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Posts posted by loppylugs

  1. I see the same houses advertised month in ,month out ,not just in months, but for years. Same houses up on the boards of then Carrefour ,Foodland etc etc,not just there but in the likes of Pattaya Trader and other publications, been trying for for years,not a hope of ever selling,the more time passes the less chance of ever getting shut

    Probably something the likes of 1 mil might have an outside chance of being shifted,but for the rest I do not believe a word of it . There is no way I would chance my arm with anything in the way of building here,was so different years ago,but how times change


    The Indians except perhaps a wealthy few might chance their arm ,but their government would confiscate and jail them without specific approval from their government and they would not dare to purchase,the Arabs,I think not.

    Obviously you can say anything you like here on selling,but I see the proof in various publications and I believe them ,rather than "I have sold" blah blah blah. If you have sold,good luck to you,but I personally do not believe a word of it., all I see in a majority Thai neighbourhood are long abandoned houses,and more joining them

  2. What is the sense of an unhelpful comment like that???? does it make you feel good???

    In this market ,have you tried prayer?

    Does it make him feel good? I know not, but if it helps some poor schmuck not to be taken in by the various forms of shysters operating here in Pattaya,to hoodwink them that buying property here is a smart move ,then I would think yes prayer might well be the answer.

    In a market that is deader than dead,no hope whatever of resurrection,just a solid one hundered and one percent utter waste of time and of course money, then what course to take? con jobs that's what.

    The OP is more than aware of the sheer impossibility of selling his palatial dump in the sticks, his total waste of space he previously purchased, but now plays the village idiot as to ways of getting shut, playing the ever so innocent party of how to get rid of this lead weight attached to his neck. Not that he has tried every which way to get shut,but tries or attempts to by means displayed by the other low life web site that promotes property sellers advertising their overpriced crap heaps here in Pattaya to some poor sucker that cannot differentiate between night from day,swiftly followed up by a poser ever so eager to buy such a overpriced crap house

    Gone forever the days of happy buyers here in Pattaya,or you can pray for is some simpleton,mind befuddled by too much Leo. Now I will lead off with the prayers AMEN

  3. Reckon there is a bit of Trolling going on here with the OP. He has lived in Thailand many years, bought this expensive dud out in the sticks,then bought in Royal Siam View, Has a few bob about him.

    Posts a thread asking a question which he is well able to answer himself

    Watches the arguments going on around the thread, but hasn't contributed again????

    Could not agree more with this comment. The OP would be well aware, and even more than well aware of the sheer impossibility of attempting a sale,so seeking a novel way out. Not capable of using means on the TV site that is used on another Pattaya internet site to entice the more than gullible

    The intervention of another party contributing to this thread seeking to purchase a property here in Pattaya and using simple terms of " I will be returning to Pattaya to further my interest", not the fact he is already here, blah blah blah,standard terminology used here for deception,to entice some simple Joe,totally unaware of the blunder he will be invited into.

    Pattaya needs all the returning numbers it can get ,the place looks posively as quiet as the grave lately,but I hold little hope of that this season,perhaps another reason not to buy ,plus a whole raft more I can think of.

  4. I invited the OP to send me the details of his house, i didn't make it as a reply to "a general comment you msde".

    I will state just this,another site advertising property here in Pattaya,has two or three "professional" backers up, ie the OP puts a house up for sale ,then the same -same comments come pouring out from these " professional "backers "nice house" "will sell quickly" "Wow why are you selling ?", all utter rubbish,all trying to con. Look at the comments from these backers ,all threats and vile comment come pouring out,pages to whoever questions them. It is all a con job,some poor sod led into a trap ,they will never escape from unless it is repeated to some other simple poor sod, another Joe is subjected to a con job.

    So simple to operate,with devastating consequences to whoever falls for it

  5. I'm in the market for a house in Pattaya, drop me a pm with some more info.

    I won't be back in Pattaya till next month, though.


    Funny a post like this showing up in the middle of posts conjuring a different opinion as to ones immediately posted, reminds me of one posted a few months ago (different site) that was a hoax,sort of everything is OK,come on in the waters OK., was so obvious that it was removed rapidly.

    Yes there are people desperate to sell and move on,but to go to lengths to con people is absurd and despicable.

    You know your way around here pretty well already, considering you joined the forum three hours ago !

    If i say i'm in the market for a house in Pattaya, that's exactly what i mean, please don't try to

    infer a hidden agenda.

    There are so many ,and I mean so many, and I mean mind boggling amounts, no doubly mind boggling amounts of houses for sale here in Pattaya, why come on a site like this advertising your intentions?when there are dozens and dozens of other outlets for the intended. To me it looks quite suspicious

    As I stated the last one that looked like a spike was thrust into the general pattern of comment was obviously a hoax, and if I may add why reply to a general comment I made if you are specifically after a house in Pattaya?,looks even more fishy to me. .

  6. I'm in the market for a house in Pattaya, drop me a pm with some more info.

    I won't be back in Pattaya till next month, though.


    Funny a post like this showing up in the middle of posts conjuring a different opinion as to ones immediately posted, reminds me of one posted a few months ago (different site) that was a hoax,sort of everything is OK,come on in the waters OK., was so obvious that it was removed rapidly.

    Yes there are people desperate to sell and move on,but to go to lengths to con people is absurd and despicable.

  7. This needs taking to a higher authority,obviously the local authorities are aware of it it and let it continue. A letter to the present PM,foreign minister,individual foreign ministers of individual countries,who have tourists from their countries being exposed to these thugs will bring attention to these scams.

  8. [


    Some people just dont know how easy it is to buy a house though, just because they have not taken the time to research it, but rather listen to bar speak or faceless keyboard junkies!!! Search the forums, it's been done to death!!

    If anybody did research the property market here in Pattaya they would not touch it with a bargepole. Why is it so easy to buy into Pattaya property? because it is impossble to get out of it,1000s ,no tens of thousand for sale or abandoned.

    Good luck to you selling,but the thought of selling must be inspiring, but the thought of actually selling must be put firmly out of your imagination,because there is not a hope in hell.

    Once bought here in Pattaya you are trapped for life,no way out. Enjoy it (if you can) only abandoning it is your only escape route

    I think this poster must live in a Condo ...........properties in the suburbs....not Pattaya are selling location location location ..3 properties very close to me have sold very quickly ..(not Condos nice houses with pools) people who can afford to buy will buy, the demographic of this area are changing .

    I agree the demographics are changing,the westerners moving out ,the Thais moving in, try getting your price from a Thai,...impossible. Go on try and sell yours,not a hope in hell.,go on experiment..If you think the suburbs of Pattaya offer a solution to selling property in Pattaya ,I think I'll book myself into the nearest mental health unit.

  9. [


    Some people just dont know how easy it is to buy a house though, just because they have not taken the time to research it, but rather listen to bar speak or faceless keyboard junkies!!! Search the forums, it's been done to death!!

    If anybody did research the property market here in Pattaya they would not touch it with a bargepole. Why is it so easy to buy into Pattaya property? because it is impossble to get out of it,1000s ,no tens of thousand for sale or abandoned.

    Good luck to you selling,but the thought of selling must be inspiring, but the thought of actually selling must be put firmly out of your imagination,because there is not a hope in hell.

    Once bought here in Pattaya you are trapped for life,no way out. Enjoy it (if you can) only abandoning it is your only escape route

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