaltors. I can't think of the shops that are next to it, but it is the up-escalator closest to the Siam Commercial bank. You would pass the stall if you walked from there towards the food hall.

    They were over 1,000 Baht, but would be worth every penny imho.

  9. I tried a couple last night down at Rider's Corner. At first taste a little bit bland, but actually quite nice a bottle or two down the road. A slightly malty but very clean and crisp taste, and I woke up this morning feeling "crisp" too - no Changover at all!

    It may not be the answer to the prayers of beer lovers everywhere but I will certainly be drinking more - if only for a change from the regular beers available that I am bored to death with.

  10. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the "bar girl branding"; the standard across the lower back tattoo that lots of bar girls seem to have. It's nice of so many girls to have made the effort to give you something to look at when having fun, but it really is a form of "branding". They might be better off just getting an "I'm a hooker flag" that they can carry around, but still be able to get away from in the future! laugh.gif

  11. That is an amazing price for a family car, and I assume it is going to be very fuel efficient with that engine. My only concern is that it may be too under-powered. If it actually pulls okay with that engine in it then it is surely set to become a huge seller. Look out Honda and Toyota!

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