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Posts posted by bgrassboy

  1. Sounds like a good plan, especially since we luxury tourists like to show off our wealth by always paying more than the poor Thai people. Good way to check on the visas of those tourists to see if they are on overstay too.

  2. If Clinton wants to end Bernie Sanders' appeal, she should just give his supporters a job. Apparently, their support and approval of socialism drops as soon as they start to work. Socialism has about as much staying power as a frat party's beer keg.


    Your theory would be fine if Bernie was a Socialist. He isn't

    The Washington Post establishment media runs a non stop smear campaign on Bernie. Who would have thought. lol

    Funny stuff Usernames

    Establishment media, Wall Street, Corporate America, Health Industry fat cats, Big Pharma, Coal oil and gas, the wealthy elite they sure will come after Bernie and I am sure Usernames will post every biased media op-ed and gossip he can lay his hands on.

    Will the American People buy establishment propaganda again or are they starting to realise they are being conned. Give em hell Bernie.

    'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

    "Your theory would be fine if Bernie was a Socialist. He isn't"

    In his own words...


    Wow 27 years ago. The propaganda smear campaign machine is working overtime. lol

    I pray there isn't any footage of me 27 years ago. Seriously, I hope there isn't.

    Hang in there Bernie

    Here he is in May 2015 claiming to be a socialist.

    ...and in October 2015...

    Thanks Chuckd! The best post I've read from you yet, all be it just links to Bernie. These videos show just how great Bernie is as a candidate.

    Now if only he could get the media time, he'd run away with the election.

    Feel the bern chuck!

  3. Journalist writing about educational standards & language proficiency who can't spell 'rote'.

    Nice one!

    What country did you go to school?

    Yes. "... learning by wrote." Too funny. It's unfortunate that the author will not likely understand the irony.

    The writter is X-Special forces from the US just behind Thailand in education standards.

    Why the hate?

    Sent from my c64

  4. What has Hilary to offer except a ballsed up past, I cannot believe that there are enough unthinking Americans who would put her in the White House

    The Americans I know are nice, intelligent people. They might go with Hilary because she's a Democrat, but not because she's Hilary.

    More that she would be the lesser of two evils, if only by the slimiest / slimmest of margins.

    When a viable candidate like Bernie is maligned by the power brokers what other choice do we have? A raving mad man or a lying shrew.

  5. It is all matter of education. More educated Thai women do not speak loudly or like a child...specially is they are world travelers.


    I beg to differ about the education or world traveler thing. Just last night we piled in the big Everest to go and eat seafood by the seashore, brother in law, sister in law, their three kids ages 3, 6, and 7, my wife, and the mother in law. Now all but mom and children are graduate holders of master's degrees, my wife has travelled over seas on numerous occasions, and sister in law did her masters in Australia. I digress, before having children the SL was quite soft spoken like my wife, but I'll tell you what last night for the 30 minutes drive to and from the restaurant, I was treated to the most grating cacophony of noise I can remember in recent history. Mom, wife and SL yapping away about this and that food and what the kids will and won't eat all the while kids doing what they do. My sweet mild soft spoken wife wasn't nearly the Match for mom and SL, but she was getting a few chops in of her own.

    I am left to consider this, could being a mother have something to do with it? Dad just drove the car while I sat in the front seat, both of us in silence.

    One further point, they are from the south of Thailand and I find southern Thai to be especially annoying.

    Flame on!

  6. It is indeed a quagmire. My brother had a VW Jetta TDI that he was finally able to trade in on a new car. Dealership after dealership told him they wouldn't take the car for trade-in. When he did finally get a dealer to accept, the trade-in value was thousands less due to this scandal.

    What is a consumer supposed to do? I recently took our Jetta in (lol same color and year as brothers) for an emission test. The service center and I had a laugh at having to pay for a fraudulent test so it could get new tags. We have chosen to keep the car since it gets around 45 miles to the gallon, pulls like a beast climbing the mountains to ski areas and has less than 50k miles on it. No value in trade.

    Yes we are aware of the pollution but realistically, if we sold it, someone else would be driving it and doing the polluting. I am hoping that VW makes a GREAT effort to do a trade-in for a new VW that is fair instead of shafting us that thought we were getting a environmentally friendly car.

    11 million cars is a lot to be absorbed by the company. Hope they don't go bankrupt.

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