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Posts posted by wjthornton

  1. I find myself in similar circumstances with Trembly--even to the dream of seeing education as a way to give something back rather than a way to fleece the ignorant and unsuspecting. Oh, and trying to remember to breathe as well.

    I kinda decided to go with CELTA given it seems to be the high-priced spread. ECC classes seem more conveniently scheduled than IH, but if I'm going to spend a month in a room with somebody, I guess the most important thing is that they demonstrate how to create a learning environment and provide good feedback to help me improve my own teaching ability.

    Does Trembly or anybody else have further experiences with specific teachers at either ECC or IH, or does that get too personal for the forum rules?

  2. I planted some nitrogen fixing trees at my ex-farm in Plok, that did wonders for the local micro-climate, but I never did find out the genus and species.

    A big nursery in Uttaradit (I hope it is still there, it was a great nursery) recommended it. It grows very tall very fast--it grew 10 meters in two years from spindly little plants, faster even than Nok Yung and taller but with similar leaves and purple flowers. I makes a perfect upper story, everything grew beautifully under the filtered shade and tiny leaf mulch it provided. If anybody knows the name of a tree like that, it might save me a trip to Plok and/or Uttaradit.

  3. This may be off topic, in which case I hope the moderator will move it and/or tell me where it should go. I'm looking for a good location to buy some land to practice organic farming based on permaculture and relaxed biodynamics.

    I've been living in thailand and gardening according to permaculture principles (Mollison) since 1989. The 50 rai in Plok went to the ex-wife and I'm looking now for a new site to buy a few rai for my new Thai family. I think neighbors make a huge difference. It is hard to go organic when you are surrounded by big farms using a lot of chemicals.

    I know people are doing good work in Chiang Mai, but my lungs can't handle the air quality up north. I'm ready to move anywhere in Thailand with good air and water quality with good neighbors where I can get a few rai at a reasonable price that isn't too remove from an airport and colleges where I might teach a bit of English when I get bored (<= 1 million baht per rai). Any suggestions?

  4. gr8fldanielle quotes a shocking and alarming study, but the numbers don't make sense to me. You gotta be careful with data and go back to the original sources because it is easy to misread numbers. The following link has screen shots of the original UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reports that seem more realistic. They still show Thailand very high in murders per capita, but nowhere near the top in absolute numbers:


    In this study, Thailand had 3,307 murders in 2011, which is actually down from 2010. The rate per capita in 2011 is 4.8/100,000, which is down from 5.3/100,000 in 2010 and similar to the rate per capita for the USA. According to the UN numbers, violence is declining slightly in Thailand, even while it is being reported better. The relatively high murder rate in Thailand may have something to do with better reporting than countries that show lower rates based on the published numbers.

    The UN doesn't even have figures for many countries. For example, in 2008, Burma had 4,800 murders and a much higher rate of 10.2/100,000 but no figures for 2009-2011.Without a free press, it is not going to be called murder when a poor person is killed by someone with political connections. There are probably innumerable ways those deaths get reported to avoid embarassing investigations. China reported only 13,410 murders, while India tops the list at over 42,923, but perhaps the Chinese government is better at managing embarassing data than the Indian government is.


  5. Why not just call crazies of every religious persuasion religious fanatics without ascribing their fanaticism to a specific faith? Why does it matter whether a fanatic uses the Qoran, the Bible, or the Book of Mormon to justify his crimes? But nobody ever called David Qoresh a "Mormon terrorist" or Jim Jones a "Christian terrorist."

    The same old tired trick has been used to turn the politically disempowered against each other since language was invented. That is why governments have supported religion since the days of Zoroaster and Hammurabi. Exploiting religious differences has been the cause of more war and death and hatred than any other social factor.

    A true "war on terror" would be to remove the cause of terror and fear, which is ignorance. But fanatics increase the ignorance and fear of their followers, and they all depend on each other to justify the fear and hatred they need to stay in power. But dare we ask who benefits the most from all this hatred and fear?

    The real nature of the "war" and whom it is being waged against is revealed when the USA is committed without question to giving billions to fanatics in Israel to build illegal settlements, but cuts a few millions in funding for medical clinics when they provide free birth control. Ignore all the hand wringing and convoluted explanations, "by their fruits ye shall know them."

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  6. When renewing after 1 year, I believe the 400k baht must be in the bank for 90 days. I don't know if that applies to your situation or not.

    I'd been staying with an O-A visa and thought I could get it renewed with 400K because I was married, but that didn't work out. I had to come up with 800K because the 400K had been recently deposited. The nice visa officer sent me to the bank with a block about the right size for 800 x 1,000 baht notes wrapped in thick brown paper. They opened the account, registered a deposit, and withdrew it again without unwrapping the block! Very amusing. The "service charge" I paid was less amusing, but better than having to do visa runs out of the country every 90 days. This year I'll just plan to have the 800K available when my visa expires, but it is nice to know all the options.

  7. I wonder if they are just waving their hands around to get attention without any real understanding of the law. As I understand it, the law was rewritten rather recently so it would now be perfectly legal for a Thai woman, after marrying Warren Buffet, to buy the entire country (if Warren hadn't already remarried). Warren would just have to sign a disclaimer releasing any claim to the funds used for the purchase.

    Under the old law, the Thai wife had to keep her maiden name and remain registered as a "sao" in order to maintain her right to own land. To prevent Thai women married to foreigners and their offspring from owning land, it seems they would have to go back to the old law, and even in LOS, I can't imagine them trying to enforce that retroactively.

    Plus, somewhere along the line, somebody might realize that the offspring of all these Thai women are just as Thai as anybody else, given most of the leadership are of mixed Chinese-Thai ancestry and Thais are already about as mixed up genetically as any linguistic group in Asia.

    Even defining what is meant by "Thai" quickly gets stupid and racist, but thinking ideas through to their logical conclusions is not such a strong Thai tendency. Perhaps they should just pass a law to confiscate the land of anyone who thinks logically if they want to preserve the rights of Thais -- and ensure that nobody questions the logic of Thai politicians.

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