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Posts posted by FooMan

  1. shunima.

    really....why? The Army and other organizations use water bowser's all the time.

    It might be light years away fro 1.5 million but it's still a lot more water than is available now.

    Oh and as for your straw remark.... pretty much every household in Thailand will have spare empty water or coke bottles ..knobhead

    Where is my facebook "Like" button here.

    I love how everyone on TV just loves to point out slight inaccuracies of other people's posts. Even going as far as requesting citations and "proof". Like the guy earlier that said the factories are working overtime, was called as to his proof and his comments were that he "saw the people going to work at the factory" or something like that. Classic!

    The point is not whether they'd get 1.5M bottles of water, or 8192 donkeys worth, the fact is that this silly PIC refused any assistance and now is importing the same thing that was refused.

    I walked across the street to the 7-11 here on Thong Lor soi 10 earlier today and they had no water for sale. People been stocking up.. Yeah likely. I'm sure the folks in the countryside have been as well. A shortage.. Heck ya there is, especially when the taps are spewing brown "water" as reported by TAN today.

    Thanks for the giggle though thaicbr!

    Do you have some sauce to go with the brown water?

    Actually I've been buying fizzy brown water from 7/11, it's all I can get and they never seems to run out of it. If only there was a way to stop putting the brown fizzy stuff into the water we would have water.

  2. The opportunity for economic mischief and corruption is so rife here! Well, at least this explains why somebody didn't want the free water from the US aircraft carrier interferring with their business deal.

    That's a disgusting comment, obviously they are buying food and water because people have a really urgent need for it. If you are accusing government officials of corruption such as embesseling money intended for urgently needed drinking water you should at least have one substantial fact to back it up with, otherwise zip it.

    The perception seems to be that this disaster, creates an opportunity for graft and corruption at many levels. Are Thai politicians above corruption ? Clearly there is a need for drinking water as well as other staples. It is not only politicians that have the potential for enrichment. Everyday opportunist are already inflating prices on items like household water pumps, small plastic boats,drinking water and rice, If the local press is to be believed. To suggest that Thai politicians are only altruistic seems very naive to me.

    There may well be people making money out of this, I dare say the advertising clicks on this website have increased (no offense or design implied on its owner who I'm certain had nothing to do with creating the flood situation... probably) Numpung Bloggs who sells noodles on the street may need to charge more as she needs to pay that bit more for her ingredients that cost more because they come from further away and take longer to get there. Not all additional costs are can be blamed on corruption. There are corrupt people anywhere in the world, BUT to imply that a rise in street goods = all normal people are always corrupt AND politicians are normal people, therefore politicians are buying these goods for corrupt reasons is not a reasonable conclusion.

    Also, yes there is a BIG difference between an opportunist charging more and a government official stealing from his country in such a way and at a time that it could potentially cause many deaths. I don't think many would agree that someone prepared to do the first would certainly do the latter.

  3. jesus .. you would think that there are no factories left.. Which is NOT correct. the noodle and water factories in my province (nakhon Pathom) are working extra shifts to try and meet the demand.

    The main problem is the delivering of the the produce. Which is down to FROC.

    Is that a guess? Or do have some information that shows the extra shifts being worked in the existing open factories is producing enough to supply the domestic market without additional imports?

    i DIDN'T SAY THAT IT WOULD BE ENOUGH. But it is also not a guess as i see these people going to and from work. I'm just saying that there are still factories here doing a great job of trying to supply what is needed.

    So i posted it.. the worst thing for the peoples morale is to think that there is NO HOPE as the factories are all under water. which is NOT true (yet)

    So in fact the main problem might not be the distribution, we may also have a domestic shortage, we just don't know how big of a problem that is?

  4. The opportunity for economic mischief and corruption is so rife here! Well, at least this explains why somebody didn't want the free water from the US aircraft carrier interferring with their business deal.

    That's a disgusting comment, obviously they are buying food and water because people have a really urgent need for it. If you are accusing government officials of corruption such as embesseling money intended for urgently needed drinking water you should at least have one substantial fact to back it up with, otherwise zip it.

  5. jesus .. you would think that there are no factories left.. Which is NOT correct. the noodle and water factories in my province (nakhon Pathom) are working extra shifts to try and meet the demand.

    The main problem is the delivering of the the produce. Which is down to FROC.

    Is that a guess? Or do have some information that shows the extra shifts being worked in the existing open factories is producing enough to supply the domestic market without additional imports?

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