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Posts posted by Mekongo

  1. Need some help. I am looking for a small apartment, live-in or sharing an apartment in Trelleborg for my son. It could include the villages around town as long as there is bus connections. Looked and placed ads in different places for several months, FB, Blocket, other websites, but no luck so far. I hope someone from Trelleborg on Thaivisa have ideas or suggestions.

    Ewan is leaving end July so I am a bit desperate.

    Ewan is 23 years, does not smoke or drink. He is a Swedish citizen but has never lived in Sweden. He has some swedish and his english is good. The plan is that he will try a year in Sweden, first improve his swedish and if he likes it stay he can study for a higher degree. Minimum rent period 1 year.

    We live in Laos but his relatives in Trelleborg will be the contact point for the landlord and support for Ewan in the beginning. I am flexible when it comes to payment. Rent can either be paid in Sweden or Thailand.

  2. Till alla Trelleborgare på detta forum. Har letat efter en bostad, lägenhet eller ett inneboende åt min son i snart 3 månader utan napp. Max hyra 5000 kr / månad. Det ska vara i Trelleborgsområdet, inkluderar byarna runt om bara det finns bussförbindelse med stan. Börjar bli lite desperat, en dryg månad kvar tills han åker. Tanken är att han ska lära sig svenska ordentligt och kanske läsa vidare om han trivs.
    Jag har satt in annonser på olika FB grupper i Trelleborg och Blocket. Tittat på alla möjliga websidor. Släkt och vänner hjälper till hemifrån. Finns det någon på Thaivisa som har något förslag.?
    "Min son Ewan behöver bostad när han anländer till Sverige 1:a Augusti. En
    billig lägenhet eller ett inneboende - allt beaktas. Hyresperiod minst 1 år.
    Ewan är 23 år, rökfri, alkoholfri. Han är svensk medborgare men har aldrig
    bott i Sverige. Han kan lite svenska och hans engelska är bra. Familjen bor
    utomlands men Ewans släkt finns i Trelleborg. De blir hyresvärdens
    kontaktpunkt och ger Ewan stöd i början."
  3. A friend is suffering from Parkinsons disease for 7 - 8 years. He is progressivley getting worse and now need full time care.

    He is only 54 years old and lives in Northern Laos. He and his family are looking for an effective treatment - be it surgical or a more better drug regimen.

    He has been treated both in Laos and Vietnam but get's little relief.

    The family is not rich but would be willing to take a bank loan to finance this.

    I have tried to get information from some of the leading hospitals in Bangkok on what type of treatments they can offer but they all want to do a full medical exam before offering any advice.

    Before they start spending any money I'd like to give them a summary of what is offered in Thailand so I hope that TV members with experience on can provide some information on treatments available and what my friend can expect to have to pay.

    Thanks beforehand

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